chapter two.

A Cup of Romance
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The next morning, Yesung woke up to a text. That's weird, he thought. The only person who really only ever texts him is Ryeowook and he knows that it's practically forbidden to text Yesung in the morning in the off chance that he might wake the older up from his slumber. Yesung unlocked his phone, squinting as his eyes adjusted to the brightness of the screen.


'Good Morning. Can't wait to see you tonight! :) - Cho Kyuhyun'


That's cute. It'd be cuter if it were coming from gorgeous Siwon. Yesung sighed and frowned, setting his phone down as he stared up at the ceiling. Yesung seemed so troubled by his feelings for this man. This man whose only information he knows, is where he works and what his coffee order is.  Turning on his side, he decided to be polite and text back to this Kyuhyun guy.


'Hey! I'm looking forward to seeing you tonight as well.' and... Send. Yesung ruffled his hair and tossed and turned in bed before forcing himself to get up and get ready for another day. He went to the bathroom to wash up, jutting his lower lip as he saw his puffy cheeks in the reflection. He squished them together and for whatever reason, imagined Siwon's hands on both sides of his face. Those soft, big hands caressing his cheeks. He then imagined the gorgeous man leaning in to leave a peck on his forehead. Yesung dreamily sighed and suddenly found all motivation to get ready.


Today's outfit was a loose white plain tee, a blue knit cardigan and a paper boy hat. After sorting through his things, he picked up his tote bag and headed off to work. It was another beautiful day, so he took the long way again. The melodious laughter of the children ringing in his ear as he passed by the playground, their laughter almost contagious. And as usual, he walked by Mr. Park's stationery store. Usually greeted by the old man, he was surprised to see Leeteuk.


"Leeteuk hyung!" Yesung waved from a distance before striding over to get to Leeteuk's side.


"Ah, Yesung-ah! So good to see you again! It's been a long time hasn't it?" He smiled brightly as he brushed his bangs out if his face.


"It has... I heard you're doing well though, you've opened up a new restaurant?" he cocked his head to his side as his eyes dropped to watch Leeteuk organizing the new shipment of journals. 


"Yup! It's been a journey, but I'm glad I could get another one open. I even tweaked the menu a bit so that it'd be a different experience from the other restaurant. Oh! And since I have you, I brought a little gift!" Leeteuk clapped excitedlly before entering the shop, coming out with a book in hand. "This is for you! A new cookbook to celebrate the opening of the restaurant."  


Yesung accepted it politely and skimmed through the pages, " this looks great hyung! I'll have to try these recipes out for myself one of these days. Anyways, what keeps you here at the shop?" he tucked the book into his tote bag.


"Ah... you didn't hear? After he picked up the cupcakes, I dropped grandpa off at grandma's grave. But when I came back to take him home, he had collapsed. I know that every year during this time, he has a hard time with his health, but this time was a little different. " Leeteuk sighed and shook his head, "So I'm here looking after the place while he recovers. " Yesung frowned at the thought of grandpa struggling with his health.


"That's too bad... can you let him know that I'm thinking of him?"


"Of course, I'll pass on the message. Don't worry, he'll be okay. If he can handle grandma's constant nagging, he can face anything. Don't work too hard today, Yesung!" Leeteuk laughed lightly and Yesung nodded before waving off the other and stepping into the coffee shop.  As he walked in, he could see Ryeowook from the corner of his eye, wiping off tables. He continued to place his stuff in the back, tying on his apron and washing his hands.


"Tell me why I agreed to this date with Kyuhyun. I got a text from him this morning saying he couldn't wait to see me." 


"Hey! He's not a bad guy, he's sweet I promise! And besides, I'm letting you off your shift early, isn't that a plus? I asked your brother to come in and close tonight." 


"You don't make the shift schedule, I do!" Yesung walked over, poking the smaller man's chest gently.


"Which is why I wanted to ask you! Can I have next Friday off? Kyuhyun and I are going to busk together!" Ryeowook brought his arm around the other's shoulder with a pleading smile on his face. 


Yesung rolled his eyes and gave Ryeowook a questioning look, "Kyuhyun? As in the same guy that you're trying to set me up with? Are you sure you aren't just fishing for more information because you're the one interested in him?" 


"Pfft, tch. what? No!? What makes you think that?" Ryeowook went to wiping a perfectly clean table, a snicker passing Yesung's lips. 


"Looks like Wookie has a crush! How cute!" 


After their friendly banter, the two went straight to work with their usual lunch rush. Yesung's eyes casually looking over at the time every few minutes as if time could not pass by any slower. Siwon was not in sight. 


"Maybe he's tied up with work" Ryeowook said as he passed the Yesung, handing over the order to the customer.


"How the are you always reading my mind?" 


Ryeowook shrugged and gave a smug smile as he continued to work. 


"Whatever." Yesung rolled his eyes playfully, shrugging off whatever magical powers his best friend had as he moved to the counter to attend some customers. 


A few hours passed and Siwon was still nowhere to be found. Yesung was about ready to give up as he saw his brother walk in. Jongjin saw his older brother sulking by himself and gave Ryeowook a questioning look to which he just shrugged. 


"Hey hyung!" Jongjin gave a big, encouraging smile. Yesung looked up from his busy, fumbling fingers.


"Oh.. Jongjin, you're here already? You still have another hour before your shift-" 


"I was told to come early so that you can leave right away for your date-" Yesung gave Ryeowook a threatening look before sighing and nodding before untying his apron, hanging it up quickly and making his way to the office.


"What's up with him?" Jongjin whispered over Ryeowook's shoulder.


"Lover boy hasn't seen his crush today. "  Jongjin scoffed and moved to get his apron off the rack. As he tied it neatly, he looked up, hearing the bell chime to alert them that a customer had walked in. Ryeowook slapped his arm and gave him a look letting him know that the figure standing in front of him was the gorgeous man his older brother had been waiting for all day. Though he had a bright smile, it seemed to have disappeared as his eyes wandered every corner of the cafe.


"Siwon!" Ryeowook greeted, raising the volume of his voice to get the attention of Yesung who was still in his office. Siwon nodded and gave a small grin in acknowledgement, "Ryeowook, nice to see you again!" As soon as Yesung heard his voice, his ears perked up and his face was suddenly beaming with a big dumb smile. As he put his phone down, he checked himself in the mirror, nodding in approval before stepping out of the office and back to the front, putting his apron back on.


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391 streak #1
Chapter 5: I read this chapter few months ago but forgot to comment, sorrrry~ You will be back, right?
391 streak #2
Chapter 4: I love the date!!! >_<

My favorite part of course the movie date! That's so fantastic!

And I kinda want to see Sungmin here, I miss him T^T
vpurple #3
Chapter 4: awwww that was soooo cute!!!!! so fluffy and adorable, i really loved it!!!! i really adore the vibe of this story too - just so chill and sweet~ thank you for writing!! <3 <3
391 streak #4
Chapter 3: so cuteeeee!!!

please make the date please pretty please~~~
391 streak #5
Chapter 2: sequel??? you're already planning about a sequel??? Not complaining tho! Make a lot of yewon stories pleaseeeeeeee
391 streak #6
Chapter 1: this chapter made me smile ear to ear XD
391 streak #7
yewon! yey!

#gonna read it
Chapter 3: Of course i need the yewon date 😃
cloudykuro #9
Chapter 3: That scene where siwon gave donut to the girl I can definitely picturing siwon does that in real life ^.^
Yes! Can't wait for our yewon date!!!
vpurple #10
Chapter 3: omg yay how cute!!! loved this chapter, and how bold siwon was at the end haha. thank you so much for updating!!! <3