Thoughts at a Late Night


The certain kind of love that Jaejoong needs.


I wrote this years ago but never published cos it's too short. I can't seem to add anything else. Anyway, hope you enjoy this very very short read.

Appreciative comments give me life. Please do leave one for me ^-^


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jjbrownsugga 33 streak #1
Chapter 1: Feelings and emotions are so complicated...

Nice story.
phinea2009 #2
Chapter 1: Sweet read Sumi.
Chapter 1: Oh I SO LOVED IT ♡♡♡♡

I always thought no one can understand my thoughts (insecurities)
I felt so happy reading that yes one day someone will read me,my feeling....
Chapter 1: Sweet~~~
papadie13 558 streak #5
Chapter 1: Woow you described so well their struggles and emotions, so raw and deep, and how much they rely one another. So beautiful!! Thank you!!
yunjaemrcnn #6
Chapter 1: They are so right for each others.
Chapter 1: Yunho explaining why he put up a front, showing that vulnerability, it's his most authentic self. No wonder Jae melted at his confession. They are each other's strength, having that makes everything more bearable. Thanks for sharing!
justwanttoread #8
Chapter 1: I miss the feeling.. To be loved by someone who loves you back.. But to see loves in yunjae is all i need rn.. Thx :)
rooose #9
Chapter 1: that was beautiful
aren't we all seeking to be loved
having that person assuring you and showering you with love is a blessing
I can imagine that scenario happened in real life too
I wish them happiness now and forever
thank you dear author