The one choice-Chapter 1

The one choice

"Catch me you can!" You shouted. Jay Park ran after you. He caught you and you were laughing.

"Look at the sunset _____" he said. You look and saw the beautiful sunset setting. Jay Park wrapped his hands around your waist and kissed you on the cheek. You blush and kissed him back.

You guys were counting down when his phone began to ring. After he talked, he looked at you.

"Sorry I have to go." He left withouts your answer.

~Later at a hotel~

"Hey there babe." He said in a seductive tone.

"Hey honey." Cl said.

Her arms slides around his neck and kisses Jay Parks lips. CL tugs him inside while he slam the door shut. Then they both got in the bed and made love.

~At the park~

"I wonder wheres Jays at?" you asked yourself.

"Probbly got his in trouble again." You thought.

~ Next day~

"Hey sweetie." Jay Park said to you. He kissed you before you could even say anything. His kiss sent you chills and you kissed him back. After a few seconds you broke the kiss, then you guys went to the mall.

"Jay! You'll look sooo cute in this!!" You said showing a hat.

"Okay, okay, I'll buy it"

You squealed


You pouted

"If you say "I love you!""


"Hey, it's a fair deal!" he said.

"Okay, okay. I love you Jay Park." You said. Some how when you said it, you felt like you didn't mean it. He kissed you and went to pay for it.

You guys came back to your place with tons of shopping bags.

"Argg, I'm soo tired!"You whinned, as you plop on the floor.

"Hello!" Beast came in.

"Do you know how to knock?" You said.

"Do you know how to be polite?" They asked.

"YAH!" You yelled as you threw a bag at them.

"Ow!" They cried.

So you guys went on talking about what was going on and stuff.

"Feed me!" Woohyun yelled as he walked in.

"Feed yourself." Beast said.

Woohyun came in and hugged you.

Jay-Park cleared his throat and went over and kissed you.

You gave him a that-was-rude look, but jay-park ignored it.

"Wheres our hug?" Big Bang asked when they charged in.

"Where is everyone comming from?" You thought.

But, you went over and give them a group hug.

Jay-park cleared his throoat again and said-

"She is mine"

You laughed at is cuteness so did everyone else.

Then everyone went to the park for a walk.

-At the park

A cloud went by, then another, and soon the sky was now dark.

"Boom!" A tree fell.

The wind blew hard and strong, and it was raining hard and fast.

"Run!!!" Taeyang yelled!

Everyone started running to your house.

You guys were almost there.


"Oww" Woohyun cried in pain.

You looked back and gasped, a large thorny branch fell on Woohyun.

"Woohyun!!" You cried.

You gasped when you saw something red, he was gushing blood.







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i want this to be taeyang's kkkkk
AbbyYoYo #2
Fair Jay, it's so so fair. You angry when Taeyang confess to her, while you obviously cheating on her. Gosh !!! What's wrong with that boy !!!