Part 3: Stand In The Rain; Stand Your Ground

Crushed: Stand in the Rain [Three-Shot]

I sat in my room all alone. Wanting to pick up the phone and apologize to Minho, tell him that I was just a little high from the sharpie marker intoxication. However, I could barely get past the dial tone. I was seriously going insane, sobbing like there was no tomorrow.








Crushed. By the sweetest lips I never kissed. And your finger tips. And the warmest touch that I always missed. Crushed. By softest hands I used to hold as a child, however, as I grew older those hands barely held mine. Leaving them cold, empty, awaiting for you return. You're the strongest love that I ever felt. Crushed. That I never let you know, how it always goes, because I lost my nerve whenever you got close. So I'm left, short of breath with that heavy feeling in my chest. Minho, I'm so crushed.


My phone began lighting up, blowing up with Minho's voice rapping.










(IDK the meaning of what he's saying or the song, but I love the rap)


Through my blinding tears and watery eyes I glanced at the text message.


To: ______

From: BurningHotFlamingCharismaMinho


Hey, we need to talk.



I blankly stared at the text. Mostly because I realized he freaking stole my phone at some point, rigged the password and cracked the code, and changed his name in the process.


No, I can never face him again. Never. Never. Never.


I grabbed my phone and clicked call.




I met up with Min at the park. She was infuriated. She cussed Minho out, screaming on the top of her lungs, as terrified children scurried away from the insane lady.


I laughed, “Min, stop. You're freaking out the kids,”


“I'm sorry, but, UGH! He makes me so mad. I'm about to call him and give him a piece of my mind,”


I smiled, “Thanks, Min you really know how to make me smile,” However, it quickly disappeared, “You don't need to do anything. Really, I'm fine. I just wanted to tell someone,”


“Are you sure it's okay? Because trust me, I can beat him up for you,” Min offered.


I chuckled, “Tempting, but no. He's still my childhood friend. I still somewhat care,”


“Your such a saint ____. If it were me, he wouldn't be able to live to see the light of day in the morning,” Min huffed angrily.


I embraced her into a tight hug, “Thank you. I seriously love you,”


She smiled, “I know. And don't worry, I'll be 100% with you in your grievance stage,” Suddenly her phone ringed. She picked it up, “Hey Taemin! Am I busy?” She eyed me, “Yeah sorry, completely booked with a hot date. Sorry,” She hung up.


I smiled, “Wow, Min. I think you're going to regret saying that to him,”


“Psh, no. He'll get over. Friends gotta risk things for other friends,” Min patriotically announced, but was interrupted by her phone again.


“YAH MIN!” I heard Taemin scream through the phone, “Who are you going out with?! Is it Minho? I swear you better tell me who this guy is. I'm gonna beat him up for taking you away from me tonight,”


Min laughed, “What kind of comment is that?”


“It wasn't a comment!” Taemin screeched. “It was a confession!”


Min's face went blank, “Wait, what?”


“It's. A. Confession,” He slowed down for her.


She giddily smiled, “Hm, Taemin, sorry, but my hot date is calling,”


“Ya-” With that she hung up. She couldn't contain her happiness. It just kept piling and piling. The smile practically consumed her whole face.


“Go to him,” I gently nudged her, “You don't get chances like this often,”


“But _____, I have to stay with you until you recover,”


I gently pushed her, “Go. I'll be fine. I'm a big girl, I can take care of myself,” Min looked reluctant to leave, “You've helped me so much with the Minho thing. You even taught me to take chances, growing stronger in the experience. So now I'm gonna help you. Go to Taemin,”


She smiled, “_____, you're a really great friend,” Min gave be a long embrace, “Call me when you get home,” And with that I watched Min dance away with pure bliss.


I sat there staring up at the sky, looking at the dreary clouds heading my way. Before I realized it, the rain came pouring down. I let the icy rain drops disguise my salty tears, as they traveled down my face. I stood up, opening my arms up to the pain.


A voice in my head echoed. Stand in the rain. Stand your ground. Stand up when it's all crashing down. You stand through the pain. You won't drown. And one day what's lost can be found. You stand in the rain.










Goosebumps began to quickly cover my whole body, as the freezing water collided with my warm skin. In the air I could see my breath fog into a cloud as the rain pierced through it, like Minho pierced through my heart. My clothes were drenched, heavily hanging on my body. I violently shivered with each passing moment. This would be end. Alone. Cold. Unloved. Hurt. Oh, well. I at least had the guts to confess to Minho. So I'm left, short of breath, with that heavy feeling in my chest. I'm just a sad lonely girl: Crushed.



Suddenly I felt a warm body embrace me from behind, covering me with a warm blanket. The person's hand wrapped around my stomach, touching the cold skin now exposed.


“You're an idiot,” His once distant voice whispered into my ear, “You left me there like an idiot. I didn't even get to finish what I had to say,” I kissed my head, “I'm sorry, I just can't live without you. If you told me sooner then I wouldn't have been put in a situation where I had to go and break up with Yuri. She loved me. I, on the other hand, just found her attractive. We didn't have the spark, the connection. You and I have memories, history, and completely know each others' flaws and perfections. I'm surprised you finally confessed. I've been waiting since I wrote my confession of the bench. Finally you answered,” He turned me around.


I had a shocked expression plastered on my face. Kind of, wait scratch that, completely confused by what was happening. I was dreaming, right? I passed out after being cold for so long, numb, that I'm starting to hallucinate.


“I love you,” With those 8 letters, 3 words, Minho pulled me in for a kiss. I knew that those words, letters, all had 1 meaning. I passionately kissed him back, gently pulling him in closer by placing my hands on the back of his neck. Minho smiled in the kiss, and lustfully wrapped his arms around my waist, pressing me against his body. Our lips moved in sync. Our bodies becoming one. With one swift move he pushed me against the wooden column on the playground, placing his still warm hand on the bare skin of my lower back, sending a tingling shock throughout my body. I pulled away, gasping for a breath. He leaned his head on my shoulder, gasping for air.


“______, I will always love you,” He kissed my neck, “And I promise you. I'll never leave you crushed,”


I smirked and pulled him into a sweet, simple kiss.


“I love you, too. But if you ever break my heart like that again, Min is gonna personally kill you,”




Wanna check out another one of my Minho & You short stories?

Want My Stepbrother? Try & Take Him.



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Chapter 3: Aww! This was so sweet!!
Hi! Omg I love this! :D
LOL the last part.
wow, it's really cool ! <3
"I'll never leave you crushed,” that part got me burst into tears :"") such a sweet fanfic! good job^^
Joyvin #5
This fic is really sweet :)
Wow, I really liked this one!
I'm not gonna lie tho, I really wanna see what happens with Min and Taemin (please~). I love Min's attitude here, lol
& it'd be really nice to read other stories like this for the other members too (-hint, hint-)
Can't wait to read more of your work. =D
You should make one about Taemin and Min~!! :DD
StringsandHoneys9 #8
So sweet ! *sob*
This is so good that I'm crying...