Part 1

Why me?


"Oh hell no." LeeBin aka Binnie said, taking the cocktail away from her friend and dance team member HyeIn or better known as HEY. "You are so not going to get drunk."


"Leave me alone. I really don't care what happens now." HEY replied. "Performance is over. I can do whatever the hell I want!"


"HEY, look at me." JinShin aka Shiney said. "Is he really worth all the pain? Is he really worth you doing something stupid?"


"Please don’t start with me on that again, Shiney." HEY groaned. "You would be like this too if Changjo cheated on you."


"Chunji isn't worth your time if he is cheating on you!" Shiney growled. "He has multiple times already and you aren't making it any better on yourself!"


"SHINEY!" EunHye hissed. "Not.Helping."




"Look, HEY, if you want to do something that isn't HyeIn standard, find a new guy or a couple guys." EunHye suggested. "Give Chunji a taste of his own meds. Make him jealous. Don't even try to say that you can't find a guy. You are hot as hell. All you need to do is look at a guy and he'll be head over heels for ya."


"And it's not like you are cheating on Chunji or anything… you did dump him already…" Jinhi aka Jin added timidly.


"Or…" HEY said, "You guys can leave me alone and I do whatever the hell I want." She stormed off towards the bar where her brother's friend, Daesung, works. She slumps down onto a stool in front of him.


Before she could open , Daesung said, "No, you can't have another cocktail."


"But I'm a paying customer and you can check my ID if it makes you feel better." HEY said waving her fake ID at him.


"Yeah, but I know you are a minor. I'm not supposed to sell to minors." Daesung stated. "Don't even stat with the 'it's my job' thing again. I gave you one already and if your brother finds out about that, I'm dead. So I rather you not be drunk thank very much."


"I didn't even get to drink that one." HEY whined. "Binnie stole it from me."


"How do I know you aren't lying?"


"You know me. I don't lie."


"Well I do know you and yeah you are lying." he replied. "This isn't the HyeIn I know. Something is wrong and rather than deal with it, you want to drink it off."


"I'm not HyeIn right now." HEY retorted. "I'm HEY and there's nothing wrong."


"Let me guess. It's Chunji." he said while making her a non-alcoholic drink.


"What makes you say that?" she asked giving him a weird look.


"Well, it just seemed like boy troubles to me." he replied nonchalantly. "And he's over there with a chick in each arm." he nodded toward that direction.


HEY turned to see her ex-boyfriend with two of the tiest girls from their school. Her eyes met with Chunji's for a second before she quickly turned away.


"Damn, I didn’t think he was going to be here." she mumbled.


"So I was right." Daesung smirked. "But you know, you can find a better guy… there's someone who likes you and both your brother and I approve of him…"


Before HEY could say anything, an arm was slung around her shoulders.


"Hey there, y…" the guy said before giving her a kiss on the cheek.



A/N: Well then there's part one :) I'm currently working on part two and it's gonna be in Chunji's view... so yeah please comment and subscribe!!(even if you don't subscribe, please comment! I <3 comments)


-Your beloved, Xanderelian <3

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ailisu #1
Defhouseconvict #2
What,No absolutely not Chunji can't just get all worked up and spoil the moment like that, I ought to punch him in the face; but then again it wouldn't hurt to give their relationship another try. I'm kinda happy he's mad.
Defhouseconvict #3
Chunji just got served! I want to see this fight!
I love Big Bang
I would love Daesung as my brother
Seungri seems like, HEY should be a couple with him
So, I recently created a roleplay
If you have time, can you check it out ? And I would greatly appreciate it if you joined ^^
Here's the link:
Defhouseconvict #5
Yay i'm the first to comment. Uhm so when Daesung said the whole thing about there being another guy he ment him didnt he and whoa i've seen Chunji as a player before but a girl on each arm.