
A Twist of Fate

Every school has their charm, be it in terms of providing the best education that they can offer or carving the best talents in different areas students can showcase. Sun Hee ranks top 5% in Chungju High School, given her effort and her determination; it made things easier for her to be known as one of the brains of such prestigious school. But in comparison to her outstanding establishment, Sun Hee is just another ordinary girl attending school, blending in well with the student body. Everyone might have a conception that Sun Hee is rather dull in terms of personality but that doesn’t bother her much, for she is content with her position in school.

In every school, with no exception of the school that she is in, the existence of queekas and kingkas that influence the entire student body with their actions is never the one to be overlooked. Known to be the wealthiest and beautiful students with immaculate family background, this group of students are envied by the many who would worship the ground that they walk on, immediately distinguishing themselves as rulers of the school, which gives them the authority to not allow any students to mess with them. Sun Hee knew the existence of queenkas and kingkas in her school and would much be preferred to stay low... until today.


“Yah Kim Sun Hee, can you walk slowly? I’m almost out of breath trying to keep up with your pace here!” shouted Park Yeon Ah from behind after the both of them entered through the gates of the school.

Stopping at her tracks and turning around to face her best friend, “If you have gotten up early, we wouldn’t have to rush for school, you know” Sun Hee responded with a little smile on her face.

“Aish! We already made it to the school compound, what’s the rush now” Yeon Ah leaped forward, looping her left arms around Sun Hee’s shoulder.

Sun Hee gave her best friend a piercing look, which immediately made the two girls burst into fits of giggles.

“Let’s go, we wouldn’t want to you start blaming me again for rushing to class” Yeon Ah nudged Sun Hee as they headed into their huge school to kick start their day.


Unbeknown to the two girls, two pair of eyes was watching their actions from afar at the carpark. Leaning against the white coloured Audi R8, Park Jungsoo, a well known kingka in Chungju High School broke the silence with his sudden trademark laughter.

“What’s so funny, Hyung?” asked Cho Kyuhyun, darting his eyes at the other boy would was showing off his white pearls and deep dimples that swooned many girls in school.

“At the rate you’re going, you’re not gonna get her attention at all, magnae. You sure you can pull this off?” asked Jung Soo with curious eyes.

Cho Kyuhyun has never been the kind who would turn down an offer simply because there would be obstacles to face. Known to many as the youngest kingka in school, with the reputation of being snarky but unimaginably smart even despite his notorious behaviour, the idea of giving up is never part of his dictionary.

“Just give me some time, alright? I’m still working on it. Right now, we better get to class” remarked Kyuhyun, hurriedly grabbing his bag in the car and heading towards the school building.

“Aish this kid, he better think of something quickly” muttered Jungsoo, trailing behind Kyuhyun who already reached to the steps of the entrance of the school building.


Positioned in her desk right in front of the class, Sun Hee took out her writing materials, in preparation to the start of the lesson despite the teacher who have yet to enter to kickoff the class. Sun Hee fiddled with her notes and read through the points that she have taken down from the previous lesson in order to prepare herself mentally before her teacher enters.

The students of Class 3A were being rowdy as usual, although to be known as one of the better than average students, they were talking loudly amongst one another, basking in the little chit-chats without bothering whether the noises they made were obstructing the other classes.

“Back to your seats, and listen up everyone!”

Ms Lee, the literature teacher’s voice boomed, causing students to immediately disperse back to their seats with little groaning on their side after spotting the teacher walking in the class to start the lesson for the day.

With the scattering of the students back to their seats, stepped in Kyuhyun who was late for class. He flashed Miss Lee his charming smile and apologised quickly for his tardiness, proceeding to his assigned seat at the back. As he walked towards the back, little whisperings could be heard from the girls, who never seemed to grow tired to awe at the dashing Kyuhyun.

Kyuhyun couldn’t help but to roll his eyes when he overheard the murmuring of the girls.

Sliding to his seat, he looked to the front of the class, focusing on what Miss Lee had to deliver. He stole a glance at the sight of spotting Sun Hee, who was immersed in whatever she was doing. A little smile creep at the side of his mouth, and he focused back his attention to Miss Lee, who finally captured the attention of the whole class.

“Remember the assignment that carries the most percentage to your finals? Today, I’ll be assigning you to your partners and you need to start working on it. The rest of period is free for you to discuss” Miss Lee said, taking out a list of partners that she has prepared.

After Miss Lee has called out a few names, Sun Hee looked up from her notes and scanned throughout the room, noticing certain looks plastered on some of the girls’ faces. “Probably wishing to be partnered with a kingka, I suppose” Sun Hee idlely thought in her head.

“Cho Kyuhyun and Kim Sun Hee”

Sun Hee was caught off guard upon hearing her name and quickly snapped her head forward to look at Miss Lee, who gave her a nod. Turning around to face Kyuhyun who was sitting at the back, he slightly grinned, acknowledging the situation that they were in. She smiled weakly and faced back her notes, slowly dreading the thought that she was partnered with a kingka for her important assignment.

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Fighting author nim! XD
Chapter 2: ohhhh~~ I live the way you write! <3 so precise ^^ good story too! update soon? :D
blue1193 #3
Continue this story....
I hope you update sooooooOn
what happened??? no update still??
omo! they were bestfriends!<br />
update soon! :)
update more !!<br />
it's nice !! :)
Omo. Please update update update update soon!
Hi there! Thank you for the lovely comment, will update it soon. You'd be in for a surprise!