

"You promise, okay? If you skip out on this I'm canceling our wedding."


Seungcheol's breath got caught in his throat, he covers his mouth to muffle the uncontrollable sobs escaping his lips. Jeonghan continues to ramble about the thought of having a big taco instead of a cake in their wedding instead, and then more things he won't even get to do with him.


He wasn't going to make it out, he realized for the third time that day.


Seungcheol wasn't going to make it out.


He knew that as soon as he watched the whole building fall on top of him, trapping him underneath heavy concrete.


Seungcheol wasn't going to make it out.


But he still tried to push the stones off with his remaining energy, but it didn't budge at all. He groaned in frustration and let the tears stream down his cheeks. He looked around for a while, then realized that he still had his phone somewhere with him.


Fortunately, he managed to pull it out of the pocket beside his gun, he dialed the number, held the phone up to his ear, and hoped that the call would work.


"Hello?" Jeonghan's voice echoed through the speaker, "Cheol? I heard you were sent on a mission earlier, is it done?"


"It is. I'm- I'm at the jet right now. On our way to the Headquarters."


"Okay, I'll wait for you. Take ca-"


"Please don't turn the call off." Seungcheol cuts him off, "I... can you tell me about your day? I just really miss you."


Jeonghan was silent for a while but did what he requested anyway, "Well, I just had a very tiring meeting with the rescue team. Can we go out for some tacos later?"


Seungcheol chuckled, "Sure, Han. Maybe we can even get the ones with the promo?"


It was getting harder to breathe for Seungcheol, but he pushed himself to stay conscious as he heard Jeonghan gasp in excitement, "That will end up being a warzone to the bathroom though, are you sure?"


"Of course."


"You promise, okay? If you skip out on this I'm canceling our wedding."


Seungcheol's breath got caught in his throat, he covers his mouth to muffle the uncontrollable sobs escaping his lips. Jeonghan continues to ramble about the thought of having a big taco instead of a cake in their wedding instead, and then more things he won't even get to do with him.


He wasn't going to make it out, he realized for the third time that day.


Seungcheol could hear voices in the distance but he'd be dead as soon as they get to him, cold and lifeless, with eyes that will never open again.


"Hey, why aren't you answering?"


"Hannie... I'm sorry."


"What the hell are you being sorry for? Are you crying? What's wrong love?"


Seungcheol takes a deep breath, "I'm not going to... make it to our little taco date today."


"What the are you talking a-" Jeonghan cuts himself off in realization, "You're not in the jet, are you?"


Seungcheol starts to shake his head no, then realized that Jeonghan wasn't here to see his answer, "No, I'm currently in a situation where I could use your super strength right now honestly."


"Jihoon told me a building collapsed earlier. Don't tell me you're still in there, I'll kill you if you are-"


"Jeonghannie." Seungcheol whispers.




"I love you, so much."


"Tell me that later, I'm on my way there... don't close your eyes. Did you get that? If you love me, stay awake." Jeonghan's voice was shaking as he asked Mingyu to drive faster, he pulls the phone closer to his ear as if he was hoping to hear Seungcheol's breathing, or his heartbeat through it.


"Cheol?" Jeonghan called out to him, then again, and again, and again. He didn't even realize he was crying so hard, Mingyu had to pull over, trying to calm him down but Jeonghan wasn't having any of it.


Jeonghan unbuckled his seatbelt and ran.


Even if he knew that once he gets there, Seungcheol won't be.


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