chapter three.

A Cup of Romance
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The following day, Yesung was up bright and early to start his day. The night before, when he found out that Siwon’s presentation was today, he made a promise to himself to wake up early and prepare a little something for Siwon and his officemates. On his way to the cafe, he picked up a few extra ingredients and extra groceries, which he set in front of the grandpa's stationery store. Whether grandpa was returning to work today or not, Yesung was sure the old man would need to restock his fridge and Leeteuk definitely would not have any spare time to do so. 


Unlocking the doors to the cafe, he went straight to work, baking a fresh batch of bagels and muffins of various flavors. Even though he knew that Siwon would be neck deep in work, Yesung wanted to drop everything that he made, off at the office to encourage Siwon and his team. Taking a seat in front of the oven, numerous thoughts began to flood his mind from the interactions he's had with Siwon the past few days. Like the first time Siwon walked in and ordered. Yesung thought Siwon was insulting the coffee, which quickly upset Yesung. Only to realize he was on the phone. Yesung groaned and cursed himself out, continuing to ponder on the mere thought of Siwon. Like the time he apologized for not showing up at his regular time. Was he aware that Yesung practically waits for him every day? Or the fact that Yesung thought Siwon was going to kiss him, but it ended up being a stupid piece of chocolate? That was annoying... but at least they touched hands for the first time. Their hands together were two very obvious different sizes. Siwon's being so big and so strong. A little rough and calloused. Maybe from the all the working out he does? He is very fit after all... His hands in comparison to Yesung's made Yesung feel so small and so tiny. His hands more soft and delicate. Ding! The alarm of the oven broke his thoughts. He put on the oven mitts and pulled the muffins out, setting them down on the counter to cool off. Hearing the door chimes, he peeked through the doors of the kitchen. Ryeowook. Yesung looked over at the clock. That's weird, he's here earlier than he needs to be. Yesung walked out of the kitchen and called out for his best friend.


"Hyung! I came straight here after waking up because I just couldn't wait to tell you about Jongjin's date with Kyuhyun last night! I called and asked Jongjin to give me details, and now Kyuhyun sounds even more sweet and dreamier to me!" Ryeowook sighed dramatically and frowned, before walking over to turn the coffee machines on for the day. Yesung chuckled at how adorable his best friend was being over his crush. Is this how Ryeowook feels deep down when I gush about Siwon? Yesung thought to himself and chuckled even more. 


"Go on, tell me about it! I have to tell you about my night too!" 


"Eek! Yes, okay! So," Ryeowook squealed and clapped his hands together as he started, " After we sent them out the door, Kyuhyun took Jongjin to see a musical. Apparently it was a dark musical and Jongjin wasn't all that captivated and neither was he. But for whatever reason, he knew all the words. So when I asked Jongjin what musical it was. Do you know what his answer was?" At this point, Ryeowook had grabbed his hyung by the shoulders, shaking him gently. 


"I'm going to take an extremely wild guess and say it was Sonata of a Flame?" Yesung said with a hint of sarcasm in his voice, knowing well what his best friend's favorite musical was. 


Ryeowook clapped his hands and pointed his finger at the older, "bingo! Oh, hyung! You know how badly I've been dreaming to be in that musical. That's like.. my ultimate dream right now." Ryeowook closed his eyes, humming to a tune from the musical. 


"Okay, then what else happened, Wook?" Yesung snapped his friend back into reality. 


"Oh right! Jongjin said he kept asking about me throughout their whole date- So like... I don't want to read into anything... but he must be interested in me, right? Right, hyung?"


Yeslung blinked and scoffed, he found it very obvious that the two had feelings for each other and though it was very evident, he didn't want to give Ryeowook all the hope in the odd chance that he wasn't actually interested, " I don't know." He shrugged it off, trying to play cool which Ryeowook could only frown to the response. 


"Well then what about you? What's your update on Siwon?" Ryeowook poured a cup of coffee and handed it to the older before pouring one for himself. 


"Thanks. Well, I don't know. He seems like he's great with children! I had just given Siwon his billionth cup of coffee and donut with sprinkles to brighten up his mood since he seemed more tense as the night went on. And then we talked for a bit and a customer came in with her daughter. So I helped them. The little girl ordered a donut with sprinkles and jsut as I was finishing up on her mom's drink order, I heard crying and when I looked over, the girl had dropped her donut. So I went around to clean it up and then he knelt next to me and gave his donut to the girl. It was just a pure moment. He looked even more handsome at that very moment. My heart was practically melting watching him interact with the little girl." 


"That's cute. So how many children do you guys plan on having?" Wook casually sipped his coffee as he leaned against the counter.


"What- Yah! We aren't having kids! He's not even mine yet, how could you be thinking so far?"  


"Keyword yet. So that means you guys will have kids! I better be the godfather of your children, promise?" He stuck out his pinky to the other. Yesung rolled his eyes and wrapped his pinky around Ryeowook's, muttering "You're impossible" under his breath. Ryeowook beamed and sniffed the air, the smell of freshly made bagels and muffins, " I won't even ask what that's for even though I'm really curious, but I will ask if you need help packing them up." Yesung laughed and nodded, wrapping his arm loosely around the other's shoulder as they walked to the back, spending their time to package everything nicely while gossiping about the boys that they've been head over heels for. 


Time went on and soon it was time to open for the day. Even though Ryeowook certainly did not ask, he managed to pry it out of his best friend, the reason why there was a fresh batch of bagels and muffins. After finding out that it was for Siwon and his work mates, Ryeowook suggested to bring some coffee, so he prepared two travellers. One with regular coffee and the other with decaf. As Ryeowook handed the travellers to Yesung, he opened the door to give way. "Are you sure you don't want me to help? Your hands aren't big enough to hold of that-" He snickered as he teased his friend. 


"If I wasn't in a good mood, you know I'd be swearing at you!" Yesung huffed as he looked back. "I'll be okay, it's just down the street. Call me if you need me! Or Jongjin, you can always call him too. Don't bother me!" And off Yesung went. Every few minutes, he'd readjust the bags in his hands to make it more comfortable, sometimes even setting the bags down to give his small hands a rest. As he reached the office building, he looked up and grinned before entering. Walking up to the reception desk, he immediately asked for Siwon and before he knew it, he was being led to a meeting room. The receptionist knocked and poked her head in, politely asking if they were wrapping up their meeting, which Yesung could see everyone's heads nod through the glass panels. He caught a glimpse of Siwon and immediately both their faces lit up at the sight of each other. As the receptionist widened the door, motioning for Yesung to enter in, Siwon quickly approached Yesung, grabbing a bag from Yesung before giving him a one armed hug. God, it feels good to be in his embrace. 


"Hi!" Siwon gave a toothy grin as he pulled from the hug, taking the other bag

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391 streak #1
Chapter 5: I read this chapter few months ago but forgot to comment, sorrrry~ You will be back, right?
391 streak #2
Chapter 4: I love the date!!! >_<

My favorite part of course the movie date! That's so fantastic!

And I kinda want to see Sungmin here, I miss him T^T
vpurple #3
Chapter 4: awwww that was soooo cute!!!!! so fluffy and adorable, i really loved it!!!! i really adore the vibe of this story too - just so chill and sweet~ thank you for writing!! <3 <3
391 streak #4
Chapter 3: so cuteeeee!!!

please make the date please pretty please~~~
391 streak #5
Chapter 2: sequel??? you're already planning about a sequel??? Not complaining tho! Make a lot of yewon stories pleaseeeeeeee
391 streak #6
Chapter 1: this chapter made me smile ear to ear XD
391 streak #7
yewon! yey!

#gonna read it
Chapter 3: Of course i need the yewon date 😃
cloudykuro #9
Chapter 3: That scene where siwon gave donut to the girl I can definitely picturing siwon does that in real life ^.^
Yes! Can't wait for our yewon date!!!
vpurple #10
Chapter 3: omg yay how cute!!! loved this chapter, and how bold siwon was at the end haha. thank you so much for updating!!! <3