Chapter 3

King's Chosen

The morning passes. Minseok shows up to herd off Junmyeon and Gahyeon to their meeting with the ministers, and Baekhyun is left to rest. He may try to hide it, but Junmyeon sees right through him (which, granted, is not a great feat with Baekhyun’s many yawns and faltering focus as the sun drags itself higher in the sky).

Junmyeon leaves Gahyeon with the ministers sometime past noon. He has just enough time for a quick lunch with Minseok and Jongdae before his meeting with Lord Kwang (if anything good can be said about Lord Kwang it is his inherent stubbornness, albeit his attempts at arranging a marriage between one of his children and Junmyeon’s as-of-yet unborn heir is quickly losing its charm) followed by an hour of trying to figure out where quite a substantial amount of coins disappeared off to because apparently he needs to hire new financial staff with better heads on their shoulders. 

(It turns out the money went to the university, which is perfectly all right, but these things need to be noted down or else someone will eventually see fit to steal from the royal treasure. They are due for a scolding, and a scolding they get.)

It has been a while since he had more on his plate than just the ministers that he could not hand off to Gahyeon or his grandmother, but he knows it is high time he stops letting other people do his work. Still, it means less time with Baekhyun, and he cannot help but worry when he is away. He hopes Baekhyun spends the time resting peacefully instead of reliving all the memories of his captivity. 

Perhaps he might as well get Chanyeol and Jongdae assigned to Baekhyun right away instead of waiting for Baekhyun to be back on his feet. With a guard, at least someone will keep him company at all times, which might be beneficial for his recovery.

“Head out of the clouds and focus, Junmyeon,” Minseok says, raising an eyebrow when Junmyeon turns a sheepish look at him.

“My apologies. You were saying?”

Minseok looks at him in silence for a long while, and then he sighs. “Let’s call it a day. We made some good progress, and I can see you want to get back to Baekhyun.”

“Can you blame me?” Junmyeon asks with a sad smile. “He won’t tell me anything.”

“Give him time,” Minseok says. “He needs to feel safe again. Be careful not to smother him or he might draw away.”

“I feel he already is.”

“So do not pressure him more now. When he is ready, he will come to you.” Minseok stands from the desk and stretches his limbs. Junmyeon feels a little stiff after sitting still for so long, so he follows Minseok’s example. “Have faith in him, and have faith in yourself.”

Junmyeon sighs. “I will try.”

“Come,” Minseok says. “I suspect Her Grace may be keeping Baekhyun company and I have an update on the gossip from the maids.”

“Gossip? You? I wouldn’t have pegged you for one, Minseok.”

“Her maids allegedly mentioned a foreign merchant set to arrive in one of the coming days, and while Her Grace thinks highly of that merchant’s goods, she had doubts as to the veracity of the rumours,” Minseok says dryly. “I looked into it for her. The merchant isn’t set to arrive until sometime next month.”

“Running odd errands for Gahyeon now, I see,” Junmyeon says.

Minseok shrugs. “I offered to look into it because I was heading to the market myself. Truly, it was no trouble at all.”

“I see,” Junmyeon says. “Well, she will be devastated. If it is the merchant she so often speaks about, she has looked forward to his visit for months.”

“Indeed.” There is a small smile pulling at the corners of Minseok’s mouth. “I should hope she won’t take her disappointment out on the messenger.”

Junmyeon laughs. “I suppose we shall find out.”

Gahyeon, as it turns out, has just left Baekhyun’s room when they arrive, so Minseok bids them farewell and leaves to find her. Junmyeon smiles at the thought of Gahyeon’s pout once she hears the rumours are as rumours tend to be: A grain of truth.

The smile falters only slightly once he is left alone with Baekhyun, who is sitting up in bed, hands folded atop the covers, head tilted just a bit. 

“Are you hungry?” Junmyeon asks as he settles by Baekhyun’s bedside.

“No. Gahyeon brought some nuts and dried fruits, so I am fine at the moment.” 

“I see. I suppose there is time yet before supper.” 

Junmyeon looks Baekhyun up and down. It hurts him that this odd stiffness between them is back. He had dared to hope Baekhyun’s smiles from that morning would reappear this afternoon, but it seems they will not. “How is your back? Does it hurt?”

“Yixing’s salves take the pain away, mostly.” Baekhyun hums. “I am grateful for that.”

“As am I,” Junmyeon says. “I heard your family came by.”

“Yes. It was good to talk with them.”

Silence reigns between them after that. Baekhyun’s head dips down, and his unsplinted hand fiddles with the covers. Junmyeon’s own hands are gathered in his lap, and he doesn’t know quite what to do with them. He wants to comfort Baekhyun with his presence, but again he has the feeling that he is somehow making it worse.

Minseok’s cautions from earlier ricochet inside his head, and yet he cannot refrain from quietly asking, hoping the hurt in his voice is not as obvious as it sounds to his own ears, “Baekhyun… Have I perhaps done something to make you uncomfortable? If it would make you feel better, I –”

Baekhyun cuts him off with a yell of, “No!” His head has turned towards Junmyeon’s general direction as his hands grasp at the air. Junmyeon instinctually reaches for them, which seems, at least, to have been what Baekhyun wanted. “No, no, you didn’t. I – Heavens, Junmyeon. No. I’m sorry, I… It’s my fault. I just…”

He is rambling, but Junmyeon just squeezes his good hand and waits patiently for Baekhyun to find the words he wants to express.

“I love you, but…” His tongue darts out to wet his lips. When he speaks again, he speaks so quietly that Junmyeon has to strain to catch what he’s saying. “You… You shouldn’t love me. You should hate me.”

“Why in the world would I ever hate you?” Junmyeon asks.

Baekhyun’s head turns away from Junmyeon, and he’s nibbling at his bottom lip. “I… I couldn’t endure the pain. They asked me about you, and I didn’t want to tell them, Junmyeon. I didn’t, but they…” 

Junmyeon wants to soothe him, to tell him he does not have to talk, but he is selfish. Finally Baekhyun is opening up, and Junmyeon is not a good enough man, even if Baekhyun sounds close to tears. 

“I thought they would stop if I talked,” Baekhyun continues. “They said they would stop. So I answered their questions. If it had been the other way around, I know you would have held your silence, but I… I couldn’t…”

“Baekhyun,” Junmyeon says quietly, “they tortured you. I may have been able to endure it in silence for a while, but I have always been in a position where I knew someone might try to force information out of me through various means. You are commonborn. No one would expect you not to break. I do not hate you for it.”

“No,” Baekhyun moans. “You don’t understand.” He talks again, but now he sounds full of self-loathing. “I lost sense of time, I admit, but it couldn’t have been more than a couple of hours before I was answering them. They started with easy questions about you, your parents, your interests, but then… Then they started asking about your daily routines, your usual haunts, your weaknesses… And I told them. I told them everything, Junmyeon. I told them everything because I’m not strong enough and I –” 

Junmyeon gently gathers Baekhyun in his arms, and Baekhyun weeps into his shoulder. “It is all right,” he whispers. “You are strong. You are still here. You did not let them defeat you. That is strength.”

“No,” Baekhyun whimpers. “You’re in even more danger because of me. I’ll be hanged for being an accom-”

“Baekhyun,” Junmyeon says sternly, hugging him tighter. “I love you. Nothing will change that. I cannot ever see myself not loving you.” He runs his fingers through the strand of hair on Baekhyun’s head. “I will notify Minseok and the guards and we will make changes accordingly. I am getting another guard assigned soon, and I have been looking into getting a guard for you, as well.”

He closes his eyes and rests his chin atop Baekhyun’s head. “If anyone is to blame for any of this, it is me. I intend to make up for it by making certain you will not be without protection ever again.”

“This is not your fault,” Baekhyun murmurs, and Junmyeon cannot help but smile. 

“Let’s make a deal.” Baekhyun hums to show he’s listening. “We stop blaming ourselves for all of this and instead focus on what happens from now. Do you agree?”

Baekhyun says softly, “I do.”

“I do not care if you spilled all my dirty secrets,” Junmyeon says. “I just want you alive and well here with me.”

“You have me,” Baekhyun says, and it warms Junmyeon to catch just a hint of cheek. “I am alive.” He falters, but it does not take him long to say, “And I will be well, soon.”

“I believe you will,” Junmyeon says. “Now, about the guard I mentioned. I spoke with someone from House Park by the name Chanyeol. He wishes to see you and for you to accept him before he officially leaves his current post and starts guarding you. Jongdae, as well, will leave me in favour of protecting you.”

“When do they start?” Baekhyun asks.

“Tomorrow, if not tonight,” Junmyeon says. “I intended to wait until you were back on your feet, but I changed my mind.”

“I would be all right with tomorrow,” Baekhyun says.

Junmyeon huffs in amusement. “To be fair, I expected you to put up a fight about being assigned guards.”

“Because that’s what you did?”

Junmyeon frowns. “Who told you?”

“The easier question is, ‘Who didn’t tell me?’”

“I will see them punished accordingly.”

“For spilling your secrets?” Baekhyun asks, and while there is humour in his tone, there is also… something else. It takes a moment before it occurs to Junmyeon what that is, so he searches for something to say that will soothe Baekhyun’s concerns.

It is probably something he will have to do more than once in the coming weeks, if not months or years.

“For spilling my secrets without me there to defend my pride,” Junmyeon says, and smiles when Baekhyun snorts. 

“Guards will make me feel safer,” Baekhyun admits. “And it makes me more at ease if another guard is assigned to you, even if you bemoan the need for it.”

“All right. I will send a summons for Chanyeol tomorrow morning so that you may make your acquaintances. Jongdae requested permission to choose his replacement, so I will inquire about that tomorrow, as well.”

“Good.” Baekhyun shifts in Junmyeon’s arms. Once settled, he hums. “I could maybe eat now.”

“Well,” Junmyeon murmurs, “let’s send for supper, then.”


“Baekhyun, you brat,” Jongdae said, grabbing a young man by the sleeve and hauling him away from Junmyeon’s bookcase. “Don’t make me regret dragging you along.”

“But that was an original,” Baekhyun whined. “And – oh, so many books I have seen at the market, but still more that I have never seen before! Is this his private library?”

“I suppose one could call it that,” Junmyeon said, amused when Baekhyun jumped and turned around to stare wide-eyed at him. Jongdae just rolled his eyes; he had noticed Junmyeon’s arrival long before Baekhyun had.

“Your Highness,” Baekhyun spluttered, blinking rapidly before he remembered to bow. He stayed down slightly longer than necessary, and when he straightened his back, he tried not to stare as hard as before. “Forgive me for snooping.”

Junmyeon waved away his concerns. “There is nothing to forgive,” he said. “I could hardly fault someone for appreciating my collection of books.”

Jongdae cleared his throat and nodded his chin in Baekhyun’s direction. “I had already agreed to spend the afternoon with Baekhyun here, but I reckoned I could bring him along to deliver what you requested from the market,” Jongdae said. 

“Your infamous friend,” Junmyeon said sagely. “I remember.”

Baekhyun’s stare left Junmyeon to instead focus on Jongdae, except now it was decidedly less awed and more accusatory. “You’ve talked about me?”

“Only the bad things,” Jongdae said. Baekhyun uttered a betrayed noise.

Junmyeon decided to take pity on Jongdae’s friend and said, “I can assure you, Baekhyun, that he has only ever mentioned you fondly.” Jongdae grinned, entirely unapologetic as Baekhyun looked between him and Junmyeon, obviously not knowing whom to trust. 

“Well,” Baekhyun sniffed, “good thing there are so few bad things to be said about me.”

“That’s what you think,” Jongdae said at the same time Junmyeon said, “Indeed.”

Jongdae stared at Junmyeon, who made sure to school his features into a neutral expression. He raised an eyebrow in response to Jongdae’s suspicious look. Jongdae decided not to pursue it after a few moments of deliberation and instead held out his hand towards Baekhyun. “Give it here.”

Baekhyun retrieved a small package from his jacket and handed it over to Jongdae. Jongdae made a show of putting it on the table and brushing his hands afterwards. “There,” he all but announced, “now we are ready to enjoy the day while Junmyeon here wallows away while doing his princely duties.”

“I will have you hanged,” Junmyeon said.

Jongdae hardly spared him a glance as he motioned for Baekhyun to follow him out. “No, you will not.”

They passed Junmyeon, standing in the doorway as he was, and Junmyeon’s gaze lingered a second too long on Baekhyun after he offered another, if shorter, bow.

Jongdae came to a halt by Junmyeon’s side long enough to say, quiet enough so that Baekhyun wouldn’t hear, “I’ll see if I can’t bring him along more often.”

Junmyeon lifted the other eyebrow this time, but Jongdae wasn’t even looking back as he guided Baekhyun down the hallway.

Baekhyun, however, did look back, and threw Junmyeon the first of many disarming smiles in the time to come.

Junmyeon returned the smile with one of his own and decided against threatening Jongdae with a flogging for reading him so easily.

Instead he would be looking forward to seeing Baekhyun again. 


Baekhyun is in the midst of complaining about the bandages around his eyes when a knock on the door interrupts him. Dokyun’s voice announces Chanyeol’s arrival, and Junmyeon calls for him to enter. Baekhyun sits up a little straighter in the bed.

Chanyeol dips into a bow once the door has closed behind him. “Your Grace. I received your summons.”

“Indeed,” Junmyeon says. “Chanyeol, I would like to formally introduce you to Baekhyun, and Baekhyun to you. We agreed yesterday that we will arrange for his guards at the earliest convenience.”

“I see,” Chanyeol says. He turns his body towards Baekhyun; a slight shift in his stance, but nonetheless something Junmyeon notices now that Baekhyun cannot. “How may I address you, King’s Chosen?”

“Baekhyun is fine,” he says and shrugs. “There are too many lords and sirs at the palace for me to know when I am addressed.”

“In that case, allow me to introduce myself,” Chanyeol says. He dips into another bow, possibly, Junmyeon thinks with some amusement, because customs and decorum have been ingrained in him during his years at the Royal Guard. “I am Chanyeol of House Park and of the Royal Guard. I have several years of experience with them. That aside, I am Gifted with Fire, which I am able to wield easily.

“His Grace informed me of his decision to assign me to you for protection. I agreed on the one condition that you find me suitable.”

“Well,” Baekhyun says, “as you can tell, I am regrettably unable to see at the moment, but I trust Junmyeon’s judgement – and Jongdae’s, as I hear he had a say in this.” He scrunches up his face and tilts his head in Junmyeon’s direction. “Uh. What am I supposed to do now?”

“Ask him anything you like, and then he may choose to answer,” Junmyeon offers. “A guard is not necessarily your friend, but it makes things easier for the both of you.”

Baekhyun makes a soft sound of understanding and straightens his spine. “All right. So, Chanyeol, if you had to choose between carrots and cucumbers, which would you eat and which would you send off to the furthest edges of the world where no one could ever hope to retrieve them?”

To his credit, Chanyeol only blinks and falters for a few moments before he says, “I would… eat the carrots and bid the cucumbers farewell?”

“You pass,” Baekhyun says, sounding smugly satisfied. “Humans should have never figured out how to cultivate that poor excuse for a vegetable.”

“Duly noted. I will do my utmost best to protect you from cucumbers,” Chanyeol says entirely straight-faced. Junmyeon silently approves and hides a smile behind his hand.

“Perfect,” Baekhyun says and clasps his hands – grimacing when he remembers one hand is still in a splint. “Ouch. Heavens, I love Yixing’s salves and Gifts, but I wish it worked faster.”

“Your body needs time to heal,” Junmyeon says. 

Baekhyun waves the good hand. “I know. I understand. Doesn’t mean I can’t wish it weren’t so.” 

Junmyeon shakes his head fondly and turns towards Chanyeol. “Chanyeol, if it might fit into your schedule, I want you to make your acquaintances with Kyungsoo who you may find just outside. He will have all the information you need for the time being. You might have to expect a long week or two while you learn the ropes, and then you will work out your hours with Jongdae. I am afraid the two of you are the only ones assigned to Baekhyun currently, so your hours will be split. I will personally see to it that we find a third guard before the week is over, so I hope you will bear with us until then.”

Chanyeol dips his head in a nod. “Of course. I will get right to it.”

“I will see you soon, hopefully,” Baekhyun says cheerfully. 

Chanyeol smiles at that. “Indeed. I will be right outside if you need me, Your Grace, Baekhyun.”

“I think I like him,” Baekhyun says once Chanyeol has left the room.

Junmyeon tuts. “Judging a man by his vegetable preferences. I have never heard the like.”

“I trust you, and I trust Jongdae.” Baekhyun shrugs. “His choice of vegetables tells me he is a trustworthy person, as well.”

“I like cucumber, yet you trust me.”

“You are fortunate that your other qualities make up for that one flaw.”

“Ah, of course.”


With Jongdae and Chanyeol officially assigned to Baekhyun as of last morning, Jongdae spent some time during his shift narrowing down the list of candidates for the position of Baekhyun’s third guard, as well as a few for Junmyeon.

They enter Baekhyun’s bedchamber, and Baekhyun turns to look at them – actually look, because Yixing has removed the bandages. Both of his eyes appear completely normal to Junmyeon, to a point where his first thought is whether Yixing for the first time in Junmyeon’s memory overestimated the extent of the damage, but… On a second and closer look, Baekhyun’s right eye is different in colour, kind of faded. Instead of the dark, warm brown, it’s now… muted. Not as warm, not as brown. There is also a wound across his eyebrow, which makes Junmyeon wonder if the damage to Baekhyun’s eyes is because of some kind of blade.

“Jongdae,” Baekhyun says, and there is no doubt as to the accusatory tone of his voice, “I thought you said you were going straight home.”

Jongdae shares a sheepish look with Junmyeon. “I decided I might as well seize the opportunity to catch Junmyeon early. I wished to discuss with him the potential new guards assigned to you.”

“Sleep is important for your health,” Yixing interjects, kind but stern. “You should head home.”

Jongdae waves a hand dismissively in the air. “I’m used to it. Half an hour won’t change anything.”

“You should listen to the doctor,” Junmyeon says, amused. 

Jongdae sniffs in faux affront. “I see how it is. All of you want me out of your hair, all right, I can read the room.” 

“You and your theatrics have been up all night,” Baekhyun says. “We care for your wellbeing, is all.”

“Hand me your list, and then I will arrange for a meeting with your choices,” Junmyeon says. “I will make sure Minseok reminds me to do it later today. I will let you know what we think as soon as possible.”

“Mmh, I suppose that is all right,” Jongdae says and offers Junmyeon a rolled parchment. “If I’m lucky, I can catch breakfast at home before Minji herds me off to bed.”

“Better get going, then,” Junmyeon says and puts the parchment away in a pocket where he hopefully won’t forget it. 

Jongdae grins and offers them a wave, and then he’s gone.

“I don’t understand how he can be so energetic this early in the morning after he was up all night,” Baekhyun murmurs.

“Practice,” Junmyeon says sagely. “And will. Practice and will.”

Baekhyun’s smile is amused. “If you say so.”

Junmyeon turns his attention to Yixing, who has waited patiently by Baekhyun’s side. “Do you have anything you wish to discuss, Yixing?”

“I merely have information, Your Grace,” Yixing says and clears his throat. “Baekhyun’s sight is perfectly fine on the uninjured one, and while he is not blind as I assumed he would be on the other one, he might as well be with how little he is able to see. He tells me he is able to sense movement and brightness, as well as silhouettes, but he can only guess how many fingers I hold up before him.

“I cannot say what it will be like in a month, but do not have hopes of his sight returning. I believe he may be fully blind on the injured eye by the time snow falls.”

“I understand,” Junmyeon says softly. 

“That aside,” Yixing says, “he is healing remarkably well. If it keeps up, I might take off the splint earlier.”

“Thank Heaven,” Baekhyun says. “I will behave if that is what it takes.”

Yixing hums diplomatically while Junmyeon, less diplomatically, says, “Of course you will,” in a tone that suggests the opposite.

Baekhyun narrows his eyes at him, which… makes Junmyeon smile, because finally Baekhyun can see again. Being blind won’t stop Baekhyun when it all comes down to it, of  that he is certain, but it did make him more cautious. At least, Junmyeon hopes, it means Baekhyun will no longer flinch when someone moves near him. 

“Well,” Yixing says and gets back on his feet, “I believe that is my cue. Take it easy, Baekhyun, and then you’ll be up and about soon enough. Have a good day, Your Grace, Baekhyun.”

“You, too,” Baekhyun calls after Yixing, who offers them one more dimpled smile before he closes the doors between them. “He is such a patient doctor. I like him a lot.”

“I should hope so, considering you’ve spent almost more time with him than anyone else these past days,” Junmyeon says. 

Baekhyun waves his good hand through the air. “Not important.”

“Regardless,” Junmyeon says, “I wanted to discuss something with you.” At Baekhyun’s expectant stare, he continues, “I mentioned a few days ago that I was looking for a new place for your family. I may have one ready soon, but I am not sure I remembered to tell you my intentions of having you move in with me.”

Baekhyun’s stare morphs into a frown. “So I would come to live here at the palace?”


“What would I do?”

“You are still free to do whatever you like,” Junmyeon soothes. “Likewise, I would never deny you the wish to stay overnight at your parents’ every once in a while, but for your safety, and my peace of mind, I would like it if you came to live here.”

He allows a smile to pull his lips upwards. “Besides, all the matters of safety aside, I would like it if you officially came to stay at the palace with me. I miss you terribly on the days we don’t see each other.”

Baekhyun huffs. “Those days are few and far between.” He frowns. “With Wu’s… attempt and my…” His eyes glaze over for a moment, long enough for Junmyeon to start to frown, but then he blinks and shakes his head. “I suppose I’ve spent more time here than ever before since that night. But before… I guess there were many days where we didn’t see each other.”

“Yes,” Junmyeon murmurs. “Are you opposed to moving in with me?”

“No,” Baekhyun says. “Not really. I spend so much time here, after all, that it is already more or less my home. I like the people here. I just… I don’t know. I fear feeling trapped once I go through with it and actually come to live here.”

“You are always free to go and do whatever you like,” Junmyeon reminds him. “I could never dream of keeping you locked up here, even if,” he grimaces, “I sometimes want to because you’d be safe behind the palace walls.”

“Nowhere is ever completely safe,” Baekhyun says. “Wu’s attempt on your life still haunts me, and that was in your own bed.”

“Safer, then,” Junmyeon concedes. “You’d be safer.”

“Regardless,” Baekhyun says, and he looks up at Junmyeon with a smile, “I would love to come and stay here with you. For good. In the name of my safety and our love and all that.”

Junmyeon huffs and reaches for Baekhyun’s good hand, which Baekhyun lets him take. “It is settled, then. Would you like a room near mine?”

“I would like your room,” Baekhyun says in what Junmyeon can only assume is his best imitation of an imperious royal. “I will accept nothing less.”

Junmyeon, maintaining a neutrally pensive expression on his face, says, “Well, I could probably make arrangements for that. I would have to find another room for myself, of course, but that is entirely doable. Perhaps I could –”

“I do not believe I made myself clear,” Baekhyun says, still in that haughty tone. However, his blessed eyes give away his merriment. “When I said your room, I did not say you should leave it.”

“Ah,” Junmyeon says. “I see.”

Baekhyun grins and squeezes his hand. “If you don’t mind.”

“I would like that,” Junmyeon says and smiles warmly. “However, I will still have servants prepare a room of your own. You can use it to read in when I am away, or you can have visitors, or something else entirely. It will be up to you, but I think you will appreciate having a place of your own. You might not want to spend every day always by my side.”

“We shall see,” Baekhyun says. “I don’t think a day will come when I will not want you near.”

“Mmmh, I should hope not,” Junmyeon says. “Although I do seem to remember us fighting once or twice. One time I believe you called me a, ah, what was it…”

Baekhyun is grimacing, which just makes it even sweeter when Junmyeon says, “Yes, I believe the exact words were, and I quote, ‘Your Pheasant-brained Highness’.”

Baekhyun attempts a nonchalant shrug, which he pulls off with mediocre success. “At the time it seemed awfully fitting. Besides, I’ve called you names that were significantly worse. Why this one?”

“It is one of the sillier examples. I am quite fond of it.”

It draws a laugh from Baekhyun. “You are such a strange man.” 

Junmyeon beams, partially for show, but mostly because Baekhyun’s laughter is one of his favourite sounds and hearing it after all that has happened is like one of Yixing’s soothing balms on a smarting wound. “You were always such a charmer. Must be why I fell for you.”

“Mmh, and you fell spectacularly,” Baekhyun says smugly.

“Jongdae shoved me,” Junmyeon immediately says, which is a lie, and Baekhyun knows it is a lie, but it is what Junmyeon has insisted ever since and Jongdae only ever laughs and never tries to deny it (which is less him being a perfect guard trying to protect Junmyeon’s dignity, and more him being unable to utter a single word as he outright cackles at the memory because there is little else he derives more joy from than Junmyeon’s suffering). 

“Certainly he did,” Baekhyun says, although his eyes gleam with mirth. 

Junmyeon smiles softly and raises Baekhyun’s hand to his lips to brush a kiss across its back. “Say, how would you like it if we were to take a day off once you are well enough to be up and about? I was thinking we could ask the kitchen to prepare a basket of goods and then go wherever our feet take us.”

He squeezes Baekhyun’s hand as he lowers it into his lap. “I think we could both benefit from just… allowing ourselves to be for a while.”

Baekhyun looks at him in a certain way that Junmyeon already in their first few months together learned how to read: An adoring stare that replaces all the words Baekhyun doesn’t say. “Yes. Yes, I would like that.”

“Wonderful,” Junmyeon says. “We’ll figure out the details when we get closer to your release from this bed.”

Baekhyun sighs feelingly and closes his eyes. “Ah, and what a Heaven’s blessed day that will be.”


“We received word from Zitao,” is the first thing Minseok says upon greeting Junmyeon. Junmyeon blinks the words out of his sight and looks up from the stack of tenants accounts to Minseok.

“Has he returned then?”

“No, and he won’t return for some time. He requested permission to spy for us,” Minseok says. “I granted it. He reported glimpses of Wu with his mother, but he has not yet been able to get into their midst.”

“We trust him for this task?” Junmyeon says.

“Yes. He may be young, but Jongdae and Kyungsoo, to name a few, vouch for him. He has apparently impressed many with his discipline and principles. Neither you nor I had a chance to exchange more than a few words with him before he left, but I believe we are safe to trust him.”

“All right,” Junmyeon concedes, “then trust him I shall. I take it you are certain now that his mother is in on this entire scheme?”

“Yes,” says Minseok simply.

“Not that you were uncertain before,” Junmyeon murmurs. “Hmm. We should take precautions accordingly, then. His mother may just want them to live the rest of their lives with their heads down – or they both are plotting their next attempt on my life. If that is so, their next strike may be more shrewd.”

Minseok deliberates for a while, and then he says, “You must not let your guards down, Junmyeon. Be alert. If anything seems the slightest bit off to you, you must notify the guards.”

“Duly noted.”

Minseok nods once in satisfaction. “Good. Now, in regard to Zitao: In his report, he promised to update us as often as possible on Wu and Kuaihua’s whereabouts. Likewise, if he learns anything important from eavesdropping, or however else he plans on gaining access to information, he will let us know through a messenger. I have already appointed a couple of knights to travel to and from Zitao’s locations to serve as messengers should they be needed.

“I will be in charge, but Jongdae also insisted on getting in on it, and Kyungsoo naturally followed his lead.”

“Sounds good,” Junmyeon says.

“I should hope so. I await an estimation on their numbers from Zitao, but we are already laying down the plans for an ambush. I assumed you would be all right on the sidelines until we have them back in the capital awaiting your judgement.”

“Yes,” Junmyeon murmurs. “Yes, that is fine. When do you reckon you might be ready?”

“A week, perhaps, if all goes well. It is hard to say for certain when so many questions still remain. I hope Zitao is able to get back to me soon so that we may set this in motion. The sooner, the better.”


“Now, for something else,” Minseok says. “Jongdae tells me he gave you a list of names with potential guards for you and your Chosen.”

Junmyeon nods and turns to his desk. He rummages through some rolls of parchment on the side and manages to find the one with the names. He holds it out for Minseok. “I have met with most of them, and the rest I have arranged meetings with. Tomorrow afternoon, I will make my decisions together with Jongdae and Hakyeon.”

Minseok nods along to Junmyeon’s words, his eyes trailing down the list. “I am familiar with some of them. Would you care for my input?”

“I always do, Minseok,” Junmyeon says and smiles. “Do tell.”

“Young Sanghyuk does not belong to a house, but he is ambitious and a fine soldier. He is smart and kind, as well, which I know you appreciate.” He ignores Junmyeon’s raised eyebrow and pointed stare. “Siyeon is Sanghyuk’s age, but she is perfectly capable of wielding a weapon. She is cunning, and is one of the only Gifted names on the list. Her Gift is strong but limited: She allegedly uses her Voice to catch enemies’ attention and keep them in some sort of daze, which renders them vulnerable until she releases her grasp on them. It is limited in the sense that she can hold but two or three people at a time. Still, I would say she is a strong candidate for her Gift alone, not to mention her prowess with a sword.”

“Curious,” Junmyeon says. “There are not a lot of women in the Guard, so she must be quite stubborn. I will look forward to meeting her, then.”

“Indeed,” Minseok murmurs. “She is a lovely lady.” 

He is quiet for a moment as he studies the list. “Ah, yes. Hongbin, also not from a house, and Jinho of House Jo, both capable members of the Royal Guard. These are my recommendations.”

“Thank you. I will take them into careful consideration once I have had a chance to meet with them all,” Junmyeon says. 

Minseok dips into a little bow. “Now, would you like some help with those accounts?”

Junmyeon eyes the stacks with disdain, but sighs. “I would, but no. You already have a lot on your plate. I would hate to make your workday longer than necessary.”

As expected, Minseok says, “It is of no bother at all,” but Junmyeon waves him off. 

“You do what you must to ascertain Wu and his mother’s capture, and in turn I will have these accounts finished by supper.”

Minseok allows a small smile to brighten his face. “Consider it a deal, Sire.”


Instead of having supper with Baekhyun that night as expected, Junmyeon finds himself alone with his grandmother in her quarters after receiving a summon shortly after his talk with Minseok. 

While he would rather spend the time with Baekhyun, he knows she rarely sends for him without an agenda. He suspects she has something she wishes to discuss this time, too; usually, if she merely wants to spend time with him, which she also does, she will say so straight up. A summon is more formal and not something he can get out of without a valid reason.

Oftentimes it is obvious what she wishes to discuss; other times, like now, he is left guessing as he pours wine for her and makes inquiries about her day that she answers pleasantly. 

“That Minseok never sleeps,” she tuts when something she said led Junmyeon to mention his talk with him. “Do not misunderstand me: He is an admirable man and I adore him, but he will work himself into an early grave if he does not take a break every now and then. When was the last time you told him to go home for a couple of days and not think about work?”

“A few weeks before Baekhyun was kidnapped,” Junmyeon says. “I ordered him to take three days off; he agreed to take one.”

Hyoson shakes her head. “That Minseok. He needs a woman to reign him in, or a man. Someone!”

“Perhaps hearing it from you will change his mind,” Junmyeon says dryly. “I have approached the topic many times already, and he dismisses me within moments, often with the words –” he clears his throat in preparation to imitate Minseok’s voice, “– ‘I am perfectly fine right where I am, doing what I do, and being with the people I surround myself with.’ He insists he will find love when he finds it, and, well, I cannot fault him for that.”

“He can learn to love someone,” Hyoson says. “Have you ever mentioned an arranged marriage with him?”

“Grandmother, you know well someone cannot learn to love,” Junmyeon says. “I would not dream of forcing a marriage upon him.”

“Well,” Hyoson sniffs, “I suppose one can learn to care about someone, but not necessarily love them. You do care for Gahyeon, yes?”

“Of course I do,” Junmyeon says, which she really ought to know – ah. He senses they are getting to the reason she called him here in the first place.

“As I thought,” she says. “Dear, when were you last together?”

Junmyeon doesn’t even bother acting like he misunderstands. “It… has been a good while, I admit.”

Hyoson sighs. She reaches across the table to grasp his hands between hers. “Junmyeon, child, you need an heir.”

“I know,” Junmyeon says. “And we have tried, but then there was Wu’s attempt on my life, followed by Baekhyun’s abduction – I need to be there for him, Grandmother. He needs me.”

“Your boy is fine,” Hyoson says. “I know it is not only about his physical health, but alas, has he not always been understanding of your role in this kingdom and your duty to your people? His psyche will take no further damage by you spending a few nights with Gahyeon.”

Junmyeon opens his mouth to speak, but Hyoson silences him with a stern stare. “You are in a precocious situation. Your crown will always be a burden to you, but right now we know someone is out there with intentions of taking your life. He came dangerously close to succeeding the first time. Who is to say he will fail twice?”

“We have one of our guards in their midst,” Junmyeon says, and he knows he sounds a little desperate. “It is only a matter of time before we have Wu and his mother surrounded and apprehended, and then he will be a threat no more.”

“Junmyeon,” she says, and only years of experience has taught him not to flinch when she uses that tone on him. “You are the king. You belong to the people, not to yourself. You are fortunate to have been blessed with Baekhyun, with love, but you must understand that you are the only one left with a right to the throne. Baekhyun loves you now, and he will love you before and after, just as he has always done.”

She observes him for a spell, eyes narrowed in thought. “You know that, of course. Why are you resisting, then?”

Junmyeon sighs. “I… The fear I felt in his absence, the terror and the guilt and the rage… I need to be with him. I hate being away from him. It is irrational, but every time I leave the room, I fear I will find him gone upon my return.”

Hyoson’s gaze turns soft. Junmyeon feels like a child, but it is almost a relief. There are precious few people in the world he can be vulnerable around. “I see. I understand that the ordeal was terrifying and horrible for you both, but he is safe here. As safe as anyone can be. I am sure he prefers your presence, too, but this is something you must both emerge stronger from. It is all right to be scared. It is all right to want to spend time together. However, what is in the past should stay in the past. Never forgotten, mind you, but it is best not to dwell on it.”

“I know,” Junmyeon murmurs.

“I know you do,” she says. “Your father taught you well, after all. You are a kind soul, dear, and that is not something to be taken lightly. Kindness is an admirable and valued trait in a king.” She squeezes his hands before letting go. “As is a sense of duty and responsibility.”

“I will spend the night with Gahyeon soon,” he promises. 

Hyoson smiles and raises the wine. “Cheers to that, dear. Now, why are they taking so long with supper?”


Junmyeon had grown up knowing that his life would largely be dictated by traditions and rules and expectations. As such it came as no surprise when his father, after a private supper just the two of them, told Junmyeon that he had found eight candidates for the position of queen. He would grant Junmyeon the freedom of choosing between those eight himself, which Junmyeon appreciated, because he recognised at least one name on the list that he did not care for. 

He narrowed the list down to three women, namely Yuna of House Jeong, Hyejin of House An, and Gahyeon of House Lee, and met with them on several occasions in the following years to find the one he deemed best fit to be the mother of his children and the country’s queen. After his father’s death, he allowed himself a time of mourning where he did not spare the question of marriage many thoughts despite it being now more pressing than ever.

In the end, his choice was Gahyeon.

He remembered lying next to Baekhyun one peaceful night following a not-so-peaceful day of meetings and activities and marriage arrangements. Baekhyun was carding his hand through his hair and humming, and Junmyeon had been on the cusp of sleep when he murmured, “I picked the future queen.”

Baekhyun’s hand did not falter. “Who will it be?”


“I think she’ll be a good queen.”

Junmyeon slowly turned around in Baekhyun’s embrace so he could get a glimpse of Baekhyun’s face. 

He had been as honest as possible with Baekhyun about anything and everything once they realised the nature of their budding relationship. He had warned Baekhyun that while there would be no space for anyone else in his heart, there would eventually be someone else with whom he had to share his bed. 

And just like back then, the expression on Baekhyun’s face was nothing but understanding and fond, and the smile on his lips was just this side of teasing. “Our relationship is built around trust, Junmyeon. You know I understand the many duties of being a king, or at least I try to understand. I trust our love, and I know the country needs an heir.”

“I don’t know what I have ever done to deserve you,” Junmyeon said, and Baekhyun snorted.

“An entire kingdom rests on your shoulders until the day you are no longer king. I think it’s only fair for you to have something that makes you happy.” The smile lost its teasing edge in favour of something more cheeky. “And if I make you happy, well, I’m happy to do so.”

“Thank you.”


Fun fact #1: I changed the dowager queen’s name a couple of times throughout the process of writing because I’m dumb. Who knows if the current one is the one I decide to go with or if I'll change it again?

This has perhaps not been as thoroughly edited as I usually prefer, but eh, I read it over and I'm pretty content with it, so it'll do. Besides, it was not this chapter I hated most, but the two to come. I just wanted this one uploaded so the pressure is a little less for me, and hey, yay, more reading! 

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Chapter 4: O.O !!!!! This is my face right now. First, cause I was excited about the update and second cause of the cliffhanger! That Yifan... I does add to his character what happen in real life. Oh well lets wait for the last chapter!!!! Thank you for updating!!!¡
TofuTickTacks #2
Hello from ao3, I forgot to comment when you sent me this but ahh! I'm excited to see what is to come !! I'm glad b seems to be opening up a little bit, also him and cy w the cucumbers was great lmao
Chapter 3: Yei! An update! Thank you fpr keeping your word!!! At least we know now why Baek was all weird with Junmyeon. And well Yifan can fly hahaha I hope Tao doesnt betrait them
Chapter 2: Ok. Just finished the second chapter and pretty please I would love this fic to have an ending. I want Subaek to be ok at the end! Or what ever you have plan for them. Thank you for sharing this with us!!
Chapter 1: I absolutely love subaek so I'm hapoy you chose him as JM's lover!!! They are my second fav pairing after suchen. So thank you so much. I am now preparing to read the second chapter!!!!