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based on: cube entertainment.

focused on: variety, performance, charisma.

keywords for those signed under: versatile, willing, well-behaved, likes being involved and be friends with everyone in their company, persevering..

This company revolves around the easy-going, chill vibe everyone loves nowadays. Most catchy songs that you’ll hear around South Korea will be from this company’s groups. They stand for being a tight-knit family, with catchy songs that will give you goosebumps when you see them perform in person.
People signed under this company are expected to have a concept like the kids next door: enthusiastic, ones that love being themselves and will make you fall for them with their charms.

debuts: soloists, groups, duets, co-ed groups

BASED ON:pledis entertainment.

focused on:                                dancing, performance, variety.

keywords for those signed under: 
 likes to try and experiment as much as possible, loyal, imaginative, with their heads in the clouds, considerate of others..

For this company, everything is about the feeling and the journey. A company that is more like a family, the ones that don’t care so much about fame and money but more about the people they interact with while they’re at it. If you’re here for a good time, this is the company for you.
People signed under this company are expected to have a girl/boy-crush concept, focusing on high-quality performances and feel-good songs. The members are usually very chill, without a worry, and will do anything so long it’s with the people they like to be surrounded by.

debuts: soloists, groups, duets, co-ed groups

based on: jyp entertainment.

focused on:                                 vocals, dancing, performance.

keywords for those signed under: easy-going, energetic, always looking to create something new, competitive, friendly..

The company that is always innovating and starting trends. They stand out for their enthusiasm, songs and people that you’ll immediately love if you’re willing to try out different things. They’re the game-changers, people without a fear and whose only thing between them and success is themselves.
People signed under this company are expected to be the ones that start new things, new challenges, new concepts. They’re not afraid of anything and will stand out for their charms and teamwork, even if they don’t interact with other companies at times.

debuts: soloists, groups, duets, co-ed groups

based on: sm entertainment.

focused on:                                   performance, visuals, vocals.

keywords for those signed under:
popular, cheerful, artistic, party people, likes to be the center of attention.

Currently the company with the biggest expectations. This company is known for creating big groups and have everyone interact with one another once in a while. Their brand involves innovative & cheerful concepts, though they’ll also release mature concepts once in a while. 
People signed under this company are expected to be the perfect, all-around members that excel at everything

debuts: soloists, groups, duets, co-ed groups

based on: yg entertainment.

focused on: rapping, performing, charisma.

keywords for those signed under: reserved, enjoy working on their crafts, ambitious, assertive, cool..

The company that everyone loves but not everyone gets in. This company is for the brave ones that want to have their own color and opinions in everything they do and release. Their brand is beyond a single concept, as groups and soloists in this company are encouraged to find their own colors, all while giving the best performances so everyone can know exactly where they’re from.
People signed under this company are expected to be the ones that refuse to stick with one concept, the ones with the it factor on stage..

debuts: soloists, groups, duets, co-ed groups

based on: woollim entertainment.

date:                                                       vocals, visuals, charisma.

keywords for those signed under: shy, passionate, doesn’t necessarily love being the center of attention, naive, lovely..

This company is the one you must sign under if you’re on a journey to yourself. Their branding is everything ethereal, soft, romantic and almost dream-like. They stand out for their beautiful vocals that you wouldn’t expect of people that look almost too shy to stand on-stage. 
People signed under this company are expected to be the shy but outstanding ones. Those that would be deemed as introverts and will do a 180 degrees change once they step foot on stage to show off their talents.

debuts: soloists, groups, duets, co-ed groups


listed are the companies your muse can be signed under. They all have different qualities that make them stand out and be different from the others! Choose wisely, as they will decide the future of your muse's career once they've started their training period.














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