The Disappearance

Family Betrayal


Kevin sat up in bed and moved over the edge, he saw the box now sitting on the floor with the letter still remaining on the top, he picked it up. Kevin realised that it wasn't just a piece of paper but a letter folded in two. Kevin heard the shower turn on looked towards the door, and straight back to the letter, and unfolded it. Kevin read the letter and this is what it read:


Long times no see, I thought your little charade should come to an end.

After all we are your parents, we know what's best for you, and being gay isn't what is right.

We know it was wrong to disown you, but now we know how to fix your problem, you are to come home immediately, or your beloved Eli will suffer the consequences.

We are going to rid this thing from your body and turn you into the perfect son we know you are.

If you want to protect Eli, that thing you don't really love you must come home, you are never to see him again.

Do you understand?

If you do not come home by end of this weekend, Eli will cease to exist.

Sincerely, Your Parents.'

Kevin eyes were filled with tears, how could he just up and leave Eli. Eli was the only person who truly ever cared for him, the real him, what he was. Not what Kevin was to become. Kevin tore up the letter, he couldn't let Eli find it, he had to keep Eli safe even if the only way was leaving him. He didn't want to leave the one thing he treasured the most in the world behind, but he had no choice if he was to protect him. Kevin made his way into the kitchen, to see the table full of food. It's not the first time this had happened, Eli often got up early to make breakfast before work but it was a Saturday, which in a way did sort of make this unusual. Kevin put the letter in the bin, and sat down to eat his food. Meanwhile, Eli was in the shower, sitting on the floor with the solid stream of water numbing his skin. When he had got up earlier due to his lack of sleep Eli made breakfast, hoping he'd be able to gain more of Kevin's trust so that he wouldn't lie to him again, but once he was finished cooking, he again entered back into their room. Eli rummaged through the box of photos, they were all of him, and he now knew why he had seen everything, felt every weird detail of the past few days they finally clicked. He turned off the tap in the shower, quickly dried himself off, dressed and made way for the kitchen.

"Eli…" Kevin said as Eli entered the kitchen.

"Yeah Kev, what's up?" He paused opening the fridge trying not to make eye contact with Kevin.

"I want you to know that I love you, I always will and nothing will change that, you understand!" Kevin said, unable to face whatever Eli said next he left the room. Eli put his head and the fridge door and felt completely emotionless for the second time that day, he left the house without the umbrella barely noticing that it was raining outside, but thanking the gods that it would cover up his tears, he walked for what felt like days just going anywhere his feet would take him, not caring until he found himself back at their apartment and few hours later. By this time it was afternoon when Eli entered the apartment, but something didn't quite feel right, he felt that the place was empty. Eli went straight to the fridge and got a bottle of water and walked into the bedroom. The room was near empty he couldn't find any trace of Kevin. Had Kevin just up and left him or was there some reason behind his disappearance he didn't know, but found himself fall to his knees as something tore from his chest, Eli no longer knew what to live for anymore he only existed for Kevin.

Kevin walked up the steps to his parents’ house dreading the fact that he was here once again, the one place in the world he swore he would never return. He had the taxi driver help him with his luggage up the stairs due to his injury; he thanked him kindly and tipped generously who was all to eager to get away from the crying boy that wouldn't stop sobbing the entire ride. Kevin hesitantly knocked on the door, wishing that no one were home so that he could return to Eli and say that no one was there to take him in, he knew it sounded stupid because he knew that someone would answer the door. Kevin heard the door locks being unfastened from the other side, before it swung upon to reveal his mother.

"Kevin my baby, your home!" His mother practically screamed as she leapt to hug him completely oblivious to his crutches and any other sign like that cast around his foot that showed his injury.

"Omo! What happened?" His mother looked at him curiously upon realising.

"Nothing I dropped a large ceramic bowl on my foot..." But Kevin was cut off.

" 'It' did this to you didn't he?" His mother eagled eyed him.

"No, why would he hurt..."

"Because he is a fool for loving you, he didn’t want you around any longer, so he injured you hoping you would go away, get inside the house now! The fool will pay for what he's done to you." Kevin was practically thrown into his room with his luggage; he crawled to his bed and cried himself to sleep. Kevin refused to leave his room, he had food delivered to his room by the maids, he had an ensuite for his own private use but the one thing he never left was his bed, staring off into oblivion wondering, if Eli would forgive him. He wondered what Eli was doing each and every moment, did he even miss Kevin. He didn't know and would never know because if he returned to see him, his parents would kill him. Kevin didn't care what happened to him as long as Eli was alive. That was all the mattered to him now that Eli was alive, and stayed alive.


Kevin's door slammed open to reveal his father who stood furious at the door. He could have sworn fire was flaming out of the ears. Kevin's father made his way to where Kevin was situated on the bed, pushing, kicking, and moving everything that was in his way. He grabbed Kevin by the collar and said

"You ignorant little , how dare you leave this house for another man. You're insufferable you know that!" He slammed Kevin on the floor, and beat him till he was unconscious. The last thing that ran through Kevin's mind before he fell unconscious 'Father's home again!' Kevin father's had never liked Kevin, he never did well enough in school, he was too skinny, he wasn't popular, he just wasn't what his father wanted him to be. Being the high-end businessman that he was, he wanted everything well constructed and perfect but when he saw Kevin he saw failure, pure failure. But when he found out that Kevin had run away, he was furious but when he found out he went to stay with another man, he was in such hysterics that life didn't feel like reality anymore.


Eli wouldn't move from his bed for days at a time, never sleeping, barely eating. He grew skinny, fragile, weak, he was no longer the Eli anyone knew, he face was blank, pale and ghost like, almost as no emotion had ever been shown in his now lifeless features. Eli was nothing without Kevin, but now Kevin was a figment of his imagination taunting him. All the memories they had, mocked him.

"Kevin, why did you leave me?" Eli groaned, once again crying not one day had passed when he had not missed Kevin, his touch, and his presence. He still didn't quite understand why Kevin left, but he knew it had something to do with that parcel. The one that had shown up on his doorstep in what was now weeks ago. It had been 3 months now since Kevin had left. Eli was lost, he was lucky his parents paid for this apartment, otherwise due to being fired from his job, or so he assumed seeing as he never went back Eli was broke except for the money his parents left him for food, he wouldn't have a home. Kevin wasn't in a much better state, broken, bruised and mentally tormented, Kevin was suicidal, but he knew Eli would never let him kill himself, he had to live for Eli, or to at least know Eli was alive.

"I want you to know that I love you, I always will and nothing will change that, you understand!" Kevin's word were on repeat in Eli's head, but after so long cooped up in he found it hard to believe that Kevin stilled loved him, without having his physical presence being there to tell him. Kevin had finally partially recovered from his father's last beating, just enough to be able to walk, it was midnight and he not eaten in what was days. Kevin made his way to the fridge but noticed a light coming from his father's office, with voices resounding from inside the room. Kevin carefully made his way down the hall trying to go unnoticed by his father. He heard footsteps from inside and ran to hide. His father turned off the light exited the room, and went to bed. Kevin slowly crept into the office noticing that his father had left his computer . Kevin headed towards the computer and the screen, on it was an email from an unknown sender.


I have found out everything you wanted to know about this Kim KyoungJae or Eli.

Call this number for everything you asked about, XXXXXXXXXX

But the preparations for his kidnapping are well underway we intend to take him on your command.

He must be dealt with sir, I agree with your judgements.

Your Loyal Servant.'

With that, the email ended.

"No, it can't be…" Kevin was dumbstruck his father had promised not to touch a hair on his body. He had kept his promise, but had also broken it by getting someone to do it for him. He knew he must stop this 'servant' by taking his lover away from him in what he knew would be forever. He knew he had to contact Eli to tell him to run away, but he didn't know if Eli would believe him, after all he did leave him so many months ago.

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Chapter 6: Gorgeous~ I want moarrr~ ^^ <33
Kpoplover2001 #2
Chapter 4: Please update!!! Love it so far
Chapter 4: Is it Kevin's mom? Lol
Chapter 2: Aww man what does the letter say? :0 haha CLIFFHANGER AGAIN T.T <3
Oh my gosh this is so good xD update soon <333
@TheBlueMoon This isn't the last chapter there will be at least 15 of them! So don't get to sad ;D I should be updating later today or tomorrow! But thank you to everyone who subscribed! and thank you keep commenting!
OMG its really good XD I need to know what happens!!! So this is why I only read completed storys.... You are an amazing writer and pleases update asap!!! You dont know haw happy I was when you updated while I was reading! So this is the last chapter.... WAIT! one more YAY!!!