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Kino's Healing journal #1


I promised i'd use this as a coping method, but i also want to write my story.

Around 6 years ago, I started having 'night terrors' (as the doctors called them.) I could always vividly remember each and every scene, every detail from the time to the weather, to the surroundings and to the sounds. I could even sometimes feel it. It progressed to even hearing small voices, telling me short phrases, linking to the nightmares.

Every time it got worse and worse, because they always ended up coming true. It was every child's worst nightmare. I  put two and two together around a year later, and decided I was gifted. I never saw it as a bad thing at first, i thought i could help so many people. One thing was lingering in my mind though, am i just crazy? Maybe its schitzophrenia.

That was quickly cleared up, there was infact nothing wrong with me. After the trip to my psycologist, word quickly got out. I became an outcast in my own neighbourhood, I lost all of my friends, my entire life changed. I'll talk more about it next time, I feel like I'll write too much in one chapter.

♡ Kino ♡


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