The Care-Giver

Midnight Lullaby



They say that there is a whole world out there that we have yet to discover. And that it could be right under our very nose! The season’s change, the cycle of nature were all fleeting moments for mere humans, but for fairies it was their very existence. A variety of fairies all bestowed with specific duties tied with their life force, nature’s life force. But you’d never know this, you’d never notice it. They were not small enough to be unnoticeable but instead, protected by a soft glow encircling their body, protecting them from unfriendly eyes. However, just to be safe, there was a general unspoken rule to not leave the safety of The Leaves without the cover of night. But Hyorin was always a curious little thing. She couldn’t help it! So much happened in Daylight where the silence of Night could not match. She was a Garden Fairy -- a Candytuft Fairy to be exact. And she wasn’t the only one. Garden Fairies of various types and sizes roamed the many Gardens of the World, and Hyorin was just one of many.


Every location was given a name amongst the fairies, so they could easily contact one another if something were to go amiss. The names given to the Gardens were given considering two aspects: its appearance/composition and its Care-Giver. Hyorin was quite proud of the name they were given because she found it most befitting. Their Home was called ‘The Sunlight Garden’ for its bright flowers and more importantly, for their bright Care-Giver. Not all fairies were fortunate enough to receive kind care-givers as they all knew, especially since the infamous story of ‘The Moon Shadow Garden’ was told every solstice to remind fairies, young and old, the dangers of openly interacting with one’s Care-Giver. But ‘The Sunlight Garden’’s Care-Giver was nothing like that, Hyorin would tell everyone she encountered. 


He was everything you wished a Care-Giver would be: warm, diligent and above all else, gentle. With the Care-Giver’s size, it was easy for them to unknowingly crush or mishandle the flowers, thus hurting the fairies, but their Care-Giver was nothing like that. Hyorin saw how he would stay out for hours in soft attire, tending to their beautiful home, singing softly as if he was considering the more sensitive ears of Nature. He had such a lovely voice too, she thought. He would usually wear another set of hands made from this rough tan material and carefully trim off dead parts of his garden, humming an unknown tune. Hyorin liked his Music the best because it was so foreign, so exciting! It was much different than the Fairies' Melody that she had grown accustomed to. Hyorin and the others were only aware of his presence by the sound of his bright voice whenever he entered their home, always starting with, “How are we today, my little ones?” And the fairies would respond with small shrills, a frequency incomprehensible for human hearing. But he would smile and nod, to us we assumed, then go about his daily tasks: watering the camellias first then moving to the last ones, candytufts. He took extra care with the candytufts, whispering, “Don’t tell the others, but you’re my favorite.” It made Hyorin blush every time like he was saying it to her, and it made her day every single time. She’d never grow tired of hearing those words spoken so tenderly -- just for her.


Hyorin (oh, yeah and the others, she tended to forget that he was there for them too) got the blessing of seeing him about twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening. Mornings were for watering, and evenings were for t and cleaning If she was lucky, she’d get to see him three times -- where he’d come out to the garden, bring a book and read. He looked so serene, sitting there on the cement cutouts calmly turning the pages. He’d smile or chuckle every now and again, and Hyorin wanted nothing more than to see what made him laugh. What type of humor was he into? What genre did he enjoy reading the most? Needless to say, Hyorin was utterly entranced. Everything he did was interesting to her, whether it was biting into shiny pieces of fruit or tapping away on his thin, little grey box, covered in feathers and flowers. She felt like she was becoming more knowledgeable about his world. Just yesterday, she discovered that he was a world famous Musician, a Performer that wore fancy, sparkly outfits! She wanted to see what he looked like as this Musician. I bet he looks radiant, she thought to herself. As she thought these to herself, she heard a foreign voice. That was not her Care-Giver! She hid further in the Leaves, not like she could’ve been seen otherwise, but it gave her the much needed sense of security after spotting an invader. It was a grey topped, brightly colored being like her Care-Giver, and it was asking her Care-Giver questions.


Hyorin could only watch in silence as they exchanged words, and then much to her pleasure, it seemed like he was ignoring this invader’s loud voice. He continued tending to their home as the Grey Top, a befitting name promptly given by Hyorin, finally got his attention. After a few moments, the Grey Top left, and her Care-Giver was left alone once more. He continued his humming tune, and Hyorin emerged a little, calmed by his presence. Time passed before he finally decided to go in, he looked tired, and Hyorin heard her fairy friends talk beneath her floral perch. 


“Why is the Care-Giver done so late?” 

“I hope he’s okay” 

“He looks so tired.” 


Hyorin nodded in approval with her fellow fairies’ mindsets, whether they truly cared for their Care-Giver or not, their well-being was dependent upon his well-being so it made sense to worry. Once their Care-Giver left, the fairies started to stir, yawning and stretching on the leaves or petals. The darkened skies signalled the fairies’ freedom, and as every animal and every person shut their eyes to sleep, the fairies stretched their wings for flight. Fluttering about, the fairy cheer could be heard all around Hyorin. She smiled at their happiness, no doubt nurtured by their Care-Giver’s apt care. Candytuft fairies did not have wings, so Hyorin could only watch her kind flutter about, their glow flickering. She moved from the cover of her floral home, brushing past leaves and stepping out into the open. She couldn’t see their Care-Giver anymore, but she could make out the faint light peeking through the windows. So, he was still awake, Hyorin thought. Burning with curiosity, Hyorin approached the edge of the flowerbed intent on getting a better look before she was pulled aside. 


“Just where do you think you’re going?”

Hyorin rolled her eyes, “Chaerin, please let me go.”

“So you can do what exactly?” Chaerin asked, letting her go but sending her a heated glare.

“Walk around,” Hyorin said casually, not wanting Chaerin to ruin her investigative plans.

“Uh huh,” Chaerin said, crossing her arms.

“Look. I’m a full grown fairy, capable of making my own decisions.”

“Even if they are at the cost of not only your well-being but the well-being of others?”

Damn, she really was going to make this hard for me, huh, Hyorin thought.

“You don’t know that…”

“Of course I don’t. But neither did the fairies at Moon Shadow Garden…”


Hyorin had to stop the begrudging moan that was threatening to escape her lips. They, meaning all the fairies, always used that incident to justify their continued hate towards any Care-Giver. It was like they associated that demonic, undeserving Care-Giver for her Care-Giver! And he was nothing like that care-giver! But she couldn’t say that, they’d deem her delusional or something of that nature. So, instead, she put on a small smile and changed her course of action. There was only one way of getting out of this situation, so she could get back to her observing. And that was to give Chaerin exactly what she wanted: affirmation. 


“You’re right, Chaerin-ah. I’m glad I have a sister-fairy like you to take care of me.”


Hyorin knew she was cheating, using emotions to distract Chaerin from the heart of the issue. But Chaerin was nothing if not persistent. 


“So, you won’t be going closer to the Care-Giver’s home?”


Chaerin’s eyebrow was raised, almost asking for Hyorin to deny what she already knew she could not. But Hyorin, like Chaerin, was nothing if not persistent. 




“Yes, I won’t go closer.”

Chaerin looked skeptical, and Hyorin kept the look of innocence upon her face. She’d need to sell this or she’d never get away from Chaerin’s personal interrogation. Finally, Chaerin let out a loud sigh, “Ok.”

“Just ok? No ‘I don’t believe you’s?” 

“What’s the point? You won’t listen anyways,” Chaerin with an exasperated expression.

Hyorin just squealed in joy and hugged her friend, “I’ll be careful! Don’t worry!”

“How can I not worry when I know exactly who you are?!” Chaerin said with a laugh at the bouncing Hyorin in her arms. Hyorin didn’t respond. She just hugged Chaerin once more before darting for the opposite direction towards the house. “What am I going to do with you, Hyorin?” Chaerin said fondly but with a slight ounce of fear.


Hyorin ran towards the Care-Giver’s house, focusing on the outline of light surrounding the large glass window. Technically, I’m not going closer to his home because the garden is his home too… so I've always been close, Hyorin thought. She laughed aloud at her own cleverness and mindset. As she neared the house’s edge, she wondered how she’d be able to get to the window.


The climbing vines alongside the house looked like the perfect makeshift ladder. Hyorin eagerly skipped to the very edge of the house and stood right below the weaving vines. With nimble fingers, she grasped bits of the vine and used them to hoist herself up, traveling at what felt like a significant distance but was actually quite small. She could hear the Midnight Lullaby beginning and she knew she had very little time left before she must stop her spying. Then, she heard it. A slight squeak of ungreased metal that could be heard only with her delicate, pointed ears. She ducked behind some of the leaves adorning the green stalk, attempting to conceal her ever-present glow. A small gasp left her lips when she saw him -- her Care-Giver. I had thought he had fallen asleep, Hyorin thought to herself, but it obviously was not true because him standing there was evidence enough! Fortunately, the garden ‘show’ was more impressive than whatever was happening to the right (where Hyorin was) because his wide-eyed gaze never turned. This gave her a clear, uninterrupted view. She made sure to move quietly towards him as he gazed in wonder at the night happenings in his own garden. His mouth was shaped in an adorable ‘O’ shape, or at least Hyorin thought so. She was sure this was his first time seeing the garden so...alive. 


The fairies paid him no heed and continued their song, knowing they’d be protected by their Nature’s glow. As the Care-Giver couldn’t remove his gaze from the magical spectacle in front of him so too could Hyorin not remove her gaze from him. How could someone look so worn, bright and beautiful all at once? Hyorin thought. As she gazed longingly, she took little care where her weight was shifted. SNAP! Hyorin had a split second to realize what was going on. She had stepped onto one of the weaker vines, and was for sure tumbling to her death. Her screams were most likely masked by the lullaby. That was the only blessing Hyorin could think of right now because as she landed on the ground, she could barely move. Despite a flower breaking her fall, it didn’t mean it didn’t hurt like hell. 


As she laid in the protection of the flowers, she gazed up. Her Care-Giver’s view had shifted down to her! She stopped sitting up and even stopped breathing. She tried to calm her heartbeat, hearing it pound loudly, echoing in her ears. A slight frown adorned his gaze as he squinted his eyes to adjust his perception. Hyorin knew humans couldn’t see fairies easily, but it didn’t mean she wasn’t scared out of her wits! His good looks be damned!


It seemed as if he wrote whatever he was looking at off as a firefly or some other bug because he returned his gaze to the real show: the array of dazzling fairy flickers and the crystal voices. Hyorin could finally breathe. That was close! She thought. After the frightful event was over, Hyorin couldn’t help but chuckle and blush. I can’t believe I got so close! Hyorin sighed in happiness, her blood still pumped with adrenaline. 


“Where have you been?!” Chaerin whispered angrily as Hyorin walked back into the large group of fairies. 

“Around, like I told you before,” Hyorin said with a wicked grin, knowing that Chaerin wasn’t going to get anything out of her tonight. Chaerin rolled her eyes, “You know that you were almost late.” “But I wasn’t.” “Pfft, whatever. You almost were. Stop cutting it so close. You know how Lin feels about tardiness, and you also know how much she despises you.”


“Gee thanks, Chaerin. A real mood maker you are,” Hyorin sarcastically fired back. “You know I speak with your best interests at heart.”


“Yeah, yeah. I know. Can we prepare for our part now?” Hyorin was more than ready to sing her piece. She had been practicing, and thankfully since Suhyun had fallen ill, Hyorin was able to snatch up the part. Sure she felt bad for consistently praying for illness to befall one of her neighbors, but she just wanted it to happen once! Just once! It was like the heavens were blessing Hyorin tonight because not only did Suhyun fall ill but her Care-Giver was attending! Hyorin wanted to cheer and do a funky jig, but one sharp glance of disapproval from Chaerin made her calm her spirits. This was an important, serious moment -- the Midnight Lullaby. The bright shrills, the chirping and melodic sound of nature that you hear at night? They all were separate movements (compositions) that could be combined into one. 


It was an honor to partake in the celebration, but it was even more of an honor to actually perform the Midnight Lullaby. Tonight would be Hyorin’s first night.


As the fairies’ instruments started, the music lifted and carried in the slight breeze. Each fairy fulfilled their role whether it was singing, dancing, or playing an instrument, and every addition enhanced the overall experience. With the high pitch mixing with a deeper, quivering melody, it provided a smooth transition for the fairies’ voices to enter, substituting for the higher tones. Their sweet, tiny shrills acted as a balance for the orchestra to play by ear. As each movement would end, the next would start immediately, making the transition so fluid it’d seem as if it was all a continuous song. Sounds emulating the harp and the cello played in harmony providing beautiful incidental music to the already magical scene: glowing lights and in-timed swaying flowers.


Nearing the end, a sonata began in softer tones. This was signalling the near end of the performance, allowing fairies to begin to drift off to sleep. As they fell asleep one by one, their lights faded to a dim, and with the fading lights, so too did the music fade. The sun had begun to rise as the last notes were played. Hyorin yawned as she had already finished her piece, and by habit looked over at the window. There he was, still gazing with shining eyes, the glow reflecting off of the brown.


She sighed and continued to watch him. He blinked his eyes sleepily and the dreamy look was gone. Slowly, he walked away, or more like stumbled. Hyorin’s eyes were getting heavy too, but she waited to see the lights turn off. He appeared once more in front of the window, perturbed, and Hyorin laughed, knowing it was because he had forgotten to close the window. With the window closed, he disappeared once more, but the curtains still gave her a view of the inside. Then the lights were out, and Hyorin’s eyes finally closed and she slept. A small glow outlining her, flickers matching her breathing. 


As nature slept, the rising of day would soon begin. 





A/N: This took way longer than it should've! Anyways, please let me know what you think :) Upvote, comment, subscribe -- they're all appreciated~

Live well,




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HottestVIPSone #1
Hyorin and Youngbae! Ppl don’t write enough about them (‘: