Part 2: C

Crushed: Stand in the Rain [Three-Shot]



I snapped out of my trance to find Minho in front of me.


“Heyo,” He sat on top of my desk. I just blankly stared at him, “What's wrong? You look down,”


“I'm not down,” I stated too quickly. I mentally face-palmed myself. How obviously suspicious can I be? “Just tired,”


“Ah, I see. The energetic battery is finally dying out?” He smirked.


“You could say that,” I quietly stated, looking back at the sad, dying tree, as the leaves began falling some more, leaving the tree barren and .


“So what did you want to tell me?” Minho asked, leaning the back of his head against the window, looking up at the ceiling.


“Um, what?” I looked at him, confused.


“You called me like three times this morning, but you hung up quickly. Then you finally texted me saying you had to tell me something today,” Minho explained. With each passing second, I deeply regretted that decision.


However, a light of hope flashed before me. This was my chance. This was my moment. Nothing could stop me.


“Minho,” I strongly stated.


“Yes?” He tilted his head towards me.


“I-” And with that my mind completely erased as I stared into his deep brown eyes. Suddenly, negative thoughts came into my head. Was I even worthy to be called Minho's girlfriend? I mean, I was plain, boring, and just some girl he grew up with. I was a hyper energy bunny who could be annoyingly energetic all the time. Wouldn't I just be a nuisance to him?


And with that, homeroom ended as the bell rang. Yuri skipped over to us.


“Minho, let's walk to class together,” She flashed him a cute pout paired with big puppy dog eyes.


“Deh, Yuri. _____, see you later,” He hopped off of my desk and walked out of the door, out of sight.


With this attempt one thing came to mind. My mind erased and I let the moment slip away.



Lunch time.


I walked with my best friend Min to our usual table which was located to the right of Minho's posse table. The guys were already fussing around, tackling each other, and playfully hitting one another. However, Minho wasn't there.


“Looks like the monkey crew is missing there leader,” Min playfully joked as we passed them.


“Funny, Min,” Min's secret crush, Taemin spoke up. Yes, Min and Taemin, total opposites right? Taemin the sweet, funny, innocent guy. Min the strong, straightforward, brave, independent girl. However, Min grew up with Taemin and knows that behind the childish facade, he is just another rough, ruthless guy.


“I know I'm funny. Thanks for the compliment,” She remarked as she waved good-bye to a disappointed Taemin.


“He so likes you,” I whispered as we sat down.


“Shut up,” Min hissed. However, a bright blush was forming on her cheeks.


“You're blushing,” I teased.


Min just stuck out her tongue, but she looked at me seriously, “How did the Minho confession go?”


“Um,” I hesitated, “I chickened out,”


“AGAIN?!” She jumped up, practically screamed for the whole cafeteria to her.


“Shh,” I hushed, pulling her down.


“Minho's oblivious to how you feel, _____. You need to tell him straight up,” Min pushed.


“It's harder than it sounds,” I huffed.


“What have you got to lose? It's been years since you've like him. Heck, it's been decades!”


“I don't wanna ruin what we have, okay?” I answered.


“_____, sometimes you need to take risks. If you don't, you're going to be unhappy all your life. What happens if Minho gets taken away?” Min retorted.


“Don't jinx me!” I fumbled to knock on wood.


“____, I'm just telling you the truth,”


I sighed, “I know Min. I know,”



The end of the day.


Before Minho got up, I managed to stop him.


“Can we continue our conversation from earlier?” I asked him.


“Sure,” He gave me a smile. I smiled and pulled him away.


“Where are we going?” He laughed.


“You'll see when we get there,” I was struggling to yank him in the right direction.


Throughout this moment, the pit of my stomach had nervous butterflies fluttering throughout. I was nervous. However, I mentally calmed myself and pepped talked myself. I wont be afraid just like earlier. I won't walk away, never gonna let another chance slip away. This is was my moment. This was my chance. I gotta know which ever way its gonna go, rest my heart and soul because there can never be no more wimping out. It's now or never.


I sat him down on a bench. Not only was it just a bench. It was our bench as children. My mother used to work at this high school and she'd bring Minho and I along to play. We would eat our lunch on this exact bench.


“Do you remember this bench?” I asked him as I plopped myself on it happily.


“Yeah! We used to hang here all the time as kids,” Minho chucked at the memory.


“And do you remember this?” I traced my fingers over the etched in words.


He smiled, “Minho will always love _____,”


“Yup,” I smirked, “Little did Minho know, but that little girl had a secret,”


He laughed, “Hm, what a mischievous little girl. I'm curious as to what it was,”


I scooted closer to him and leaned my head on his shoulder, “The little girl never could find the right time to say what she wanted. The little girl never had the guts to just spit it out. The little girl was afraid of the consequences,” I gazed into his eyes, “That little girl grew up though. A friend of her's told her to take risks, no matter what the outcome. Minho, I love you,”


I awaited for his reply, but his face was emotionless and blank.


“Please say something,” My brave voice became a shy, mere whisper.


“During lunch Yuri confessed to me,” He sighed, “And I lovingly pulled her into a passionate kiss, telling her I felt the same. I'm sorry _____, I just can't-”


With that I got up, tears streaming, and ran.


Please insert dramatic music here! :3

Anyway, I hope you like it.





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Chapter 3: Aww! This was so sweet!!
Hi! Omg I love this! :D
LOL the last part.
wow, it's really cool ! <3
"I'll never leave you crushed,” that part got me burst into tears :"") such a sweet fanfic! good job^^
Joyvin #5
This fic is really sweet :)
Wow, I really liked this one!
I'm not gonna lie tho, I really wanna see what happens with Min and Taemin (please~). I love Min's attitude here, lol
& it'd be really nice to read other stories like this for the other members too (-hint, hint-)
Can't wait to read more of your work. =D
You should make one about Taemin and Min~!! :DD
StringsandHoneys9 #8
So sweet ! *sob*
This is so good that I'm crying...