Riddle - a YG coed group applyfic. apply open. first come, first served.


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Riddle - a YG coed group applyfic

TITLE: Riddle - a coed Group Applyfic
AUTHOR:  calmwind
GENRES:  slice of life, romance, comedy
CHARACTERS:  Chosen Applicants
RATING:  General Audience
DEADLINE:  coming soon.

now playing
got7 rewind

Author's note: Hi! calmwind here. I haven't been around in applyfics for a while but I wish to be able to write this one so woosh! Hopefully, everyone have fun


It's the year 2021 and it's about time that YG releases another group - this time, a Co-Ed group composed of three guys and three girls. The story will revolve around their journey as they struggle to rise on top of the K-Pop World.


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