Chapter 3: The Body

Namjoon and Jin vs the Constellation Killer : A Crime fanfiction

By the time Namjoon and Jin arrived at the crime scene, the sun was already low in the sky. A cold breeze blew through the long strands of grain, picking up dust. There was not a building or village in sight. They headed to the police officer standing near the taped off lower riverbank. Namjoon held up his badge and said” I’m Detective Namjoon and this is my partner CSI Jin from division 1 Homicide”.  The officer nodded and lifted the tape up. Jin went to inspect the body while Namjoon checked in with the CSI onsite. “Detective Namjoon, nice to see you visit us from HQ, come this way”. Namjoon shook his hand and said, “CSI Soon, always a pleasure, what can you tell me about who found the body?”. CSI Soon answered “At 5:00 AM this morning, an elderly farmer was heading through the area with his young granddaughter when the little girl was distracted by a wild puppy and followed it into the long grass near the riverbed. He ran when he heard her sudden cry and hurried to her. He says it was the smell that hit him first like week old fish left to rot before the sight.  The half bone and rotting skin body was half out of the water, limbs tied together with a fishing line to the stones below and a canvas bag was placed over the head. Half the torso and the lower half of the body was wrapped in the remains of a large black fabric. He says he will remember that sight forever. He reported the body when he and his granddaughter arrived back at the village. That was at 8am this morning”. “Why had no one reported the body earlier?”. “The farmer said that this road was abandoned so it would have been weeks for the body to be found and he also said that a huge storm had passed through the area the night before. Based on the position of the body and the disturbance of the sand, it is highly likely that the storm moved the body from being anchored unwater to the shallow bank. I found evidence of small abrasions on the legs and arms from being dragged through small debris and as well as freshwater algae on the limbs. However, I cannot exactly determine how or when the person died from the body itself. I can only say the body is at least a month old”. At this point Jin had returned and said, “Thank you CSI Soon, we will take over from here”. The man nodded and told the rest of his team to leave. “Jin, can you voucher for what CSI Soon said” Namjoon said. Jin replied “He’s right in that the body had been in water for a long time and had been dragged. I checked the limbs and based on the temperature of the body; it is at the point that rigor mortis had noticeably been slowed down so time of death will be difficult to determine. I found no signs of froth caused by asphyxia leading me to believe that the person was already dead before they were submerged into the water. We will have to check when livor mortis occurred to be sure, but drowning was not how this person died. There is not much of the skull remaining to be a positive identification of the victim but at least we can determine that they are an 18- to 25-year-old female. The M.O. would be a perfect match except for this. See here”, Jin pointed to a tiny 2cm wide dot on her ribcage. Namjoon said “That’s a mark from a needle which means we can rule in poisoning so either the constellation killer decided to try something new or something OLD, something OLD. Wait a minute if this body is a month old then that means we might very well have found the constellation killer’s first ever victim. Let us head back to HQ and get the DNA test in”. Jin nodded and said “I already put in a call to the lab. They are expecting us, and we should be getting a list of 18 to 25 years female missing in the last month as soon as we arrived”. They planned for the body to be brought to the lab and hurried back to HQ.

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Hi, it's my first time writing an fanfiction but i hope you like it!


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