The one choice-chapter 2

The one choice

"Woohyun!" You cried.

Help came and he was brought to the hospital.

You sat by the bench, crying.

"Get over it already _____!" Jay-park yelled at you and walked away.

"It's okay ____." Taeyang soothens as he wraps his arms around you.

You know it felt wrong but you liked the feeling of having Taeyang there with you.

"Thankyou Taeyang." You whispered, and went to sleep in his arms.

~The next day

You woke up in your room, there was a note next to your bed. IT SAY'S-

"________ you fell asleep so i brought you home and tucked you in, i will see you later. -Taeyang."

~in your room

You put the note away and went to get dressed.

In the kitchen was Jay-park, eating alone.

He looked up at you and then left.

~at hotel

"Yah! you need to vist me more!" CL yelled as he walked in.

"I would but I'm busy a lot."

He came to her and gave a kiss, and he didn't want to let go.

~your house

"What is wrong with Jay-park?" You wondered.

You were thinking about Woohyun.


You rushed to the hospital and saw that he was fine but he had lots of cuts and looked bad.

~three days later

Woohyun came home from the hospital, he had a broken bone and he was kida in a bad shape.

~at the park

You and Taeyang were at the park, walking around.

Then he stopped and leaned in and whispers in your ear.

"I love you ____"

And he kissed you but none of you wanted to break it apart.

Jay-park saw them, he was just walking around and saw everything.

You saw Jay-park, you gasped and broke the kiss.

"No!"You cried as you saw the look on his face, what he is going to do next. And he raised his fist aimed at Taeyang's face, and it came down hard, a lot of times.











HEY thanks for reading, i worked hard at this, sorry it was a little short.Anyway i hope you enjoy it so far, i will update chapter 3 soon i hope. Thanks:)


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i want this to be taeyang's kkkkk
AbbyYoYo #2
Fair Jay, it's so so fair. You angry when Taeyang confess to her, while you obviously cheating on her. Gosh !!! What's wrong with that boy !!!