
By My Side
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Every day was starting to feel the same.

   It wasn't like Kim Yewon hated college. In fact, it was the opposite. Learning and working towards her future goals was exciting for her. But aside from that, her social life was flat lining. Yewon always had a habit of focusing on her work instead of her friends but the friends she did have understood. Yewon was grateful that her friends were so supportive but she couldn't help but feel a twinge of sadness when she would come back from the weekend break to stories of her friends adventures and experiences. She was always invited, of course, but she mainly turned the invitations down, which would end up in her regretting it every single time. Yewon felt distant but she couldn't blame her friends for it. It was her decision to not join them, after all. 


Speaking of friends, Yewon turned her head to spot the girl running up to her calling her name, pulling another taller girl along with her by hand.

"Hey Eunbi, Sojung." Yewon smiled at the two, chuckling as the taller girl smoothed down the shorter girl's windswept, bobbed hair that barely reached past her chin.

Jung Eunbi and Kim Sojung. A pair that was rarely seen away from each other. They had met each other in middle school, the taller girl, Sojung, transferring into Eunbi's class in the middle of the year. Eunbi had been mesmerized by her, according to her words, and was determined to become friends with Sojung. Sojung had been a bit standoffish but eventually, she gave in to Eunbi's antics. Their bond grew even stronger over the years. Yewon couldn't remember a time where the pair wasn't right next to each other, aside from the times Eunbi was sick. But even then, Sojung would take days off from school to take care of the short haired girl, only returning back when Eunbi was back to full health. It was sweet. But thinking about it only made Yewon's heart ache. Eunbi and Sojung were so lucky to have each other.

"Yewon?" Eunbi waved her hand in front of the girl's face, a confused expression on the girl's face. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine." Yewon quickly responded with another smile, trying to ignore the fact that she had clearly been zoning out. "I just have a lot on my mind, with all the work we have every week."

"Don't overwork yourself." Sojung said with a slightly worried tone, examining Yewon curiously while her hand remained intertwined with Eunbi's. "It's okay to take a break, you know?"

"She's right." Eunbi huffed, a small, cute pout appearing on her face. "You're always working these days, Yewon. You never come to hang out with us anymore."

"I will soon, okay?" Yewon laughed slightly at the other girl's expression. "I just have a lot of work to do. But we'll hang out again in the future."

"Promise?" Eunbi gave Yewon her best cute, begging expression, reminding Yewon of a cat that wanted food from its owner. 

"I promise." Yewon nodded, patting Eunbi's shoulder. That was enough to satisfy Eunbi, the shorter girl letting go of Sojung to give Yewon a tight hug. Yewon laughed, returning the hug as best as she could. Another pair of arms joined the two, Sojung hugging the shorter girls close while Eunbi giggled happily.

"See you around campus, Yewon." Sojung said with a kind smile as the hug was broken, waving along with Eunbi as the pair walked away. Yewon watched, the smile on her face slightly fading as the distant figures of the pair got farther away. Sojung had an arm around Eunbi's shoulders while Eunbi clung to her waist, the two having a lively conversation as they made their way to a nearby cafe for an after school treat like they always tended to do. How fun. To drink coffee with someone by your side. How lucky.

"Yewon! Hey, Yewon!" 

Yewon couldn't even turn in time before she was tackled by someone, the new girl giggling happily. Yewon didn't even need to see her face to know that the girl hugging her was none other than Jung Yerin, one of the happiest and kindest people she knew. 

"You gotta give her a warning before jumping on her like that." Another voice chimed in with a exasperated tone. Yerin pulled back from the hug, smiling widely at the younger girl before turning to respond to the other approaching girl.

"I couldn't help it, SinB. Yewon looked so pretty standing by herself and I just wanted to hug her close!" 

"You're so weird." SinB chuckled, gently slapping Yerin's arm before turning her attention to the other girl. "Sorry about her."

"It's okay. I don't mind." Yewon said as Yerin finally let go, the older girl still smiling brightly at her. Yerin and SinB, well, Hwang Eunbi, were mutual friends of Sojung and Eunbi, the nickname 'SinB' given to her by Sojung as it was easier than having to deal with calling out the name 'Eunbi' only for the wrong Eunbi to come running. Or both of them coming at the same time, which had happened more than once in the past. Yewon couldn't remember the last time she saw Yerin and SinB, the two mainly occupied with their own classes and activities. 

Yerin and SinB were childhood friends, another pair that was inseparable. They went to the same preschool, middle school and high school, refusing to go separate ways once they reached college age. Yerin was older by several years so she was always babying SinB, much to the younger girl's frustration. But it was obvious that SinB secretly loved it, not reacting much to when Yerin would get clingy and drag her all around campus and town to do something together. SinB was adventurous too, convincing Yerin to travel to different places with her when the opportunity presented itself during their school breaks. Yerin was happy to go, loving every moment that she spent with the younger girl and SinB felt the same way, even though she would never say it out loud to her

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Surprise! Another story is here! I've had this idea for a few weeks and I'm excited to write it! I'm not sure how often updates will be but I will try to have one up at least every two weeks! And don't worry, more chapters of my kitten au are coming in the future!


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I love it(。ˇε ˇ。)
Chapter 8: In the first scene, I can imagine whenever Yuju is alone, she relives the time she didn't have Yewon in her life, either as a pup or as a human. We don't know Yuju's past yet, but for her to have such strong reactions at being left alone, I can only imagine how hurt and lonely she felt before she met Yewon.

Even if one wasn't scared of thunder per se, there is just something about the power in that strong sudden sound to make you shake even if you were in the accompany of other people, what more by yourself.

When Yewon felt that something was wrong, you could tell how deep her bond with Yuju had developed in the short time they are together, prompting her to run home to Yuju despite it not being her time to do so.

Although we could say that Yewon's presence is all that Yuju needs, it doesn't hurt, and it's even more welcome that another friend displays her concern through action. This is the first time that I see that Sojung is without Eunbi; albeit she just stepped out of a lecture hall and likely Eunbi had a different schedule and in a different place. I can say that I'm proud that Sojung understands the urgency despite not knowing all the details and proceeded to accompany Yewon at full speed.

Yuju has never transformed at will, but more on a response to the environment she's in. Even with this general theory in mind, it kind of broke my heart to see Yuju in her pup form, scared out of her wits.

Despite the sad predicament, I'm happy that Yuju trusted Yewon when she reached out to bring Yuju to safety. And even with Yewon's undeniable comfort I'm glad Sojung could lend a hand to bring comfort to Yuju's shaking puppy form.

After ensuring that Yuju has calmed down enough, it brought a smile to my face that Sojung was aware that Eunbi would be worried at her sudden departure without any prior notice or update on where she is.

Yewon and Yuju's heartfelt talk managed to punch me in the gut on how vulnerable these two are in this moment. Yuju being vulnerable at what triggers her condition and Yewon at knowing these details now and feel helplessness at how to help exactly but being determined all the same to help, in any way she can, as best she can with the help of her friends with the firm promise that although she may places to go but she will never leave Yuju.
Chapter 7: It's been a long while since I reviewed one of my favourite stories, and you have already updated a new chapter Trust. I will review it soon.

For now, I'll focus on the chapter Warmth, and it certainly is giving me warm fuzzy feelings. The amount of consideration and preparation Yewon's friends have done to make sure that Yuju is comfortable in meeting them again just melts my heart.

I certainly love the amount of detail showing how much comfort and safety Yuju feels when she's in Yewon's arms. Likewise that Yewon feels so much contentment in sharing an intimate space with Yuju.

The weighted blanket is such a suitable gift for Yuju to feel warmth and comfort, especially when Yewon is not physically near, bringing Yewon much needed peace when she has to be away for school. I love that Sojung describes the weighted blanket to feel like a hug when Yuju expressed concern of being hurt by it.

Yuju's wagging her tail to show her appreciation despite her shyness certainly is a sight for heart eyes.

Eunbi's enthusiasm and Yerin's sensitivity to non-verbal language certainly balanced things out. No wonder SinB and Yerin go well together just as Eunbi and Sojung, they complement each other really well.

I'll continue my comment of this chapter another day, I'm really sleepy in a good way. Thank you again for this wonderful story.
Chapter 9: Your story is always amazing >_<
Chapter 6: A snuggly and cuddly Yupup in Yewon's arms is an adorable sight in the morning. Yerin probably seeing live beside Sinb and writing the lyrics of said song in the chat group is certainly funny and just shows how close these two are.

I'm happy with Yewon's pace in understanding and comforting Yuju in regards to adjusting her friend's involvement in Yuju's life now. Yuju feeling anxiousness despite Yewon's reassurance and close proximity breaks my heart, thankfully remembering her mother's example of comforting and showing love.

Yewon being possessive of Yuju's love is understandable but the great thing here is that she doesn't shy away from having people who can help, help Yuju, like in the case of Yerin who's an expert at making someone feel comfortable and loved at all times; Sinb - I can totally understand why you want Yerin for yourself.

Sojung teasing Sinb and Eunbi supporting the notion of Yuju biting Sinb if she hugged Yupup just made me grin real wide. Okay playtime, is on another level of cuteness and cuddle time afterwards is almost enough to make me squeal here. Good job as always :)
Chapter 5: When morning of the hang out came and Yewon overslept with Yuju in her arms, that was outright adorable and understandably nerve-wrecking given that she didn't have time to prepare Yuju who was frightened and angered by strangers at their home, despite said strangers are Yewon's trustworthy friends.

Their reaction towards seeing Yuju for the first time just showed how good people they are. Despite breathing in the air absurdity over seeing a pup hybrid for the first time, not thinking it was possible for one to exist, they were able to quickly adjust by focusing on the fact that the pup hybrid was scared of them and very protective of Yewon, and worked on gently coaxing Yuju to warm up to them. I love Yerin's method here.

Yerin kissing SinB and telling her to be safe for a quick food errand, I did not expect it but I love it all the same ٩(^‿^)۶and I think even more hilarious was Sojung to SinB's embarrassment by kissing SinB's other check lol.

Yerin and Eunbi's interaction with Yuju was just too cute. If Yuju hadn't transferred back to her human form and was still a lab pup, I think they would have squealed in delight in having the chance to pet Yuju.

I understand Yuju's separation anxiety over Yewon leaving home to go to school, but it still hurts to see that Yuju is shaking so bad at Yewon going to the next room to change, even with the comfort of food while she waited. Although this isn't the first time she reacted like this, I was hoping that she drew comfort in the fact that Yewon is just next door doing a necessary task.

Their decision to leave and the promise to visit soon with gifts for Yuju and Yewon to enjoy just left me smiling widely. I'm so happy that they all recognize both Yuju and Yewon's needs, and not place priority of one over the other.

Eunbi naming a group chat Yupup Protection Squad and Yerin's virtual squealing and teasing of SinB just made me smile wider. Yes, SinB loves Yerin too much and she doesn't hesitate in making SinB know that she knows it.
Chapter 4: Although this chapter that I'm commenting isn't your latest chapter, I would still like to pick up where I left off and continue to comment on what I love when re-reading your story. I can't thank you enough for continuing to write given the situation with Gfriend right now.

Back to the story, Yewon just melts my heart with the overwhelming concern she has for Yuju's well being that she became distracted, an unusual trait that she's exhibiting given how focused she was in school when she was by herself. I guess it couldn't be helped given how Yuju was begging Yewon to stay with her.

Sojung and Eunbi's small moments of affection just makes me melt into a puddle of their cuteness.

Yuju demanding Yewon not to go, and insisting that she has a choice to just stay with Yuju moving forward is both heartwarming and a bit sad, given how anxious she becomes when Yewon is not physically with her. But my mood changes along with Yuju when Yewon presents a duck plush just for her, in addition to staying on Yewon laps, basking in Yewon's embrace. These two just make me go UwU. And Yuju made me go ヽ( ´ ∇ ` )ノ when she expressed her gratitude for the pizza by kissing Yewon.

Playtime ᵔᴥᵔ is just plain cute. I'm afraid I might use up the whole catalogue of emoticons if I were to describe to you how I feel about this chapter. So to summarize, Yumji for the win! (─‿‿─) ❀◕ ‿ ◕❀
Chapter 8: UwU thanks for the update
Nonickname #9
Chapter 8: Thanks for the update!! This chapter is melting my heart (/_\)