ive been looking for you.


so i'll get straight to the point. currently faceclaiming female muses only (bp's jennie) and looking for a male muse. it doesnt matter who your faceclaim is but if you need help, these are males im into and would really appreciate if you faceclaim them (bts' jungkook and taehyung, nct's jaehyun).

my timezone is in minus world but my body clock is messed up so i think i can still work out replying onto the other side. currently working so if im at work or busy, i'll update you about it. 

im more comfortable with third pov and only doing plotting at the moment. plots, faceclaim, kinks will be discuss through pm. i also dont mind my platforms are kakaotalk and line only. 

if you reach til here, send me a message with your faceclaim and id. and i'll send you a message asap, cant wait to talk to you. thank you


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