Chapter 2

King's Chosen

In the days following Yifan’s attempt on his life, he would often startle awake in the middle of the night with his heart in his throat, torn from sleep by the memories that oftentimes twisted into something far from reality. Baekhyun, who had stayed with him at the palace an entire month after the incident, had always been asleep by his side. Baekhyun’s presence used to be enough to calm him, being able to just scoot closer to Baekhyun and allow his natural heat to wrap comfortingly around him and lull him back to sleep. 

When he wakes up this time, clutching at his chest, Baekhyun isn’t next to him, and, for a heart-stopping moment, he is fraught with unadulterated fear.

The fear fizzles out soon enough, but leaves him in an unsettled state of mind even as he struggles to get a hold of himself. He knows Baekhyun is safe in the other room, and that Yifan, while still at large, will most likely not come for him in the foreseeable future. No, he knows now is not the time to strike, knows the time will not be for a while, not when they are on high alert after his release.

Junmyeon remembers the assault vividly, remembers feeling absolutely helpless. Taught in self-defence he may be, but it has always been and will always be intellectual battles that attract him, not strenuous physical activities. Granted, he is rather fond of the bow, but that hardly matters when his assailant finds him late at night and proceeds to rouse him with a dagger to the gut. 

As for his Gift, it is hardly a gift at all, the water he is able to manipulate not nearly enough to pose a threat to anyone who might attack him. At best, it is a somewhat entertaining trick at parties, nothing like Baekhyun’s graceful way of bending light to his will or Jongdae casually strolling into the midst of a storm to feel the caress, as he cheekily puts it, of a lightning strike. Still, Baekhyun’s Gift hardly holds a candle to Jongdae’s: Baekhyun wields Light easily, but in a fight for one’s life, it is Jongdae one has to look out for.

Yifan has always appeared Untouched, but Junmyeon has suspected the opposite is true ever since the assault, for how else could Yifan have appeared unnoticed in his bedroom? That, quite possibly, is what scares him most now that Yifan is out there somewhere with ill intentions.

He supposes he should be grateful to find it isn’t entirely dark outside, as it means he at least slept through most of the night. Still feeling slightly off-kilter, he leaves the bed and makes his way to Baekhyun’s room.

It calms his heart and soul to see Baekhyun sleeping soundly in the bed. He knows the fear of finding Baekhyun gone (or dead) is irrational, but after the fitful night he has had, he figures no one can blame him for making sure his beloved truly is safe.

He settles by Baekhyun’s bedside, relieved to find that Baekhyun’s fever seems to have broken overnight, and enjoys the peace for as long as it lasts, for the palace is bound to wake up sooner rather than later and Baekhyun’s family is arriving at noon.

It is high time he summoned them to the palace to see their son and brother, even if he still sleeps.


The bandages around Baekhyun’s right hand are removed the next day.

“It has healed well,” Yixing says, tracing with his finger the palm of Baekhyun’s hand. “Should you feel inclined to hold it, you should. No squeezing, however,” he adds with a pointed look towards Junmyeon, “or it will hurt him. Don’t touch the other hand: The bones will still take at least another week to heal, but two weeks would be safest.”

Junmyeon gives a single nod of understanding and reaches for Baekhyun’s right hand. He absentmindedly caresses Baekhyun’s palm while Yixing busies himself with checking other injuries. 

Yixing finishes up within the hour and makes to leave the room, stopping only to dip into a graceful bow as Gahyeon passes him in the doorway, Minseok right behind her. The doors slide closed behind Yixing, and Gahyeon settles on the other side of Junmyeon while Minseok dithers for a spell before he goes to stand by the wall at the foot of the bed. 

Gahyeon studies Baekhyun in silence for a while, fiddling with the fabric of her dress before settling her hands in her lap.

Junmyeon, with a slight smile, says, “Yixing said we are allowed to hold his hand.” 

Gahyeon has never been anything but amiable to Baekhyun, not even after Junmyeon, upon being told of his father’s intentions to have him marry, had pulled her aside to make sure she knew what she was getting into if she agreed to a marriage with him. She had been understanding and had asked only for Junmyeon to show her the same courtesy if she ever fell in love. 

Baekhyun, likewise, has never shown the slightest hint of dislike towards Gahyeon. Junmyeon doesn’t know if they would consider each other friends, but he knows they have met for tea a couple of times. 

“I know,” she says. She hesitates for only another minute before she gently Baekhyun’s arm, steering clear of his injured hand. “It seems I did not hide my concerns well enough.”

“I know you,” Junmyeon says. “It is a relief to finally be able to do this. I missed it.”

“I imagine,” Gahyeon says, smiling kindly. “Did Yixing have any guesses as to when he might wake up?”

Junmyeon shakes his head. “All we can do is bide time.”

“Then bide it we shall,” Gahyeon says. She looks to Minseok, and the smile that stretches her lips is positively radiant. “Would you care to join us for an early lunch? If Junmyeon does not mind, of course.”

“I quite enjoy Minseok’s company,” Junmyeon says, a teasing edge to his voice as Minseok raises a brow at him. “And yours. Minseok, would you have some of the servants fetch lunch for us? And perhaps we need to relocate to my study, or we might come to regret not having done so.”

“I will see to it right away,” Minseok says, and does just that.

Junmyeon and Gahyeon share a fond look, and with a last glance at Baekhyun, Junmyeon sets about preparing for their lunch.


It is later that day, in the evening, when Junmyeon is reading out loud from the book in his lap, that he feels it. The gentlest squeeze of his hand, so faint that he might have missed it, were he not so aware of Baekhyun’s hand in his.

He stills, breath caught somewhere in his throat, the book all but forgotten. “Baekhyun?”

He is certain, this time, if he had been uncertain before (he had, because it is not the first time he thinks he felt something), that he feels a squeeze. He dares not squeeze back, Yixing’s warning repeating in his head. “Thank the Heavens. I was…”

Baekhyun’s breath hitches and he flinches, and Junmyeon wants so desperately to squeeze his hand in assurance, but instead he grasps it with both of his own, carefully, and presses his lips to the skin in a kiss. “Sssh, stay still. You hurt right now, I know, love, but I am here. 

“You will be all right, I promise.”


Junmyeon loses sense of time as he talks Baekhyun through an avalanche of sensations that culminates in a panic attack. He thinks it has been less than fifteen minutes by the time he has Baekhyun breathing with him and no longer trying to curl up or tear off the bandages. Hakyeon, bless his soul, barged into the room the moment Baekhyun’s struggles came to a volume loud enough to reach his ears, and he only needed a moment to take stock of the situation before he was by Junmyeon’s side.

He went to have a servant fetch Yixing, and said he would be right outside if they needed him. Junmyeon appreciates having a moment alone with Baekhyn before Yixing comes and steals him away.

“I’m at the palace?” Baekhyun asks, and hearing him speak, even if his voice is slightly scratchy (he cried and yelled during the breakdown, which Junmyeon reckons is at least partially to blame for the current sad state of his throat), sends a rush of emotions through Junmyeon so powerful that he has trouble finding words for a second or thirty. 

“Yes,” he eventually gets out and gently wipes away a stray tear from Baekhyun’s cheek. “Yes. Yes, you are.”

Baekhyun is quiet for so long that Junmyeon starts to get nervous, but then he asks in a small voice, “How?” and it almost breaks Junmyeon anew.

The answer is on his tongue, but he swallows it at the last second and worries at his bottom lip instead. Baekhyun, he realises, and not without some dread, will be distraught to learn that Yifan is no longer in prison.

He forces himself to stop nipping at his lip lest it starts to bleed, and says, “Jongdae, with the help of Zitao, someone from the Royal Guard, and Minseok and the others, found out where they kept you three days ago. I sent Jongdae to get you, and he brought you here. This is…” He wets his lips. “You fell unconscious, but now you are awake.” 

He feels so much that he can barely contain it.

Baekhyun draws in a shuddering breath. “Why did you stop me from removing this – cloth?”

It should have occurred to Junmyeon that he would have to answer questions upon Baekhyun’s awakening: The simple ones are not the reason his stomach twists with apprehension. 

“Yixing said not to,” he says. “It’s… Your left eye will be fine, but…”

“But my right won’t be,” Baekhyun finishes for him, sounding frighteningly detached from everything. It is a sudden shift from before, and it is disconcerting. Junmyeon does not like it. “Will I not be able to see at all?”

“Only your left eye,” Junmyeon says. 

“All right,” Baekhyun says. Junmyeon longs to pull him into an embrace, but he is so scared of doing harm, physical or psychological, that he just sits awkwardly on the edge of the bed. “What else?”

“What do you mean?” Junmyeon asks, tentatively. 

“My hand hurts,” Baekhyun says. He is still eerily calm, and Junmyeon is starting to hope Yixing will be here fast. He doesn’t know if this is about to escalate into another bout of panic. “My head hurts. My body hurts, everything hurts.”

Junmyeon is worrying at his lips again, but this time he has more pressing matters to worry about than the taste of copper. “Do you not remember?”

“I remember.”

Junmyeon’s heart hurts, and the breath he lets out through his nose is too loud. “Yixing will be here soon.”

“I see.”

“Baekhyun,” Junmyeon says, a little desperate, but he does not know what to say. Asking him if he is all right seems redundant because he is not all right, and he probably won’t be for a while, but he doesn’t think he can ask what is wrong either (so much is wrong). He is loathe to force Baekhyun to relive his memories of torture right now, but he so badly wants to know what happened so he knows how to help.

He just wants to hear Baekhyun’s voice and take comfort in knowing he’s here, that he may not be all right, but he will be, and he is starting to absolutely abhor the tone of Baekhyun’s voice. It is too detached, too cold, and Junmyeon doesn’t know what it means, but it does not bode well. It does not bode well at all.

He is saved from finding a safe topic by Yixing, whose presence is announced with a swift knock before he enters the room. Junmyeon backs off to give Yixing space and instead listens to all of Yixing’s questions – and particularly Baekhyun’s answers.

How are you feeling? Disoriented, nauseous, tired, weak, hurting. How are your hands? Stiff, hurting. How is your head? Hurting. How are your eyes? Fine. Are you hungry? I don’t know. Do you think you can eat? Maybe. 

Junmyeon jumps at the opportunity, needing a moment to himself. “I will get a servant.”

Hakyeon straightens his back once Junmyeon has closed the doors behind him. “How is he?”

“I am not certain,” Junmyeon says, pained. “He is not well, but… he is oddly closed off. I do not like it.”

“He will be all right, Your Grace,” Hakyeon soothes. “Baekhyun is strong.”

“Yes,” Junmyeon murmurs. “He is.”

He sends a servant to fetch some food for Baekhyun – Junmyeon does not need Yixing telling him that it should be easily consumable – and then dithers for a while. He wonders if Baekhyun feels less comfortable with him in the room, and the thought hurts. It has to be an irrational concern, but it refuses to leave him alone. 

Hakyeon, as the guard who has been assigned to him the longest – albeit Junmyeon is not as close with him as some of the others – knows when Junmyeon is lost in thoughts, and Hakyeon, as always, does his best to either help him with possible solutions, or distractions.

His aim is to distract this time, and Junmyeon’s shoulders slump in gratitude when Hakyeon casually offers, “Taekwoon told me his niece took her first steps yesterday. I haven’t seen him this happy since the time he lured one of the stable cats all the way back home and it stuck around.”

“I remember that,” Junmyeon says, smiling at the memory of Taekwoon showing up to relieve Kyungsoo one morning with a small cat at his feet. Taekwoon had sheepishly explained that it snuck out somehow after he left home and tracked him down, and by then it had refused to go back. Taekwoon, ever the bleeding heart, had admitted defeat and allowed it with him.

“It was adorable,” he says. “What did he name it, again?”

“Byeol,” Hakyeon says, and snorts. “At least she has learned that when Taekwoon is on duty, she is to stay at home.”

Junmyeon shakes his head fondly and chuckles.


Hakyeon indulges him until he feels strong enough to go back into the room with Baekhyun. He thanks Hakyeon, knowing Hakyeon will understand, and draws a breath before he enters the room once more. 

Baekhyun is sitting up in the bed with a pillow propped up behind him to support his back (he seems to be leaning away from it, however, which could be due to the wounds; Junmyeon will have to ask). The unbandaged hand is in his lap across the covers; the other Yixing has between his palms. Yixing’s eyes are glazed over, which tends to mean he is doing something that requires his Gifts. 

Baekhyun’s head shifts minutely upon hearing the doors slide open to admit Junmyeon, and Junmyeon is reminded that Baekhyun has no chance of knowing what is happening around him because he cannot see.

“The servants will be around with food for you soon,” Junmyeon murmurs. Yixing only needs silence when he has to focus hard on something, but Junmyeon does not want to risk distracting him even if he’s pretty sure this is just a regular check-up. 

Baekhyun dips his head in appreciation, but says nothing. Junmyeon comes to stand by the foot of the bed and watches in silence for a while. 

“Are you faring any better?” he eventually asks, to which Baekhyun merely shrugs.

This time, Junmyeon stays mute until Yixing releases Baekhyun’s hand and draws back, eyes blinking rapidly as they refocus. “Yixing?”

“He is healing well,” Yixing says and gets up from the chair. “I believe we can take off the bandages by morning tomorrow.”

“That’s good,” Junmyeon says, smiling with relief. 

“If you would come with me for a moment, Your Grace,” Yixing says and sends him a look followed by a nod towards the door. 

“Of course. I will be with you in a moment, Baekhyun,” Junmyeon says and follows Yixing out.

Yixing gestures for him to go to the farthest corner of the next room, the furthest they can get from the door to Baekhyun’s room. Junmyeon realises that what Yixing has to say must be sensitive. Hakyeon, as well, if the questioning look he throws the two of them means anything. Yixing notices and just juts his chin at Junmyeon: It is up to him whether he sends Hakyeon out or not, he concludes, and shrugs back at Hakyeon, who nods once and stays.

“I am worried,” Yixing says, and Junmyeon tilts his head in concern. “He does not want to talk about what happened during his captivity, which is not uncommon for victims of torture. I believe he is trying to cope with this by locking away his emotions. He is quite clearly traumatised, and it will be a battle and a half to see this through with him. Something we say or do might set him off, but at the present time we do not know what those triggers might be.”

Junmyeon takes it all in, but he is still stuck on what Yixing said in the beginning. “You do not often worry.”

“My talk with him leaves me concerned for his mental health.” Yixing offers a shrug and sighs, eyes closing briefly. “However, it is still too early to tell for certain. We will have to watch him closely these coming days.”

“I see.”

Yixing continues, “I think he wants us to treat him no differently than we used to, but it will be hard not to. He will probably come to realise that, as well, but at the same time it is vital that you are not too careful with him. He needs stability and care. We must reconsider how we treat him, but we must also keep in mind that he most likely just wants to return to normality.”

“I understand,” Junmyeon murmurs. “Was there anything else?”

“Yes,” Yixing says, and hesitates. “His Gift. He says he cannot get a hold of it, but he refused to tell me if it might have been something they did specifically or due to his trauma.”

“Is it gone for good?” Junmyeon frowns, troubled by this piece of information. “Is that even possible?”

Yixing shrugs, again, which tells Junmyeon just how helpless Yixing feels: Yixing is always confident in what he does and says, so to see him like this is weird and concerning (and it reminds him of sitting at his father’s deathbed and Yixing reluctantly admitting defeat to a malady that would not be conquered by his Gifts). “I have never heard of someone losing their Gifts, but I was told of the Null. If he or she did something…”

“We won’t know before Baekhyun is willing to talk,” Junmyeon concludes.

“Indeed, Your Grace,” Yixing says. “Now, I will be close by should something set him off again, but otherwise I will pay him a visit tomorrow morning. Ah, and he asked me if I knew anything about his family. I told him they are well.”

“Thank you, Yixing,” Junmyeon says, and Yixing’s cheek dimples before he turns on his heels and leaves. Junmyeon shares a look with Hakyeon before he returns to Baekhyun’s room.

“It is me,” Junmyeon announces when Baekhyun’s reaction to him opening the door is sitting up straight and highly alert. At least Junmyeon’s voice calms him enough to sink back against the backrest – which he appears to regret by the grimace on his face, but he does not move much besides. 

“Will you tell me the truth now?” Baekhyun asks, and Junmyeon briefly falters in the doorway.

“The truth?” he repeats, bewildered, and slowly lowers himself into the chair that Yixing had occupied earlier.

“How I ended up here,” Baekhyun says. “I…” Junmyeon may not be able to see his eyes, but the way his mouth tightens is enough. “I know they wanted you to release the man that almost killed you. I remember glimpses of a forested area and I remember being shifted from someone’s arms into Jongdae’s.”

“I see,” Junmyeon says quietly. “I apologise. I did not… I did not know how you would react.”

“So you let him go?” Baekhyun asks.

“Of course,” Junmyeon says. “I could not lose you. I cannot lose you. I would have given them anything they wanted to see you again.”

Baekhyun laughs, and it is not a pleasant sound. It is choked with emotions, but Junmyeon supposes it is an improvement in and of itself for Baekhyun to react at all. “Jun – why? He’s not – He’ll be back for you. I don’t –”

“Sssh,” Junmyeon says, and closes his hand around Baekhyun’s. Baekhyun flinches at the touch, but does not pull away. “I will be fine. Minseok is arranging for me to have another guard for protection, Wonshik is out looking for traces of them together with a group of his soldiers, and Jongdae has sent a tail after Wu. Still, we do not think he intends to make a move in the near future. It will be all right, my love.”

“It won’t,” Baekhyun says, and it is almost a sob. “Because of me, that bastard is out there –” 

“Baekhyun,” Junmyeon says.

“No, you don’t realise how scared I was when Jongdae showed up and told me how close he had come to actually killing you.” He is crying now, a single tear slipping through the bandages and sliding down his cheek. “When they finally found him and apprehended him, I was so relieved, but now no one knows where he is and it’s just a question of time before he’ll come back to – to kill you –”

“Love, may I hold you?” Junmyeon asks, or begs, because it is all he can think about now, but he remembers Yixing’s cautions and Baekhyun’s reaction to his touch, and he doesn’t want to cause undue stress if he can help it. Fortunately, Baekhyun nods, and Junmyeon, relieved beyond words, sits on the bed instead so he can pull Baekhyun into an embrace, mindful of the wounds on his back and his ribs. Baekhyun melts against him, his arms winding around Junmyeon’s neck.

By the Heavens, the fear that he would never again be able to hold Baekhyun still haunts him. 

“We will be fine, I promise,” he says, Baekhyun’s hair tickling his lips. “I have you back with me. You were in their possession for a week, and I was distraught, Baekhyun. If the consequences of getting you back are another guard and another threat to my life, that is a trade I am willing to make. I would have never been able to forgive myself if I had let them kill you just because I would not hand over Wu.”

“You could have gone behind their back,” Baekhyun says. “You didn’t have to give in to their demands.”

“I did,” Junmyeon says. “If I had done anything to make them suspicious of me, they would have retracted the offer and I might never have seen you again. Trust me on this one, please. I did what I had to do, the only thing I could do. It was the safest option, for you and for everyone else.”

“But not for you,” Baekhyun mutters.

“A king must always think of his people before he thinks of himself,” Junmyeon says, the words ingrained in him from years of his father – and his grandmother – telling him the same thing when he voiced his complaints. “Worry not, Baekhyun. If all goes well, we will detain him and his accomplices before he can even step foot towards me. Jongdae sent someone – ah, Zitao, do you remember? He sent Zitao after them once he had you. He is a Null, so they will not –”

Baekhyun’s entire body shudders, and Junmyeon instinctively holds him a little tighter; as tight as he can without causing pain. “Are you all right?”

“There was a Null,” he whispers. “During –”

Baekhyun cuts himself off abruptly, and when he has said nothing for a while, Junmyeon quietly asks, “The Null was with you when they..?”

“Can we not talk about it now?” Baekhyun whispers. “Please.”

“All right,” Junmyeon murmurs. “We will talk about something else.”

“No talking,” Baekhyun says. “Just… I just want to be like this for a bit. I still… I still feel like I’m dreaming, or…” 

Junmyeon presses a kiss to the top of Baekhyun’s head. “I understand, love.”

Baekhyun lets out a heavy breath of air and rests his head on Junmyeon’s shoulder. His nose is cold against his throat, but Junmyeon does not mind. He just holds Baekhyun tightly to remind him he’s here and thanks the Heavens for not taking this away from him.


Junmyeon assists Baekhyun with eating the vegetable stew Dokyun brought them, and not even an hour later, Baekhyun is fast asleep. Part of Junmyeon fears it will be another three days before he wakes up a second time, but he knows Yixing would have warned him if there were any risk of that happening. 

He still ends up dozing off in Baekhyun’s room, which he regrets when he wakes up an undetermined time later with a crick in his neck and sore limbs – but then he realises that the reason he even woke up to begin with is the quiet whimpers coming from Baekhyun.

“Ssh, my heart,” he whispers and leans over Baekhyun. He caresses Baekhyun’s forehead and brushes away strands of hair, and continues, “It is all right. You are safe. You are back at the palace. I am with you.”

The whimpers stop, but his forehead is still creased due to whatever unpleasant memory has crept into his dreams, so Junmyeon does not stop caressing him or whispering words of reassurance. 

It works, in the end, and Baekhyun’s sleep remains undisturbed for the rest of the night.


The evening of Yifan’s arrest, Baekhyun had asked, “Why did he try to kill you?”

Junmyeon still has no answer.


Yixing arrives as promised in the morning. Hakyeon is relieved of duty shortly after by Jongdae, who has spoken with Chanyeol since Junmyeon shared with him his intentions of assigning guards to Baekhyun. 

“He is expecting your summons,” Jongdae says, and Junmyeon nods thoughtfully. Yixing is tending to Baekhyun, who is still sleeping, so Junmyeon figures he might as well make use of the time and see Chanyeol immediately. He tells Yixing that he will be back a little later and to assure Baekhyun if he asks for him. 

Jongdae takes him to the training grounds and leaves Junmyeon by the edge of it to fetch Chanyeol, so Junmyeon spends the time observing the men and women going about their routines. Some are polishing armour, others are tending to their horses, and others yet are sparring. A couple in particular have drawn a small audience with their sparring.

By the time he notices Jongdae and Chanyeol approaching, the woman has gotten the upper hand in the duel and won, and is helping the man get back on his feet. They are both laughing. It reminds Junmyeon of a time before Baekhyun became his Chosen: Baekhyun had suggested sparring, so they did, and Junmyeon had only won by default as they were too busy trying to cheat and laughing to actually do much with their training swords. Junmyeon cherishes that memory, especially these days when Baekhyun still has yet to laugh.

He wonders when he will hear that again.

“Your Grace,” Chanyeol greets as he comes closer. Jongdae is with him, but a few steps behind, giving the previously sparring couple a cursory glance. Junmyeon turns his body towards Chanyeol, who, once in front of him, comes to a halt and dips into a deep bow. “I am honoured. I admit I am curious as to how I may be of service. Jongdae failed to mention this.”

“It pertains to my Chosen,” Junmyeon admits. “Take a walk with me.”

“I heard rumours that he woke up,” Chanyeol says and falls into step with Junmyeon, albeit he makes sure to never be in front of him. Jongdae flanks Junmyeon’s other side, a silent shadow. “Is this true?”

“Yes,” Junmyeon says, and while he smiles, the worry still gnaws at him. “He woke up yesterday evening.”

They have left the training grounds behind them. Junmyeon does not have a specific route in mind, so he simply lets his feet take him wherever, which seems to be towards one of the palace gardens.

“Is he well?”

The smile turns to more of a grimace. “I am not yet certain. He seems all right, at least compared to what has happened, but…”

“I imagine the ordeal scarred him,” Chanyeol murmurs. Junmyeon dips his head in a nod. “I hope he improves soon, Sire.”

“As do I.” Junmyeon sighs and takes them down a narrow path, which forces Jongdae to fall a step behind them. “Well, there is no reason for me to beat around the bush. I asked Jongdae if he might have any recommendations, were I to assign guards to Baekhyun, and your name came up.”

“Me?” Chanyeol repeats, sounding quite taken aback. “Truly?” He glances over his shoulder at Jongdae. “What have I done to have earned that?”

“Jongdae assured me you would be fit for the role,” Junmyeon says. “He tells me you are loyal, dedicated, and kind, which are three characteristics I require when it concerns my Chosen’s protection.”

“Sire,” Chanyeol says, and he still sounds so astonished that Junmyeon decides to take pity on him.

“You have been with the Royal Guard for a couple of years, correct?”

“Three years, Sire.”

Junmyeon nods and continues, “Would you say that you have gained valuable insight and experience during these years?”

“Yes, Sire.”

“Are you a good friend to those who consider you theirs?”

“Yes, Sire,” Chanyeol says. Junmyeon is pleased to note that he doesn’t hesitate when it comes to his answers. 

“Do I have any reason at all to doubt your capabilities?”

“No, Sire.”

“And, most importantly,” he says, keeping his voice low and eyes serious, “I can trust you to protect Baekhyun? When on duty, I will require of you that his safety comes before anything else. That,” he tacks on, “includes me.”

“Sire,” Chanyeol says, equally sombre, “if you entrust me with the protection of your Chosen, rest assured that I will protect him with my life.”

“I pray it shall not come to that,” Junmyeon says, but the threat of Yifan has been at the back of his mind ever since he watched him be taken away by Jongdae. He knows not how Yifan plans to strike next – if he plans to at all.

“If you would forgive me for asking, Your Grace,” Chanyeol says, “I have not proven my worth to you. You are not asking me to be your Chosen’s guard without witnessing my capabilities for yourself?”

Junmyeon allows a small smile. He appreciates the scepticism. “Jongdae has been my guard long enough that I fully trust his judgement on anything pertaining to palace security. I am, however, quite curious as to your Gift of Fire.”

“If you wish, I could show you some of what I am capable of,” Chanyeol says. 

“I would like that.” The garden opens up in front of them, and Junmyeon leads them down a cobblestoned path towards a fountain surrounded by blooming hibiscus shrubs and a couple of marble benches. “Would now be a good time?”

“As good as any.”

“Do you need space or will this suffice?”

Chanyeol offers a shrug. “Not really. I can make do with this.” His mouth splits into a toothy grin suddenly, wide and cheerful. “I should be able to avoid accidentally igniting any of the pretty flowers, too.”

“That would be appreciated,” Junmyeon says dryly. By his side, Jongdae snorts.

Junmyeon sits on one of the benches, and he tries to get Jongdae to sit down next to him, but Jongdae just grins and says he will partner up with Chanyeol. Junmyeon is not entirely sure what he means, but he supposes it has to do with their Gifts, and so prepares himself for a show.

Chanyeol wields his Gift like someone born straight out of fire. He is one of the only persons Junmyeon has ever seen to appear so comfortable with his Gift. Jongdae is another example, but still there is a different air around Jongdae when he slings crackling Lightning around him. The Fire burns bright in Chanyeol’s hands, and it reflects in Chanyeol’s eyes. 

Jongdae eventually moves to a spot a few paces in front of Chanyeol. He falls into a defensive stance, and a few moments later, Chanyeol hurls a ball of Fire straight at him. Jongdae easily dodges it, and the Fire vanishes into the air before it can do harm to any of the surrounding shrubs. 

What follows is a truly magnificent display of two volatile Gifts, wielded so skillfully by the two of them. The crack of Lightning, the sizzling of Fire, the vibrant colours; Junmyeon is awed. It is almost like a dance, and Junmyeon soon realises it must be something they have rehearsed many times over for it to be so seamless.

Jongdae confirms this when, at last, the Lightning in his hands gently fizzles out and they take a step away from each other, their chests heaving with the effort of manipulating their Gifts. “This is the first time nothing in the vicinity burned.”

Chanyeol immediately sweeps in to say, “He lies. It has been at least a year since that last incident.”

Jongdae laughs, and Junmyeon is helpless to stop his own chuckles. 

“He has spectacular control,” Jongdae says, a smile still playing on his lips. “He uses it for fun now. Rest assured that, should he need it in a fight, he will carefully and precisely steer it to his enemies with no harm to his allies or the surroundings. The same can be said about his weaponry skills.”

“You will give me a big head if you continue,” Chanyeol says, to which Jongdae just throws him a pointed look.

“Your head is big enough as it is.”

Chanyeol gasps in affront.

“Chanyeol,” Junmyeon says, getting them back on track although he enjoys their banter, “this proposition is not one you need to decide on here and now. Baekhyun is on bed rest still, and will be for possibly another week, I believe, so you have until then to get back to me. Should you wish to meet Baekhyun first, I can arrange for it once he is well enough to have visitors.”

Chanyeol looks pensively at Junmyeon, and perhaps a bit sheepishly. “The yes is on my tongue, but perhaps your Chosen might want to meet me first? Perhaps he will not like me.”

“That is fair,” Junmyeon concedes. “I will count you in, but your duties will remain the same until you have had the chance to meet Baekhyun. If, by then, both of you approve of the arrangement, we will discuss your new responsibilities.”

Chanyeol stands straight and bows. “I understand, Sire. I shall look forward to your summons.”

“As shall I.”


Junmyeon is back in Baekhyun’s room an hour after he left. In the meantime, Baekhyun has roused and Yixing is still tending to him. Gahyeon is sitting at the foot of the bed, smiling softly as she talks with Baekhyun, but trails off when she turns to look towards the door upon Junmyeon’s arrival. 

Baekhyun’s head shifts minutely towards Junmyeon, or towards the noises he makes.

“I am back,” Junmyeon states, if only for Baekhyun’s sake. 

Gahyeon offers him a lovely smile, Yixing hums, and Baekhyun… says nothing and does nothing, which Junmyeon does not entirely know how to interpret. 

He suspects some of Baekhyun’s trauma has to do with him, and if that is so, Junmyeon will figure out what it is and deal with it accordingly. If Baekhyun needs space, he will give him space. If he needs love, Junmyeon will smother him with it. Junmyeon will do whatever it takes to see Baekhyun happy again, even if that means spending less time with him than he hoped. 

The first obstacle on the road to Baekhyun’s recovery is getting him to actually speak. Junmyeon almost does not care to whom Baekhyun will open up so long as he does. He hopes Baekhyun will choose him, but this behaviour is slowly crushing that hope to dust.

“Baekhyun is recovering well,” Yixing says. “I recommend bed rest for at least another week, after which he may slowly return to his responsibilities. He must be careful, however, as his body still requires rest to recover from the injuries and the Healing, and his hand will remain splinted for about two weeks. The blood loss he suffered might also still affect him, so no overexertion until the splinter is off. He will possibly have bouts of exhaustion and an inability to remain focused for long times. I will come by tomorrow to check his eyes. I reckon the bandages can come off in a couple of days.”

“Thank you, Yixing,” Junmyeon says, “for your concern and help. I appreciate it.”

Yixing allows a smile and gets up. “Always, Your Grace.” He turns to look at Baekhyun. “Heed my advice and you will be right as rain in no time.” To the room at large, he says, “I shall take my leave now. Good day.”

With Yixing gone, Junmyeon takes the chair he vacated at the bedside.

“I thought it was due time I paid a visit,” Gahyeon says; Junmyeon would not put it past her to have taken note of the odd tension that hangs between him and Baekhyun. “I hoped he would be all right to have visitors.”

“I am perfectly capable of seeing other people,” Baekhyun says, but it is with an undertone of something Junmyeon cannot grasp. Gahyeon looks towards Junmyeon and offers him an encouraging smile. “When will I get to see my family?”

“Once they know you are awake, I am sure,” Junmyeon says.

“Later today, then,” Baekhyun says.

“I believe so,” Junmyeon says.

“We were just talking about them when you returned, Junmyeon,” Gahyeon says, a small smile still stretching her lips. The look in her eyes is slightly wary, which only confirms Junmyeon’s theory: She senses something is off. 

“They will be happy to know you are awake, Baekhyun,” Junmyeon says. “They missed you.”

“And I, them,” Baekhyun says and breathes out a little sigh. “I did… I didn’t know what happened to them after they got me. I was so afraid.” His head tilts slightly to the side. “Where are they staying now? I heard our house – I heard it’s gone.”

“Lord Oh graciously offered his own estate while they wait for me to find a suitable new home for them,” Junmyeon says. “He is away on business at his other estate outside of the capital and will be gone for a few weeks, so his youngest stayed behind to run the remaining household and help your family settle in.”

“You?” Baekhyun says, the bewilderment betrayed in his tone of voice. “Why would you do that?”

“You are his Chosen,” Gahyeon says kindly. “Of course he sees to your family’s needs as well as your own.”

“I approached them about it already in our first year together,” Junmyeon admits. “They humbly declined my offer of moving somewhere grander on account of not having the funds.” 

Baekhyun’s sister had later disclosed that their parents had declined because they feared suddenly standing without a home if he lost interest in Baekhyun. He had brought it up a year later, thinking they might have changed their mind now that they knew he was serious about Baekhyun, but they had once more declined, and he had decided to leave it at that.

“I didn’t know.” Baekhyun sounds thoughtful. “I wonder why they would not tell me.”

“I think they care too much about you to wish that burden on your shoulders,” Gahyeon says.

Baekhyun huffs. “What, the burden of knowing this country’s king had offered them something above their standing because of me?”

“We were still learning each other’s tells and quirks,” Junmyeon says, a fond smile tugging his lips upwards at the memories. “Knowing I was serious about our relationship this early on might have scared you off.”

“Not likely,” Baekhyun says, even snorts, and if his hand were not splinted, his eyes not bandaged, the curl of his lips not slightly off – this could almost be any other day before all of this happened. If Minseok were here instead of attending some thing or the other, and they were in either Junmyeon or Gahyeon’s quarters instead of Yixing’s, it would be as close to normal as it could possibly get.

“Yes, I do not think that is it either,” Gahyeon says, and she sounds just cheeky enough for Junmyeon to realise the jest that follows, “If anything, his tendency to drone on and on about taxes or Minister Daehyun’s wife’s poor attempts at seducing him at every social function she is invited to might and does scare off anyone.”

“Not anyone,” Baekhyun says sagely, “only those who aren’t afraid to tell Junmyeon to shut up or simply leave him with no one to vent to.”

“I am too benevolent in my rule,” Junmyeon muses.

“Not to worry,” says Gahyeon cheerfully. “That is why you have me.”

“It is rather entertaining to watch you scramble every time you glimpse Minister Daehyun’s wife, and it is even more entertaining seeing you try to politely end any conversation with her,” Baekhyun says. “Particularly because she never seems to get it.”

“I thought you were supposed to keep suitors away from me,” Junmyeon says, and it is not a whine. It is not.

“Only if they are an actual threat,” Baekhyun says. “She is not.”

Junmyeon does not yet know what causes the shadows to banish the smiles from Baekhyun’s face, or his voice to turn monotone, or his body to suddenly go taut – but at this very moment, Baekhyun’s soft laughter and their banter, even if it is mostly at Junmyeon’s expenses, fill him with hope.

They will be all right.


Fun fact #2: I don’t know if Hakyeon and Taekwoon are a couple. Does Junmyeon know? Do you know?

This is the last of what was officially posted for the challenge. I have probably three chapters to add, approximately 20.000 more words, but eeeh. I'm writing for another challenge and I'm also a bit behind on that one, so my focus will be on that for the next month at least. I have most of this fic written, so there's that, I just... dislike it with a passion, so it needs a loving hand and some heavy edits, and, well, an ending, pffft.

I hope you've enjoyed reading so far! Thank you <3

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Chapter 4: O.O !!!!! This is my face right now. First, cause I was excited about the update and second cause of the cliffhanger! That Yifan... I does add to his character what happen in real life. Oh well lets wait for the last chapter!!!! Thank you for updating!!!¡
TofuTickTacks #2
Hello from ao3, I forgot to comment when you sent me this but ahh! I'm excited to see what is to come !! I'm glad b seems to be opening up a little bit, also him and cy w the cucumbers was great lmao
Chapter 3: Yei! An update! Thank you fpr keeping your word!!! At least we know now why Baek was all weird with Junmyeon. And well Yifan can fly hahaha I hope Tao doesnt betrait them
Chapter 2: Ok. Just finished the second chapter and pretty please I would love this fic to have an ending. I want Subaek to be ok at the end! Or what ever you have plan for them. Thank you for sharing this with us!!
Chapter 1: I absolutely love subaek so I'm hapoy you chose him as JM's lover!!! They are my second fav pairing after suchen. So thank you so much. I am now preparing to read the second chapter!!!!