Books Before Boys



The Flower boys have all graduated. In our school, it’s us who rule now.  TOP, Youngbae, Daesung, Seungri and I, we are the Big Bang.


It’s not like we scare students or punish them for crossing us but we’re on the top because we are the most popular because of our looks, fame and money. Superficial, I know, but this is high school, whoever is into deep at this age, anyway?





I always walk along the corridors with girls following me. I don’t mind having groupies because I always get free favors from them, but I don’t like my personal space invaded. It’s not bad as long as they keep a 1 meter distance from me, or if I allow them to come near me.


I have yet to find a girl whom I’d want to get close to.





I was walking behind the school campus, going towards the parking lot to my friends when I saw this girl walking with a book covering her face. I was curious if she could see where she was going, reading that way.


In a minute, she’ll bump into me if she continued her way, and so she did. She brushed past me; book still in her hand covering her face. Her silky hair swept my arm and I got a whiff of something sweet and baby powder as she did.


“Sorry” an angelic voice said, not bothering to look at me and continued on her way.


What the!? Did she just ignore me? No girl has ignored me yet. Who does she think she is? Or is this her way to get my attention?





I was still chagrined at getting ignored when I met the boys, who noticed my foul mood.


“What’s up, Ji? You look kind of pissed.” TOP hyung asked.


“A girl just ignored me” I said sulkily, not minding if I sounded childish.


“So? I was wondering why they notice you in the first place.” Seungri the maknae wisecracked.


“Why you little rat!” I exploded as I lunged for his neck to strangle him. TOP was quick to grab me and the rat hid behind Youngbae’s back still smirking.


“Control yourself, Ji. Why do you care anyway? Why are you so worked up over a girl?” TOP hyung asked.


Why am I really? Is it an ego thing? Getting used to being fussed over then suddenly being ignored.  Didn’t she know who I am? She came within my 1 meter personal space and she didn’t even look at me.


“I don’t know. I just didn’t like the feeling that she ignored me. She just brushed past me and continued on her way.” I explained


“What was she like?” Dae asked.


“That’s another thing! I don’t even know what she looks like in the first place. She was holding a book in front of her face so I didn’t see.” I said then mumbled. “Never mind that she smelled good and has the voice of an angel.”


“What was that hyung? I didn’t get the last part.” Dae asked.


“Oh nothing” I said.


“You said she smelled good and had the voice of an angel” Seungri repeated, smiling wickedly.


Darn that rat for having good hearing! I looked at him threateningly so he’d shut up.


“I think I know who you’re talking about. Her name’s Sandra or something weird like that. She’s in the same grade as ours over the next room. I’ve always seen her walk that way with a book covering her face. I don’t even know if anyone’s seen her face. But don’t worry, Ji. I don’t think it’s personal. She ignores everyone anyway.” Youngbae said.


“She’s right to ignore you anyway. Because she’s a braniac and you’re a mani—“ Seungri was saying before TOP hyung elbowed him in the stomach to shut him up. Serves him right.


“Whatever. She should realize who she’s dealing with” I said, not letting the matter rest.


“If I didn’t know any better, I’d say Ji hyung likes her” Seugri butted in again.


“Rat, if you value your life. Shut your trap okay?” I warned him.


The other boys stared at him to shut him up. They know when I’m serious at something.


This is personal. Whoever said books before boys have never met me.









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Chapter 4: Cute your story authornim but "biting" can u add special chapter
Chapter 4: This story is so sweet. What a lovely story. I enjoy reading it. Thank you for writing and sharing this story. ^^ ♡♡♡
Chapter 4: ♥️
Fr0zenMus1c #4
Chapter 4: It’s sugary sweet ^_^ It deserves an upvote ❤️
TOPalmond #5
Chapter 4: tehee just post another comment here~~
anyway unnie, daragon love still continue till 2016 just like what u predict :))
CassieJYJlhyn #6
Chapter 4: whieeee...^^V cute!!!
GirliedeDios #7
Chapter 4: Your writing always reminds me of happy days... When we start to discover new facts of life and our own sensuality... My love for Dara and Jiyong made me watched videos on youtube and chanced upon the posters and videos made by Daragon shippers and Applers for fanfics from this site... Please keep on sharing to us your stories and poems.
ilovegdara #8
Chapter 4: awww so cute! glad you made a sequel
xcrystalx16 #9
Chapter 4: aww so cute