❄ Christmas Confrontation ❄

This Christmas
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Hyejin had woken up, her vision slightly blurry. She blinked a few times, her ceiling becoming clearer with each one. Her hand moved up to her eyes, fingers rubbing the sleep away. Hyejin turned her head on the pillow, her eyes falling on Yongsun's sleeping face. Her friend was completely out, her lips parting slightly as she breathed. Hyejin smiled for a moment before she turned her head away to look at the clock on the bedside table. The glowing letters read 8 am. Hyejin sat up in the bed, her legs swinging over the edge. Her feet landed on the cool wood floor, the touch enough to make goosebumps rise over Hyejin's arms. She got up and walked over to the window, her hands moving the curtains so she could see outside. 

"Woah." She breathed, her eyes taking in the expanse of white and the fluffy flakes that fell from the sky. 

Hyejin assumed the snow had come in heavier the night before. Hyejin loved the idea of having a white Christmas so the fact that it was happening made her a bit happier. She turned her back to the window and looked at Yongsun. She debated both of her options at that moment. She would either A, wake up Yongsun by jumping on her, or B, let her sleep a little longer. Hyejin already knew what she was going to do. She did a little run before jumping on the bed making Yongsun be in midair for a millisecond. 

"AHH!" Yongsun cried, her eyes shooting open as she fell back on the bed.

"AHN HYEJIN!" She cried, sitting up, her hair a mess.

Hyejin doubled over laughing, her stomach already beginning to ache. 

"S-sorry! I just wanted to surprise you!" Hyejin finally choked out as she wiped her tears away from the corners of her eyes. 

Yongsun glared at Hyejin as she ran her fingers through her hair to get rid of some of the tangles that resided there.

"Could you not surprise me in a more refined way?!" Yongsun cried as she leaned over to smack Hyejin on the arm.

Hyejin danced out of the way.

"Nope. There was only one choice. Anyways..." Hyejin turned back and gave Yongsun some jazz hands.

"MERRY CHRISTMAS!" Hyejin cried.

Yongsun looked at Hyejin blankly before her eyes widened.


Yongsun scrambled off the bed and hurried to pull on her slippers, forgetting the way Hyejin woke her up completely. Hyejin followed suit and the two hurried out of the bedroom. As soon as they opened the bedroom door they were hit with the smell of bacon and what must've been chocolate. They shuffled into the kitchen where Hyejin's father and Ji-hoon were making pancakes. 

"Good morning you two! The last ones to wake up!" Hyejin's mom said as she came around the corner, fancy plates in hand.

Hyejin hurried over and took the plates from her mom who gave her a hug in exchange.

"We are the last ones to wake up?" Yongsun asked as she helped Hyejin put the plates on the table.

Eunji walked in at that moment, Young-chan in her arms. Hyejin almost did a double take when she saw her sister looking anything but pleased as she put her son down.

"Well, you'll find it impossible to sleep when your son insists on waking up almost every hour to catch a glimpse of Santa." 

Hyejin watched Young-chan run from his mother to where his father was. She then turned back to see her sister watching her carefully. Hyejin looked away, not wanting to make any trouble today. Once she and Yongsun had finished putting down the plates, they went over to the cooking station in the kitchen where Hyejin's father was plating chocolate chip pancakes. 

"Alright everyone, grab a plate and pile on the bacon and eggs." Ji-hoon said as he handed the tongs for bacon to Hyejin. 

Everyone moved around the kitchen plating their food and finding a spot at the table. They all started eating and Hyejin found herself feeling happier than she had felt in a while. Each bite of her pancake reminded her of the Christmas's she had experienced with her family in the past.

"Thank you so much Mr. and Mrs. Ahn for having me here!" Yongsun said as she drank from her coffee cup.

Hyejin's mom waved a hand.

"Think nothing of it Yongsun sweetie. Any friend of Hyejin's is always welcome in this house." 

Hyejin blushed a little at that as Yongsun gave her a friendly elbow nudge. Hyejin looked up and caught the eye of her nephew who was practically inhaling his food.

"Woah, woah bud. Slow down." Eunji said as she caught sight of what her son was doing. 

Young-chan paused for a moment to fix his mother with a serious look.

"Mom, we gotta hurry! Santa didn't come for no reason! I haven't even gotten to see what was under the tree yet!" 

Ji-hoon laughed and shook his head at his son's antics.

"Well, we have to wait for everyone to finish before we think about going to open presents." He said.

Young-chan frowned for a moment before trying to not so discreetly look at everyone's plates to see how much food they had left. Hyejin chuckled at that as she finished up her pancake, her fork scraping the plate as she made sure she left no crumbs behind. Everyone finished up, not wanting to prolong the promise of present to Young-chan. They moved to the kitchen but Hyejin's mom told everyone to leave their dishes, who did dishes on Christmas? 

"Alright everyone, we will move on to presents in an hour. I want everyone to get dressed so that after we do presents, we can do some photos." 

"Photos?" Hyejin whispered to her sister as she came to a stop by her.

"Yup. Mom decided to start taking family photos at holidays a few years ago. Looks like this year will be no exception." With that, Eunji moved away from Hyejin.

Hyejin wasn't stupid, she knew her sister was mad at her after what had taken place the night before on the front porch. However, Hyejin didn't feel like Eunji understood how she was feeling. Hyejin moved to her room, not wanting to dwell on it. Once she was in her room, she gathered up some clothes which included undergarments, a fuzzy pink sweater, dark blue jeans, and some matching fuzzy pink socks. Pink was a color Hyejin rarely wore but it did compliment her skin tone well. 

"I'm going to take a quick shower." Hyejin told Yongsun as she passed her in the hallway. her friend nodded in acknowledgment and Hyejin headed for the bathroom. She stepped inside and shut the door behind her before setting her stuff down on the counter. She glanced at herself in the mirror, her fingers coming to run over the slight bags under her eyes. 

She sighed as she moved away and began to strip down. She the water and waited for a moment until it was the right temperature. Once she was satisfied, she stepped in, the tension melting away as the warm water hit her back. It was calming, almost as if it were washing away everything this trip had brought. Hyejin closed her eyes as she let the water cascade over her face. Hyejin thought back to yesterday when she had been faced with Wheein. To be honest, Hyejin had been expecting it. The sudden announcement of Wheein and Moonbyul transitioning from dating to girlfriends was one that hurt Hyejin but she couldn't let her own selfish wants get in the way of her friend's happiness, right? Hyejin reached for the shampoo and she squirted some in her hand before she lathered up her hair. It was long so it took a bit more. Once she had rinsed the suds out, she reached for the conditioner to do the same. After she had it in her hair, she waited. Hyejin opened her eyes and stared at the shower tile contemplating just what had changed. If Hyejin had told herself 8 days ago that she would be in love with her best friend and that it only took her a really long time to come to terms with it, she would've laughed in her future self's face. It was ridiculous but Hyejin was living the reality. It felt like one of those ridiculous Christmas movies with the same plot but unlike those movies, Hyejin wasn't sure she would have a happy ending. Hyejin shook her head and quickly rinsed out her hair. She made quick work of washing her body before rinsing off and shutting the water off. She pulled back the curtain and grabbed a towel, drying her legs off before stepping out onto the bath mat. After drying herself off, she pulled on her clothes, wrapping her hair in a towel after to ensure no water got onto her clothes. She made quick work of brushing her teeth and applying a little make up before she gathered her clothes and exited the bathroom. 

The cool air from the hallway was a welcome change from the heat of the bathroom. Hyejin walked to her room and she walked in to see Yongsun fluffing her hair in the mirror. 

"Wow, something smells good." Yongsun said, pausing her movement before turning to look at Hyejin.

"Is that you? You smell like...well, I don't know what. It's just good!" 

Hyejin chuckled as she put her clothes away.

"Thanks. It's hard to describe the scent, even for me." Hyejin said as she unwrapped her hair from her towel. It wasn't dry but it was also not all the way wet. Hyejin rooted around in her bag before she pulled out her favorite silver hair claw clip. She walked over to where Yongsun was standing and she put her hair up, pulling a few hairs loose to frame her face.

"You also look really good in pink, just so you know. You should wear it more often." Yongsun said as she admired her friend.


Hyejin straightened up once she was satisfied with her hair style. She moved over to Yongsun and linked arms with her.

"All right, lets go open up some presents!"

The two walked out of the room and back towards the main area. That's when Hyejin saw her standing there in her coat, her cheeks pink from the cold. She also saw Moonbyul holding her hand, their fingers entwined. Hyejin must've stiffened or tensed because Yongsun noticed the change. She looked where Hyejin was looking and she immediately knew what was happening.

"Come on. You got this." She said as she began moving again.

Hyejin swallowed but was suddenly dry. They approached the couple and Eunji, who Hyejin assumed had let them in, looked at Hyejin as if to gauge a reaction.

"Hey you two! Looks like the cold got ya." Yongsun said as she gave a hug to Wheein and Moonbyul.

"Yeah, the snow started falling early this morning. I almost didn't think we would get snowfall for Christmas." Moonbyul said as she helped take off Wheein's jacket.

Hyejin watched silently, forcing a smile that she hoped seemed somewhat genuine. It wasn't until Wheein turned to face Hyejin that she moved.

"Hi." Wheein said.

"Hi." Hyejin replied. For some reason, it felt awkward. 

The two stood there for a moment while Moonbyul conversed with Yongsun, but neither knew what to say. It was almost as though all their hard work to repair their friendship had disappeared in a day's time. 

"Um, do you guys wanna come to the living room? We are opening presents." Hyejin finally said, averting her gaze from Wheein to Moonbyul.

Moonbyul looked at Hyejin, her brown eyes kind but also a bit intimidating. There was something about Moonbyul Hyejin didn't like, but she figured it was just her jealousy speaking.

"Sure. Um, we also brought a few presents." She said, raising her hand that was holding a bag of wrapped gifts.

"Awesome. I'll take them so just follow me." Eunji said as she took the bag from Moonbyul.

Wheein trailed behind Moonbyul and Hyejin fell into step with Yongsun. Hyejin knew Yongsun had questions but thankfully she didn't ask any of them. Once the five of them entered the living room, Hyejin's mom let out a cry of happiness.

"Hello Wheein! Ms. Moon! Merry Christmas, I'm so glad you two could make it."

Hyejin moved to sit on the couch with Yongsun as she watched her parents interact with Wheein and Moonbyul. Once Wheein and Moonbyul had settled in, Hyejin's mom began to pass out gifts. Of course, Young-chan got to go first and Ji-hoon had his camera ready to capture every moment. It was no surprise to Hyejin that Young-chan got almost everything he wanted  as they did all his gifts first. Hyejin was happy to see that he had enjoyed the new action figures Hyejin had gotten him since she had heard from Eunji that his current ones were a little worse for wear. They moved onto the next family member which was Eunji and Ji-hoon. Their mom got them various items for date nights which Eunji loved. When it came to Hyejin for giving her gift, she had handed it to her sister.

"I saw this and thought you might like it a lot. It hasn't come in yet but once it does, I'll send it to you guys." Hyejin said as she watched her sister open up the envelope. 

Her sister nodded but when she pulled out what seemed to be images out of the envelope, her eyes almost balked.

"Are these outfits from fashion shows???" Eunji asked, her eyes wide.

Hyejin felt a little embarrassed but she nodded.

"Well, this is from Yongsun and I. When we do fashion shows we tend to get things that are limited edition. I've been saving some things from our current campaign that I thought you would like." Hyejin finished. 

Eunji stood and hugged Hyejin hard, knocking the breath out of her.

"Thank you so much you stubborn thing."

Hyejin nodded as she pushed her sister off.

"I'm glad you like it."

They continued on exchanging gifts till they had done all of them except Moonbyul and Wheein's. Eunji passed out all the gifts so they could open them at the same time and Hyejin was surprised to find five different gift cards to some of her favorite restaurants in Seoul from Wheein and Moonbyul. 

"Wow." Hyejin muttered as she examined each one. Her stomach growled just thinking about all the food she could eat.

"Thank you! I will most certainly enjoy these. Hyejin said, looking up at Moonbyul and Wheein. 

"That's good. I wasn't really sure at first but I asked Yongsun for some places you liked most." Wheein said, giving Hyejin a small smile. 

Hyejin nodded at that as she resumed looking at the gift cards. That's when she realized she hadn't brought Wheein's gift out yet. Hyejin thought about running to grab it but the thought of giving it to Wheein in front of everyone made her a little nervous. Best to wait till she could do it without prying eyes. 

After everyone was done, it was safe to say the floor was no longer a floor. Wrapping paper and such were strewn across the floor. Cleaning it was a big job but with everyone pitching in, it took no time. After Hyejin took out the trash, she made a pit stop by her room to grab the small gift box that held the present to Wheein. She tucked it into her pocket before she headed back to where everyone was gathered.

"We gotta do it! The snow is really fluffy I bet so it would be even better!" Young-chan was saying, his begging eyes on full display as he tugged on Eunji's sleeve.

"Oh no, what did I walk into?" Hyejin asked as she eyed the scene in front of her carefully.

"Young-chan wants to have a snowball fight. Right now." Eunji said, hand on her hip.

Hyejin looked over at where Yongsun was standing before shrugging.

"Why not? Snow is here so lets throw it at each other." Hyejin said, making a silly movement. 

Young-chan laughed and Eunji rolled her eyes but smiled anyway.

"Okay, okay. Fine, everyone be ready to go out in 10 minutes. We will split up for teams out there." Eunji said.

Hyejin shot Young-chan a wink before she turned to look for Wheein. She figured she and Moonbyul might want to join in on the fun. She found the pair talking on the couch and Hyejin knocked on the door frame to get their attention. They both looked at her and Hyejin walked closer.

"We are going to be doing a snowball fight at the request of my nephew if you two want to join." Hyejin said, only briefly looking at Wheein. 

"Sure, I don't see why not." Moonbyul said, looking at Wheein for confirmation.

"Um, I think I'll just watch but I'll be outside with you all." She said.

"Okay. We'll be starting in 10." Hyeji

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I updated today because I won't have time tomorrow. I figured why not since I had it prepared. Are you ready everyone? TWO MORE CHAPTERS LEFT!!!

Thank you all for your feedback and love on this story! 👏👏👏💕


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_JungHyejin_ #1
Chapter 8: Author-nim huhu please comeback, this story will be much beautiful if u update 😔
Spades_xxi #2
Chapter 9: Author-nimmmm! I'm back! I really hope you can finish this story because I love it so much... you can't just leave us hanging like that you know?? You can't just leave the story hanging like that 🤧
wheenah #3
Chapter 9: Once again I'm back to this fiction...maybe this Christmas?...we will get the ending ^o^
Author-nim where are you T_T ♡
chickenbbq #4
Chapter 9: oh nooooo where did the time gooooo
Chapter 9: I hope you will update this story cause we all liked it!! i just have finished reading it and i like it very much... no... i love it
i happy what i found this story adn i'll be waiting for countinuing
iloveyoo #6
Are we ever gonna get an ending to this fic? :(
Aquarie #7
Chapter 9: Please update... Autohr-nim~
k2sappy #8
Chapter 9: Author pleaserrr how does it end?!
_JungHyejin_ #9
Chapter 9: authornim~ update please...🥺
Chapter 9: i dont wanna pressure you author but uh... update? please?;-;