Who We are Inside


A body and its reflection always match.

They have to.


There’s a word for the creepy sensation of being watched, but Sehun can’t remember what it is. He may never have learned it, and knowing it wouldn’t make him feel any better.

Lately, he’s been sensing eyes on him. No matter where he is or what he’s doing, whether in a crowd or completely alone, someone is watching. Looking around, he’ll sometimes catch the eye of a stranger and bow his head in silent acknowledgement, but it never goes farther than that.

“You’re paranoid,” his roommate says. Chanyeol loves attention; he’s always been a little vain, ever since high school. Sehun’s always been rather shy. He doesn’t mind being seen when there’s something worth watching, like a dance performance, but otherwise he’s quite content to be unnoticed and keeps his hood up or hat pulled low.

“But it’s never been so constant.” That’s the thing. The feeling has persisted for weeks. Jongin, with his idol friends who have had experience with stalkers and obsessive fans, worriedly asked if anyone has been in the apartment lately.

“Maybe there’s a camera somewhere.” They search every obvious place, including the dolls and figurines Sehun and Chanyeol collect, but they find nothing. “Maybe it is just paranoia,” Jongin suggests with a helpless shrug.

Maybe it is.

Yet the feeling is anxiety, not jealousy or persecution. He does start to distrust people; there are always stories of stalkers being someone close. There have been no exes, and Sehun doesn’t think any of his friends could be so obsessive and delusional as to follow him constantly, but one never truly knows anyone else…

Or even oneself.


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Chapter 1: Oh.
I'm so in awe over this, its only 2.8k words but you delivered that horror so well aaaaAAAA
I felt paranoid with Sehun, maybe a lot more than him cause I know what's stalking him (them?) and boy out of all places it pulled itself out of the sink?!?!!?!!
Chan is so clueless, but honestly that's how a normal person would react so I get that. The police report is kinda funny though ngl
The is totally cool, the 'blood pools from the shards' line really holds that 'gasp' moment.

thank you for sharing this lovely story with us ♡♡