chapter one.

A Cup of Romance
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Walking down the street, Yesung closed his eyes and inhaled the sweet morning aroma that graced the streets of Seoul. Today he had decided to take a different, longer route to work which led him through a park. Turning his head, he saw a playground area busy with several kids running and stomping around, playing tag and making friends with the other neighbourhood kids. The innocence of a child. The type of innocence where you could make friends just by simply saying 'hi'. When Yesung was a kid, he always dreamt of growing up. And now having grown up, despite have reached his dream of opening a cafe, how he wished to be a child again. To not have to pay rent and balance a handful of responsibilities. That was what he enjoyed about being a kid. He smiled at himself, hearing the joyful laughter. As he followed the path out of the park, he greeted fellow business owners who were busying themselves as they prepared to open the stores for the day and as he approached the glass doors of his own business, he was greeted by a little shove.


"Yah! What took you so long? Did you take the long way to work again?" the figure clicked his tongue, rubbing his arms to gather warmth. It was the middle of the fall season and the weather was steadily transitioning to the colder season, though it wasn't enough to be complaining this much.


"'Yah?' Speak with such disrespect again, I dare you!" Yesung spoke in a half joking manner as he pulled out his keys, quickly unlocking the door before holding the door open to let the other in first. "Now go on and set up for the day. We've got about ten minutes before we open for the day!" he cheerfully said as he made his way to the office in the back to put his stuff away.


"If only you didn't take the stupid long way to work.." the other muttered, though apparently it was loud enough for Yesung to hear as he quickly stepped out from the office, tying his apron around his waist.


"Kim Ryeowook! What did you just say?" Yesung furrowed his brows and smoothed his apron before folding his arms over his chest.


"Nothing, hyung! I love you... Is what I said" Ryeowook shuddered and nibbled on his bottom lip, a small apologizing smile gracing his face which earned an eye roll from the older.


Yesung met Ryeowook a few years back while the younger was busking as a means to earn extra cash. His captivating and soulful voice managed to get the attention of Yesung, who at that time was handling a small cart, selling coffee and hot chocolate to those who flooded the streets. After Ryeowook's performance, Yesung approached him with a cup of hot chocolate. Shortly after a few more performances, this became a thing between the two and they became the best of friends very quickly. Yesung would go out in the street to sell hot drinks while Ryeowook would stay stationed, singing and performing to his hearts content and once he nears the end of his performance, Yesung would also be close by, nearing the end of his shift. They would share a couple of laughs over cups of coffee and would often pour out their dreams and goals to one another. So of course, once news hit that Yesung would open his own cafe, Ryeowook was the very first employee to be hired. 


Once the cafe was officially opened for the day, it was quickly filled with laughter and joy of friends meeting together after a long time, high school students who skipped class for a quick snack, university students with their noses in their textbooks. The two workers remained busy, only talking to each other when they had to communicate orders to one another. It was always busy, but the two still managed to find time to enjoy the atmosphere that everyone brought in with them. With each cup of coffee, was a story. And that’s the joy Yesung got out of putting this place together. He loved the idea of having people come together, making memories over endless amounts of coffee.

“Wook, I’m gonna go on my break, you think you can handle it?” he said, quickly adding a fresh new batch of croissants to the display case.


“Hold on, I’ve been holding in my pee since mid-rush. Let me go first, and then you can have your break!” the younger didn’t wait for an answer, dashing past the older and towards the staff washroom. Yesung shook his head and chuckled to himself as he went to stand in front of the till. Yesung pulled out a notepad and a pen, beginning to write out a list of ingredients and other necessary stuff that was needed for the café. He was interrupted when he heard someone clearing their throat. Looking up from the notepad, he was taken aback by the stunning figure that stood in front. He wore a clean white button up shirt with a black suit jacket, one button done. He blinked a couple times before realizing he didn’t greet the handsome customer.


“H-Hi! Welcome to Mouse Rabbit café. What can I get for you today?” his tone a little more jolly than usual.


“Hi there.” the customer gave a charming smile, a dimple appearing next to his grin. God, he’s gorgeous, Yesung thought. “I’d like a medium iced coffee with sweet cream and one shot of espresso, please.” He gave another grin, making Yesung swoon. He quickly repeated the order back while punching it into the system before allowing the gorgeous customer to pay. And just as the machine beeped to tell them that the payment went through, Yesung looked over to see Ryeowook preparing to make the drink order. Quickly Yesung went over and held Ryeowook’s hands to prevent him from doing anymore. “Stop! I’ll.. I will make the order, you go help the next customer, okay?” Yesung gave him an encouraging nod and Ryeowook gave him a weird look muttering a quick ‘weirdo’ before putting a smile and walking towards the front counter. Carefully and delicately, Yesung took his time to prepare the order. A medium iced coffee with sweet cream and one shot of espresso. Just as he finished the order, he put a lid on top and quickly beamed, turning back to the counter to hand the customer his drink with a straw.


“Here you go, sir! Have a great day!” he saluted. Why did he salute? The gorgeous man probably thinks he’s some sort of weirdo.  He watched as the gorgeous man took the drink, jabbing the straw gently into the drink before taking a sip. The next thing he said left Yesung frozen.


“It’s horrible!” the gorgeous man furrowed his brow in distaste before shooting an apologetic look to Yesung before whispering, “sorry, I’m on the phone, it tastes great…thanks Yesung!” he turned his head to show a small Bluetooth ear piece in which Yesung gave an understanding nod and a grin. “Whatever, we’ll work with what we have. I’ll send them an email to see what our next step will be.” The customer put his drink down on the counter, pulling out his phone to do just as he said he would before walking out, completely forgetting about his coffee.


“Excuse me- wait, your coffee!” He tried to wave down the customer with no avail. How did that guy know Yesung’s name?


“Your nametag, you . And before you say anything, yes you looke

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487 streak #1
Chapter 5: I read this chapter few months ago but forgot to comment, sorrrry~ You will be back, right?
487 streak #2
Chapter 4: I love the date!!! >_<

My favorite part of course the movie date! That's so fantastic!

And I kinda want to see Sungmin here, I miss him T^T
vpurple #3
Chapter 4: awwww that was soooo cute!!!!! so fluffy and adorable, i really loved it!!!! i really adore the vibe of this story too - just so chill and sweet~ thank you for writing!! <3 <3
487 streak #4
Chapter 3: so cuteeeee!!!

please make the date please pretty please~~~
487 streak #5
Chapter 2: sequel??? you're already planning about a sequel??? Not complaining tho! Make a lot of yewon stories pleaseeeeeeee
487 streak #6
Chapter 1: this chapter made me smile ear to ear XD
487 streak #7
yewon! yey!

#gonna read it
Chapter 3: Of course i need the yewon date 😃
cloudykuro #9
Chapter 3: That scene where siwon gave donut to the girl I can definitely picturing siwon does that in real life ^.^
Yes! Can't wait for our yewon date!!!
vpurple #10
Chapter 3: omg yay how cute!!! loved this chapter, and how bold siwon was at the end haha. thank you so much for updating!!! <3