Healing ℞


Dr. Byun Baekhyun does his best to heal the local stray's wounds—physical and emotional.


Mornings are reserved for surgeries. Baekhyun has the pleasure of removing bits of things that have no business being in a body from no less than three separate dogs and finishes a multiple tooth extraction just in time for lunch.

Jongdae slips into his office and sits on his desk. “I heard you were looking for me this morning.” He's added more stickers to his name tag, framing his name an technician status in cute flowers and cartoon cats.

“And yet you show up now, in time for lunch.”

The cat shrugs, always smiling.

“What’re you in the mood for? I’ll eat anything.” Even fish, which--go figure--is what Jongdae immediately suggests. There’s a sushi restaurant near the clinic run by a Japanese family they’re familiar with after visiting so often.

Baekhyun waits until they’re seated at the end of a counter, nearer the kitchen, before asking Jongdae’s advice about the stray in his neighborhood.

"I see him a lot, but I can't even approach him. He growls and leaves right away." He supposes he should be grateful that the stray isn't combative, just avoidant. Watching someone walk away that he wants to know or help is very difficult for a natural herder, though.

“Unfortunately, Baek,” Jongdae sighs, “if he doesn’t want help, he doesn’t want help. You have no idea about his circumstances, and trying to force him into anything is just opening you up to danger and even a lawsuit with the city.” There are rules strays are supposed to follow, although few ever do. They’re very good at becoming ghosts.

Out of sight, out of mind. With elections coming up, some politicians are trying to promise to clear the parks and bridges of strays while others promise better housing opportunities. It's all talk.

“I just feel bad…”

“I know,” Jongdae rubs between Baekhyun's ears flattened and takes the bits of cucumber he picks out of his spring roll and stuffs them into the rolls on his own plate, “but not everyone can have a happy ending like you.” That year and a half left a dark stain on Baekhyun’s heart; he’s more sympathetic and empathetic and maybe involves himself more than he should


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Chapter 1: This was so good! I love all the details you put so it felt like you were there as an observer to everything. You also really got the sense of how difficult it is to be a stray. Coming from the point of view of someone who has four rescues and works with strays, this story really hit home. It definitely deserves many kudos and I'd love to see what happens next. Thank you for writing and sharing!!!