

Hey guys! First off I would like to say thank you to everyone who has supprted me and Twilight up until now. This is an update i had originally written not long after the members had been revealed but due to life doing its things and messing me arounf, I have not been able to post until now (so if anything seems like it was written a while ao, thats why). So, let's dive into it.

First off I wanted to talk about, member colours. I really tried my best to give all the members their favourite colours and it mostly worked out, besides Dalhee who didn't have one listed on her profile and Sungjin who just happened to get the short straw when it came to the colours. Besides those two, some of the members had slight variations on their favourite colours such as Jehyung who got dark blue instead of navy blue and Kenji who got light blue instead of just blue. As Mishil was added to the lineup late, there wasn't really a large range of colours left and I didn't want to swap around member colours so I decided to give her the member colour light purple as in my head it is a colour that suits her.

Next up is, member emojis! I really like when group members have representative symbols and emoji's for their SNS and such so I thought why not give some to Twilight? I also imagine that the members would have picked the emojis for eachother. Willow Huxiao and Mishil have emojis based on their names. The leaf for Willow since willow is a tree and trees have leafs and the butterfly for Huxiao as butterfly is part of her name. Mishil's shell emoji comes from her English name, Michelle and the nickname shelly which she dislikes so I imagine the members would love to about this, so they picked the shell.

Next are the members who have emojis based on things they like a lot. Youngho is know for his love of sunflowers, so he got given the sunflower emoji, Kenji loves all cats but specifically black cats so he got the black cat and Dalhee, who loves sweets but namely chocolates so she got the chocolate bar emoji!

And lastly the members whos emojis may seem kinda odd. Sungjin was given the sun emoji partly because in his app it was listed as his representative emoji but also because I feel like he would be the sun of Twilight with his bright and outgoing personality. Next is Jehyung with the nerd emoji. Jehyung strikes me as someone who would be fun to tease (in a loving way of course) and DAL Media's CEO, AKA his auntie would also feels that way. I imagine she called him nerd infront of the members once and they have just never let him live it down, plus, he wears glasses. Lastly we have Minsoo! Minsoo's favourite colour is pink and is rather cute, much like the cherry blossom emoji. As he is young I feel like he would still be blossoming into the person he is destined to be so, a flower seemed fitting.

Next, we have Twilight’s dorm arrangements.

In room 1 we have Youngho, Sungjin and Minsoo. In room 2, Jehyung and Kenji. And finally in the big room 3, we have thre four girls Willow, Mishil, Huxiao, and Dalhee. With the boys I tried to match them with who I think they would get along with best and who I believe needed to be seperated for the sanity of the group (looking at Sungjin and Jehyung). I also decided to give the girls the larger room as there are more boys so they could be easily divided into smaller rooms.

Thank you again for all of your support. This year has probably been the worst year in my life but through it I have kept thinking of Twilight and how I want to continue it so I a excited to get back to it! I am currently working on Twilights debut but I am stuck for a title track so I was wondering if thats something you guy would be interested in perhaps voting on? Anyway, thats all for now! I will try my best to keep you guys in the know of how things are going and post things ASAP!



Hello everyone! I know I posted another update earlier today but I felt like another one was required. I think you may have noticed a new member reveal and a new member, Minsil. Minsil is a character I really loved when selecting members for Twilight but at that time, I believed that the group was too large to add another. My oppinion on that has obviously changed as I have decided to add Minsil to the group. Since nothing (besides two little snipits) has been released I realised I still had a chance to add her and decided to go ahead and do so! Information about her emoji and colour has beed added to the update above this. Thats all for now!



Three updates in two days? Can you tell I'm hyped to get back into it? First off before the debut polls, I wanted to let you all know that I will be having a minor surgery on the 18th so updates next week may be a litle slow or non existant, but I will be working on Twilight here and there as my recovery allows!

Onto the polls! I wanted to do a poll as I am so on what Twilights debut should be but also because I want you to all have a say! Here are the options. Please vote for whatever one you think would be good and suit Twilight! Also please comment down below if you have another suggestion that is not listed!





















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Writing up all my important DAL Media dates and "Minsoo graduating elementary school" was not something I realised was during his trainee days...


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Chapter 19: I meant to say something sooner but I love the mini album all the songs fit really well! Plus I adore the fan club name as well !
Chapter 17: the song is so dreamy, it fits the group name so much! so so looking forward to the rest of their discography, i love songs w this type of sound <33
Chapter 17: first time hearing this song and i love it!! i agree, it suits twilight really well! :D
Chapter 17: Ahh I love this song so much I haven't heard it in forever I think it suits them really well!
ahh okay i didn't realize that i haven't commented in like a year? so sorry about that, but i'm glad that you're getting back into the swing of things!
first and foremost, thank you once again for choosing mishil, even if it was last minute to twilight's debut, im excited to see what you have in store for her! ngl, i was going back through her app to see what emoji you'd picked, and the shell emoji is so fitting for her, despite her despise of the nickname.
onto the christmas drabbles, willow getting emotional... twilight has been through the thick and thin of it so i totally understand why she is how she is. and KENJI X SAGE? i did not expect THIS much angst in the beginning. i wonder how this will play out...
anyways, great job on the drabbles! i am totally down to vote for a debut song for twilight.
best of luck!
Chapter 2: !!! it's so good to see you again! the dorm arrangement is such a nice touch and i appreciate learning about the thought process of how the representative emojis were selected! + a new member!! congrats to mishil's author! <333

i read the update blog you posted; so sorry for what's happened. i'm looking forward to seeing what you've planned for twilight! take your time if needed! as for voting on a title track,, very much up for it! :D
Chapter 2: HIIII so happy to see you're back <3 i'm sorry for everything you're going through but i'm glad to see you again and with an update for twilight! what a pleasant surprise that there's a new member too, congrats to mishil :D i'm also down for voting for the title track. super excited to see what you have in store for twilight soon!
Chapter 2: I think if your stuck a poll might help so it may not be a bad idea! The Emoji idea is cute too.
i've recently looked back on this and i'm glad to hear from you!! hope you've been doing okay <333 i'm excited to see what you have planned, whenever you're ready! :)

(also it seems i forgot to comment on the second christmas dribble I'M SO SORRY, i cannot believe we're already seeing some intimate kenji x sage moments????? like, hohoh, excuse me for intruding--)
i've actually been missing this fic so much !! i hope everything's okay, and welcome back <3