๐ŸŒ€ you will be my friend you will be my friend ๐ŸŒ€


me, you, and the friendship that will bloomed hopefully


here's some things to consider pls consider me

  • of age (ooc) would prefer to have peers around my age but i don't mind interacting with minor as long as it's safe and our convo is in tact with your age
  • gmt plus but ever since i have a wack sleepy schedule and wake up late as usual so minuses pls come as well
  • i usually fc male (txt and tbz mostly) and i dont have qualm on your fc as long as they are not problematic
  • very amiable, weird, and got a huge clown energyย as said by my friend??? would be a big simp for you and would hype every inches of your presence. i'm the type of friend who would tag or send you tiktok that i associated with you
  • currently into anime (cw: one piece, saiki-k, horimiya) and would love to have people who can recommend me animanga to follow (plus point if you're willing to watch anime with me - someone watch jujutsu kaisen with me)
  • once a big gamer but got tired and now i'm going back into my roots. i casually play ml (reached mythical glory - wow what a flex), league, wild drift, cyber hunter, and i'm really into genshin impact nowadays (someone carry with me and my 100 dmg on asia server, ar45)
  • got no life in the moment so you can pull me for a tutturu/caracal/groovy date as long as i'm not watching anime or playing games
  • for the spicy part . . . . . . i'm sorry i'm seeing someone rn and their name is trust issue and commitment phobia. i'm sfw most of the time. things that i can do is swearing and insult and kekekekeke that's it. what a soft tofu.

i hope this list pique your interest enough and if you read this far and still have the courage to be my friend (pls beg) please send through pm either your dc tag, fl, or line id. i'm more active on dc. see you soonest my future besties and lets kith kith fall inlove - ok bye.ย 


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