
A Twist of Fate

It was not as if Sun Hee had a problem with partnering up with a kingka, but to be paired up with Cho Kyuhyun, she was sure that her life was going to turn topsy-turvy with his sudden and unexpected appearance, which only made her tummy churned at the thought. Sun Hee was happy with how things were between her and Kyuhyun, not that she was utmost glad that their relationship had finally blown off to its course but being the way they were in right now, she was content that of the situation she was reluctantly slumped into before.


Sun Hee had been best friends with Kyuhyun far off she could even remember. Kyuhyun’s parents were practically family to her own, which naturally made Sun Hee and Kyuhyun playmates from the start. With their parents’ usual dinner gatherings, Sun Hee often played with Kyuhyun at her backyard till it reached to a point where they always had sleepovers at each other’s houses. Their parents took a liking for the both of them to be together once they have reached the peak of their lives, often pushing the both of them to do things together, only to have them to burst into little giggles when they admire their child’s behaviour. It was practically fated for the both of them to be soul mates, as what their parents would put it as, not until the term “high school” finally greeted to be part of their lives.

Both of them may have ended up in the same school but they were practically strangers when they walked past each other in the halls, not even a glance to acknowledge the other party’s presence was even thought of. Sun Hee never tried to talk to Kyuhyun again after one particular incident that happened, avoiding contact with him at all costs allowed her to resume her life as normal, even without involving Kyuhyun in it.


Sun Hee hesitated for moment whether to gather her things and proceed to Kyuhyun’s table to start on their assignment. She mentally ranted in her head that it was only going to be for an assignment and once they have finally completed it, things were going back to normal between the both of them. Right now, all she could think of was to complete the assignment as quickly as they could as she was sure she couldn’t spend another moment with Kyuhyun’s presence poking in her quiet life.

“Hey, I could take the seat here, right?”

Greeting Sun Hee with his trademark smirk, Kyuhyun gracefully slide into the seat even without waiting for Sun Hee to respond.  Sun Hee looked at him, forcing a weak smile to acknowledge his sudden presence beside her and quickly turned her attention back where it was before.

“I was about to head over to your place but since you’re already here, let us start with the assignment then” Sun Hee said, without even looking at Kyuhyun while fiddling with the notebook placed in front of her. She flipped through a couple of pages and finally shoved her notebook towards Kyuhyun to let him read her notes clearly written in neat handwriting.

“I’m not sure what kind of topic you would be interested in but I have already highlighted those that I thought of doing. Tell me what you think, okay?”

Kyuhyun carefully scanned through the notes, noting the points highlighted neatly in yellow. After much consideration from him and suggestions from Sun Hee, both of them finally concluded their decision so as to start on the assignment. Soon after, the school bell blasted through the speakers which gives an indication that lesson was over and it was already the next period.

Noting that Kyuhyun was not going to make his move yet, Sun Hee jumped to the chance to ask Kyuhyun if he was willing to do the assignment at her place.

“Would you like to come over to my place tomorrow so that we could work on it? I know it’s too early to start but I like to be ahead of everyone so that we can complete it immediately without wasting time...” Sun Hee trailed off, avoiding any forms of eye contact when offering the invitation while packing her bags to prepare to move to her next class.

“Sure, I’ll drop by after school. See you soon, Sunny!”

Sun Hee looked up in bewilderment to his response, looking over at Kyuhyun, who slung his bag on his shoulders, turned to look at Sun Hee to give her a wink and quickly headed out of the classroom before she could say anything.  

Sun Hee shuddered momentarily at the mention of the endearment Kyuhyun used to call her when they were little. Sun Hee didn’t expect him to remember, heck, to even use it after the both of them have not talked to each other in years they were in high school. It was pretty obvious for Sun Hee to know that she was an invisible to Kyuhyun all these years, the strained relationship between the both of them even since they stepped into high school was enough for her to conclude that he had finally grew out of the idea that they were bestfriends before.

Snapping out of her daze, she shoved the rest of her stuffs inside her bag and walked out of the classroom, shrugging the words that Kyuhyun uttered that had ringed in her ears a few minutes before.


A/N: Ah, sorry for the slow update, everyone! Been really busy with school since it's the last week till my term break! Yay for holidays. A short update for now!

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Fighting author nim! XD
Chapter 2: ohhhh~~ I live the way you write! <3 so precise ^^ good story too! update soon? :D
blue1193 #3
Continue this story....
I hope you update sooooooOn
what happened??? no update still??
omo! they were bestfriends!<br />
update soon! :)
update more !!<br />
it's nice !! :)
Omo. Please update update update update soon!
Hi there! Thank you for the lovely comment, will update it soon. You'd be in for a surprise!