Chapter Two

What He Didn't Know

Chapter Two


Perry’s mind went black. Every single thing that he had been feeling had disappeared as his heart stopped in his chest.

“What?” he asked silently, hoping that he had heard wrong. Teddy sighed,

“It was three years ago before you left.” He answered. Perry shook his head,

“No.” he said, “What are you talking about?!” he shouted. “This isn’t funny!”

“I’m not laughing.” Teddy said. Perry’s hands began to shake as he looked anywhere but at his friend.

“You’re lying.” He repeated. Teddy looked at him sadly.

“It happened before you left on the groups last night of filming for A Fool’s Only Tears.” Hs began. Perry’s heart dropped even further in his chest shaking his head. Teddy nodded, “It took a while for him to tell us everything. The kid just broke down one day…After he told YG, man, it was a mess here.” Perry felt like the temperature had dropped as he felt a chill run through his bones. He slowly took a seat.

“Do we know…who…who it was?” he asked quietly. Teddy nodded slowly,

“It was the music video director.” He said softly. “He told Yongbae that he wanted him to say behind afterwards to work on the next day’s scripting.” He continued. Perry felt his hand find his way to his chest, clutching onto his t-shirt. He remembered that night. It was the first night that Yongbae had stayed out all night without calling him.

“How did I not-“

“Notice?” Teddy finished. Perry nodded.

“Nobody noticed. We all just thought he was dealing with you leaving. We couldn’t have seen it.” He answered. Perry felt even guiltier.

“I should have seen something though. I was his boyfriend. I should have noticed that something was off…I left him.” Perry said, choking on his last words. Teddy stayed quiet, not really knowing what else to say. “I need to talk to him.” Perry said standing up.

“No!” Teddy exclaimed, eyes widening. Perry frowned,

“Why not?” he asked.

“Not now.” Teddy said, “Not when he’s upset. Talk to him tomorrow when you’ve both calmed down.” Perry rubbed his eyes and sighed. He knew Teddy was right. He would probably end up making Yongbae even more upset. Waiting was best.

“Perry.” Teddy said.

“Hm?” he hummed, uncommitted. Teddy took a nervous breath,

“I…have to tell you something.” He said. Perry looked at him, now intrigued.

“What?” he asked

“Um…Yongbae…he’s um…he’s living with me now.”

“What!” Perry exclaimed.

“The first time they recorded a music video after the incident…he got scared. He ended up running out of it. He showed up at my door. Said he didn’t know where else to go.” Teddy started. “I let him stay the night. Thought it would be good to get away for the night.” Teddy sighed and sat down. “I stayed up all night because I knew he had nightmares. I wanted to be there when he woke up.” Perry felt his hands clench into fists.

“But he never did.” Teddy said. “When he woke up that morning he said that it was the first night he had gotten a good night’s sleep. I told him he could stay any time he wanted.” Teddy laughed, “I didn’t think he’d come back that night…I wanted to stay up again that night, just in case. But I fell asleep in the chair. I woke up to his screams. He kept moving around…like he was…I don’t know…trying to get away from something.” Teddy paused. “I ran to the bed and tried to wake him up. When he finally opened his eyes he was drenched in sweat. He looked at me and just started crying. He sat up and hugged me, and I just let him cry, patting his head, letting him know that I was there.” Teddy sighed and took a deep breath.

“He wouldn’t let me leave after that, so I stayed with him for the rest of the night. The next night…he asked me to stay with him. And every night for the last two years…I have. He asks me to go to every music video shoot…it’s been three years and he still can’t go without me.” Teddy said.

“What are you trying to say?” Perry asked. Teddy looked at him, slightly nervous.

“…Him and I…we’re…”

“Together?” Perry asked. Teddy nodded slowly.

That was it for Perry. He could feel his heart breaking deep in his chest. He knew he was loosing his ability to keep his tears in. He needed to get out of this room. Perry turned around and started to walk towards the door.

“Perry.” Teddy called,

“I just need some time alone.” Perry said flatly, not turning to face him. Teddy sighed. He knew all that he had told the man was a lot.

“Alright.” Teddy said.

“Tell YG I’ll be back tomorrow.” He said before walking out the door, nearly running into Jiyong. Jiyong noticed the tear that had started to slide down his cheek and watched Perry walked quickly down the hallway. Jiyong walked in and looked at Teddy.

“Did you tell him?” he asked shocked. Teddy nodded,

“About both things.” He said slowly. Jiyong looked at him shocked but said nothing. They stood in silence for a while before Teddy rubbed his eye and walked towards Jiyong,

“Where is he?” he asked. Jiyong smiled sadly,

“He told me to come get you for him. He’s in the dance studio.”

“Alone?” Teddy asked. Jiyong nodded,

“He said he’d be fine.” Teddy nodded,

“Thanks G.” Jiyong shook his head,

“He’s my best friend man.” Teddy smiled,

“I’ll see you tonight?”

“Of course! I never turn down an offer to eat at your house!” Teddy laughed,

“Alright, later!”


Yongbae looked up when he heard the door open and relaxed when he saw that it was Teddy. The older man slowly walked towards him and sat down, their knees touching. Neither of them said anything. Yongbae shifted and looked at Teddy,

“…You told him…didn’t you?” Teddy just nodded. Yongbae closed his eyes and let out a shaky breath. Teddy reached over and grabbed his hand gently’

“I’m sorry…he was just asking so many questions.” He started. Yongbae squeezed his hand and smiled,

“It’s okay. He would have found out sooner or later.” He said, leaning his head on Teddy shoulder. Teddy smiled sadly and rubbed his thumb in circles on the back of Yongbae’s hand.

“How are you doing?” he asked. Yongbae shrugged. He wanted to talk about it, but he didn’t want to upset Teddy by talking about his previous lover. As if reading his mind Teddy spoke up,

“It’s okay to talk about him you know.” He said, “He was a huge part of your life back then and you never really got closure. It’s okay to still have feelings for him.” Yongbae quickly lifted his head and looked into Teddy’s eyes.

“I don’t!” he exclaimed, afraid Teddy would take his silence the wrong way. “I’m with you now! You’ve helped me more than anyone and you always do things for me, even if my request is completely ridiculous! And…” Yongbae stopped.

“And…what?” Teddy asked. Yongbae looked away blushing,

“You don’t treat me differently. You don’t treat me like something bad happened to me. You don’t walk around eggshells. You tell me I need to get over it and you don’t sugar coat it.” Yongbae answered. Teddy chuckled. “You make me feel horrible sometimes, bringing up things I don’t want to remember, but it’s what I need to get over it, and I’m extremely grateful for that.” He finished. Teddy leaned over and gently kissed him on his forehead.

“You’re cute when you blush.” Teddy whispered gently, making Yongbae turn even redder. Teddy chuckled and got up, reaching down to help Yongbae stand. Yongbae smiled and took his hand, not letting go once he got up.

“Ji’s coming to dinner.” He said. Teddy nodded,

“I know, why don’t we head on home so I can start getting something ready?” he asked. Yongbae nodded and he let Teddy lead him out of the studio door. 

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I just found this story on my big bang obsession and it is really really good and well written but i saw its been a while since an update ='( ...are u gonna come back ??*puppy eyes*
Where are you? ?? T^T
Park--MinRin #4
-Scream ah ah ah ah ah ah- SOOOOOOO GREWSOME!!! AUTHOR-NIM!! AWESOME!!
Park--MinRin #5
Chapter one was so emotional and just -breathes out- SAD!! Young bae! I LOVE THIS PLEASE UPDATE SOON!!
ohyeahhhsecrets #6
Vulnerable Bae makes me so sadddd. So saddddddddd.
kumozan #7
I really wait for your next update!!

poor YB ..... T-T
ohyeahhhsecrets #8
niceeee addition. i can't imagine how perry feels knowing that happened.

but i'm glad teddy is in the equation that way =]

excited for the next update!