A Path to the Stars

A Path to the Stars (One-Shot)

                I finally found a seat in the front. I let out a small huff as I dove into the seat. My eyebrows furrowed as I tugged at the collar of my shirt. I ed the first two buttons. When are mom and dad coming? Finding a comfortable position on the soft seat, I crossed my arms. This suit is very uncomfortable. My older brother’s piano recital was going to start in any moment. Why is it so formal though? Everyone who was seated around me were in dresses or suits just like I was. I ran my hand through my hair, trying to clear my thoughts. “Nam Woohyun, stop being so negative,”a voice in my head told me. I shook my head. People chattered behind me. They were reading the paper that the lady at the entrance handed me. What is it? I looked down and grabbed the wrinkled sheet from my lap. It was a list of all the students of my older brother’s piano school and what piece they would be performing. None of these names intrigue me. Who even cares about this kind of garbage? I threw the paper onto the ground carelessly. The red curtains were closed on the stage. I stared at them, waiting for the performances to start. This is going to take so long. I slipped out some earphones, plugged into my iPod. Underneath the arm rest, I my iPod so the bright screen wouldn’t distract anyone. I sank deeper into the seat.

                Star Star Star by Girl’s Generation? When did I put this into my iPod? I played the song anyway. The curtains began to open and I sat up. I pulled out one of the earphones and left the other one in. A man in a suit stepped out onto stage and gave a friendly welcome to the audience. I rolled my eyes. The performances began. Without realizing, the song was on repeat. I tried to concentrate on some of the piano players but I got bored. It was my brother’s turn to play but I wasn’t exactly paying attention. The people that sat beside me were whispering to each other. I bit my tongue, trying to hold back some words. I don’t want to stay here anymore. I leaned forward and grabbed the paper I threw on the floor earlier. I matched the person who was on stage with their name on the paper. Woohyun, just stay. There are only two more performances left. I was singing along with the lyrics in my head. Hmm…this is such a sad song, I sighed. Why are such pretty idols singing such sad lyrics?

                The second last performance ended and I was just about to get up and leave. The girl who walked on stage stopped me. She wore a flattering mint-coloured gown that flowed past her feet. She wore sparkling earrings and her hair shined under the lights. She was glowing. She was beautiful. She sat down elegantly in front of the piano and I took a breath in. From my seat, I could see her play. Her fingers danced on the ivory and ebony keys. They grazed the piano with ease. She swayed back and forth in sync with her playing. I watched her with big eyes, astonished. She’s so beautiful. She never broke contact with the piano in front of her. My eyes watered and my heart was beating faster and faster with every note that sounded. The sight of her was too much but soon, I could barely make out her figure. I could only hear her music. My tears blurred my sight but I quickly wiped them away with my sleeve. I tapped my foot to the beat and was mesmerized. We were moving together and I felt like the world had stopped. Is this love at first sight? I couldn’t feel the earphone in my ear. I didn’t care about the people who sat behind me. No, not even them. My eyes were fixed on her. I could only see her.

                The sound of people clapping brought me back to reality. I sat there, speechless. I couldn’t move any part of me. I breathed in and out slowly. Everyone around me got up from their seats and started to head out the door. I don’t want to leave.

                “Woohyun-ah,” my parents said, catching me by surprise. I put my hand up to my chest and could feel my heart beating slowly. I looked up at them. I held the paper in my other hand and stuffed it into my blazer’s pocket. “Let’s meet your brother outside.” I nodded and followed them out the hall’s exit.

                Everyone sitting around me earlier were all standing and talking. Some of the pianists were already out, meeting up with their friends and families. Where is she? I reached in pocket and fished around for the paper. It was crumpled but I flattened it out against my chest. I put my finger against the paper and my eyes trailed down the list of names. Nam Boohyun, Jeon Ji Hye, Oh Yoo Kwon, Kim Ji Sun, Im Hye Sung, Gong Eun Mi. Her name is Gong Eun Mi? Instead of standing around with my parents, I walked around with my eyes open. Where is she? I pushed past all the people around me, trying to catch a glimpse of her dress’ minty colour. The back of her dress appeared in my peripheral vision. I whipped my head to see her more clearly. Eun Mi was already walking out of the doors. I quickly ran. I didn’t care about all the people who saw me. I just wanted to catch her.

                When I got to the doors, beautiful Eun Mi was there. She stood there with her chin up. She was looking at the night sky that engulfed us. The sound of cars driving by rung in my ears but the more I kept my eyes on her, the more I could only hear her piano playing. She is definitely beautiful. Even more up close. I could only stare at her from behind but she heard me take a step forward. Her head turned slowly to me. She looked at me over her shoulder.

                “Oh, I’m sorry, was I being a bother standing here?” Eun Mi asked. Her voice was silky and it only enchanted me more. I gulped quite loudly and nervously. She took a couple steps to the right with her misty eyes on the ground.

                “You weren’t bothering me,” I said. Eun Mi looked at me once again and I couldn’t help but go weak in the knees. She gave me a shy smile, brushing her hair behind her ear with her pretty fingers. She looked up into the sky once more but the smile stayed on her face. I smiled as well. “Um, Eun Mi-ssi?”

                Eun Mi peered at me. “N-neh? How do you know my name?” Eun Mi asked hesitantly. She was shining in the moonlight. I looked up for a split second before answering her. There’re lots of stars.

                I waved the paper around in my hand. Eun Mi breathed, “O-oh.”

                “I really, um, admired your performance,” I muttered, scratching the back of my head. I stared at the ground, nervously, but I wanted Eun Mi to know. She stood there awkwardly and I couldn’t help but chuckle under my breath.

                Eun Mi put one hand on her shoulder. “T-thank you. I’ve been working on that for a while,” she grinned. She seemed shy and didn’t dare to make eye contact with me. Her eyes were still glued onto the dark sky over us. I bit my lip and followed her eyes. Bright stars twinkled before us. I felt like the moon overhead was shining only on us and the stars were sprinkled in the sky only for us. I wondered if I was dreaming.  “U-um, may I know your name?” Eun Mi questioned after a while. She was now standing closer to me but I hadn’t noticed because I was staring up at the sky. Was she watching me stare up at the sky?

                I smiled. “Woohyun. Nam Woohyun.” I could see Eun Mi softly smile. It was quiet again but it was comfortable. I bet mom and dad are looking for me. I sighed at the thought of leaving Eun Mi. We might not ever see each other again. “Hey, Eun Mi, do you believe in love at first sight?” I've never felt this way before. This is a new feeling.

                Eun Mi chuckled, “Now, I do.” The stars illuminated the darkness around us. They danced in the sky the way Eun Mi’s fingers did on the piano. She wasn’t looking at me. Her head was always up. Just like in the hall, my eyes filled up with tears. I smiled with the tears in my eyes, wondering yet understanding what her answer meant. I can’t see you, Eun Mi. Why won’t you look at me? I shook my head as I looked down at my shoes. The song I was listening to on my iPod began to play in my head. Stars, stars, stars, talk to me. Is it over? Is that it?

                Eun Mi peered at me. “Woohyun-ssi?”


                Eun Mi gave me a dazzling smile like the stars and spoke, “Thanks. Will we see each other again?”

                “I love you as much as the stars. You’re that far shining star. Stars, no matter what I say, I really can’t express myself. I’m frustrated now, what should I do?” The lyrics echoed in my head. I nodded as a glimmering tear fell out of my eye. She walked over so that we were face-to-face. She wiped the tear off my cheek. Eun Mi, I hope that we can see each other clearly. Then, you can be the one to show me a path to the stars.

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Chapter 1: Cute! You made EunMi sound absolutely gorgeous! XD
so sweet ><
Matocian #3
Aw. I like it (:
omg that was so beautifully written :')
thank you for writing it!!
aww~ the sweetest oneshot i've read so far :')
Aww, so sweet :')
Aww, loved it <3