
Concealed Truths
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[Changkyun's POV]
I rolled on to my back before I sat up in a daze and yawned a few times. I glanced to my side to find Kyungah still fast asleep, curled up in a ball under a blanket. I smiled before resting on my arms and watched her for a few minutes, she looked so comfortable and peaceful. After a few minutes, I glanced down at my watch and noticed the time was 7.32am. I knew the security alarm at the house turned off at 6am so it was fine for us to go back there now. I stood up as I paused and glanced across at Kyungah. Do I wake her or do I leave her to sleep for longer? We couldn't go back inside together but we could walk there together? But also a part of me didn't want to wake her up just yet.
"Oh Hoseok!" I called out as I noticed a guy running towards me with headphones on and a concentrated look spread across his face as I left the taekwondo studio. I smiled as I waved my arm which caught his attention as he slowed down gently.
"Oh Changkyun! Long time no see!" He said happily as he pulled his headphones down around his neck. "Did you just come out of the studio? Hyungwon messaged me and said you were borrowing it. You haven't got a girl in there right?" Hoseok said with a smirk.
"Thank you for letting me borrow it, I'm heading home now. But-" I began, before I realised Kyungah was still asleep in there. "My friend is in there, she's asleep but it's not like that." I finished as Hoseok smirked and patted my shoulder. "Really! It isn't-" I tried again but I knew he probably wouldn't believe me.
"Don't worry I won't tell Hyungwon or the others." He smirked, he definitely hadn't believed me. "I'll run around the block another time so I don't disturb her." He told me as I thanked him and we smiled to each other.


[Kyungah's POV]
I rolled onto my other side as I stretched my arms and my legs out before a bright light made me jump up. I bolted upright and rubbed my eyes as I glanced to my side to see what the bright light was and noticed a stream of sunlight appearing from a gap in the window blinds. After I had woken up some more, I looked around the room, "Changkyun?" I called out but there was no response, and no sign of him either. 
I frowned as I pulled myself up and looked around again. He definitely wasn't here. Did he leave already?! I sighed as I pulled my hair into a messy ponytail before noticing something on a table at the side of the room. 
"Oh what's this." I mumbled to myself as walked across to the table and found an energy drink, a steamed up food container and a short note - 'Good morning Kyungah!~ I've already left and gone home since we can't go back there together, remember the studio opens at 10am. There's an energy drink and some rice porridge for you! - Changkyun.'
I smiled at the note as I put the note into my pocket and took the lid off the food container, it smelt so good and I was so hungry too, "I'll just eat this and then head back" I said happily to myself as I took the spoon at the side of the container and sat on the floor by the table to eat it. As I began eating, I glanced at the time on my phone, 8.18am. I had time, I just hoped my aunt hadn't realised I was missing.
As I left the taekwondo studio, I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I cringed as I slowly pulled out my phone from my pocket, every part of me was hoping it wouldn't be a message from my aunt but I knew she had probably realised I was no where to be seen. I glanced at my phone and sighed deeply with relief when I found a message from Changkyun instead.
'Kyungah~ can you buy some snacks and drinks on your way back, anything is fine! You'll thank me later~' I frowned at his message, 'you'll thank me later', what was that meant to mean? Why would I thank him for buying him snacks? But I ended up agreeing and made a detour to a convenience store.


After stopping at the convenience store on the way back, I finally got back to the house and crept in through the back door. I was definitely later than I had anticipated and I was even later now Changkyun had told me to buy him snacks on the way. The possibility of getting caught by my aunt was definitely now 100%. I quickly but quietly ran down the corridor towards the maid room in stealth mode to get changed before my aunt caught me. Maybe if I pretended to already be in the house, she wouldn't realise? I could say I was in the wine cellar, she probably wouldn't have looked for me there?
"Uh oh." I sighed loudly as I turned the corner to find my aunt stood there with her arms folded and a mop in her hand. 100% caught.
"Don't you sigh at me." She said to me sternly with an angrey expression on her face as I dropped my head. "Kyungah, when I allowed you to go out last night, I didn't think that meant all night." She grumbled at me.
"I'm sorry. I- I fell asleep." I stuttered back to her, still with my head down since I couldn't bear to have eye contact with her.
"And you are back so late this morning! You have missed most of your morning tasks and the other maids have had to do them!" She continued shouting at me as I sighed quietly and nodded to her. I was wasting my breath if I responded more to her.
I heard a small noise as I brought my head up and noticed Changkyun's head appear around the doorway behind my aunt as he smirked to me before coughing quietly which made my aunt turn around, "Oh Changkyun! I didn't see you there. Is something wrong?" My aunt asked him in a sweet tone, completely different from the tone she was using for me. 
"Nothing is wrong, I just came to see where Kyungah was. I asked her this morning to get me some things since I knew she was out. I'm sorry if it caused her to miss her morning tasks." Changkyun beamed happily to her with a grin. 
My eyes lit up as my aunt stuttered before looking back at me and I went back to looking emotionless. "Why didn't you tell me before?! I didn't know you were doing something for Changkyun!" My aunt sighed

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Hi my lovelies!! So we finally reached the end of the story, thank you to everyone who subscribed, commented and upvoted! It’s the end of the journey for Kyungah and Changkyun, and boy was it a journey! Thank you for reading, I will be back soon with a new story! ♥


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2037 streak #1
Chapter 20: OMG! I can't believe we have already reached the end. Thus chapter was nice and although I'm yearning for more, the story in whole was a pleasant ride. And for some odd reason, I can totally imagine Hyunwoo with his son. LoL... Anyway, thanks for the nice story ^^

PS I'm curious who your next story is gonna be based on.
2037 streak #2
Chapter 19: Can't believe there's only one more chapter to go. Anyway, I was kinda starting to feel a little bad for Mrs Im when she yelled at her husband but then she had to go and do all emotional blackmail. Wonder how things would go for the final chapter. Will be eagerly waiting for it ^^
2037 streak #3
Chapter 18: Um, can't wait for them to fess up. And wonder how Kihyun would react to all these. Can't wait to read more. Will be eagerly waiting for the next update ^^

PS are the four pawed babies, cats, dogs or?
2037 streak #4
Chapter 17: Yay! Half of my theory was right. But the other half did come as a big surprise. Somehow wasn't expecting that. LoL XD anyway, now that the secret has been revealed, I wonder how things would develop herein. Poor Kyungah though! Can't wait to read more. Will be eagerly waiting for the next update ^^
2037 streak #5
Chapter 16: Whoa a cliffhanger! And I'm not gonna guess whether the two are siblings or not :P anyway, give it to Hyunwoo to be the oblivious even in an extremely tense/awkward situation XD this chapter was nice and I can't believe this story is reaching its end soon. Can't wait to read more. Will be eagerly waiting for the next chapter ^^
2037 streak #6
Chapter 15: I'm getting yet another theory behind their past and parents. But it will have to wait until the story reveals itself. LoL... Nonetheless, this was a nice chapter. I enjoyed how Hoseok acted when Kihyun and Changkyun interacted. Although I do wonder why Mrs Im is keeping silence regarding these two dating. And glad that these two could talk things out. Anyway, can't wait to read more. Will be eagerly waiting for the next update ^^
2037 streak #7
Chapter 14: I'm surprised that Mr and Mrs Im only called her to talk about that. Does that mean Mrs Im hasn't told Mr Im about it yet? If so, wonder why. And I agree with Changkyun's take on the DNA results. They grew up as siblings for almost all their lives. So I'm sure that feelings wouldn't change that easily. Anyway, nice chapter. Can't wait to read more. Will be eagerly waiting for the next chapter ^^
2037 streak #8
Chapter 13: Oho! She saw it! Poor her! And poor Kihyun too. Like I said in the previous chapter, I hope they resolved things and it doesn't change anything between them. I mean even if they're unrelated, they both grew up to be brother and sister. Oh, speaking of unrelated, there was a small mistake in the chapter regarding the result. You said 'there's 0.0001% chance that they are unrelated' and doesn't that mean they are actually related? Lesser chance of something is equivalent to higher chance of being the opposite. Just thought would let you know *sweats* anyway, can't wait to read more. Will be eagerly waiting for the next chapter ^^
2037 streak #9
Chapter 12: Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Now I have a possible theory on what's the secret behind the Yoo family. Anyway, hope this still doesn't change things between her and her brother. And also, hope the one who took his number from the doc doesn't end up getting a hold on him. Also, Mrs. Im hasn't reacted in anyway after finding out who her son is dating? I'm a bit curious of that. Anyway, can't wait to read more. Will be eagerly waiting for the next chapter ^^
2037 streak #10
Chapter 11: They finally expressed their feelings for each other! This chapter was nice. Chaehwa dating Hyunwoo did come as a surprise. Definitely wasn't expecting that but definitely not complaining either. Although I'm yet to figure out what's the mystery behind her parents disappearance. No clue either. LoL... Anyway, I can't wait to read more. Will be eagerly waiting for the next chapter ^^