chapter 44

Life in Super Junior's dorms

Finally, after only a few hours of standing, dancing, and changing outfits, the thirteen members headed to their van, somewhat tired but excited that they had the rest of the day off. Kyuhyun slowly made his way to the back of the van. He could barely keep his eyes open and his legs felt like one ton weights.

“Kyuhyun, you look terrible,” Sungmin commented as Kyuhyun nearly tripped over air and fell lengthwise onto the long seat, face first.

“Iumphknf,” he mumbled, not bothering to shift his weight to allow Donghae and Eunhyuk to take their seats.

“Kyu~,” Sungmin smiled, trying not to laugh at the poor maknae’s condition as he leaned forward and wrapped his arms around Kyuhyun’s torso, gently lifting the maknae’s body up so his two other dongsaengs could take their seats. Laughing at some inside joke they shared, Donghae and Eunhyuk sat down heavily on the seat as Sungmin tried to reach around Kyuhyun’s lap to fasten the maknae’s seatbelt.

“Kyuhyun, were you up playing games again?” Sungmin asked as he fastened his own seatbelt.

“Hmm…no…I cant remember…” Kyuhyun mumbled before he leaned his head in Sungmin’s shoulder.

“You don’t remember? Did you get drunk?” Sungmin asked gently as he shifted in his seat so his chest was facing the younger boy, allowing him to lay more comfortably on his hyung’s chest.

“I didn’t drink…I….just…didn’t…hmm…” Kyuhyun started to mumble incoherently as he fell asleep. Sungmin sighed and shook his head as he rubbed Kyuhyun’s back.

After a short, noisy ride home, the van pulled into the parking lot and the members all quickly poured out. Sungmin let Eunhyuk and Donghae past him before he unbuckled his and Kyuhyun’s seatbelt and carefully tried to wake the sleeping maknae up.

“Kyuhyun, we’re home, Kyu, wake up,” He said as he gently nudged his head. Kyuhyun twitched slightly in his sleep, but didn’t shift other then that. Sungmin sighed, already somewhat grossed out by the wet spot on his shirt thanks to Kyuhyun’s drool, and shifted the younger one’s head so he was facing the ceiling rather then having his face buried in his used-to-be-clean shirt.

“Kyu, wake up,” He said before he blew lightly on the younger’s face. Kyuhyun groaned and tried to turn his face away from the foul air that was caressing his skin, but was stopped by Sungmin’s hands on either side of his head.

“Mph…hyung, that’s gross…” Kyuhyun complained. Sungmin laughed and pushed the maknae forward, forcing him to sit upright.

“We’re home, and I’m not carrying you inside, you already wrecked my shirt, I don’t want you to wreck my back too,” Sungmin joked as Kyuhyun rubbed his eyes. Sungmin quickly jumped out of the van, followed by Kyuhyun.

Kyuhyun, Hankyung and the rest of the members who were living in the downstairs dorm all walked into the room.

“Kyuhyun,” Hankyung said as he put his hand on the younger man’s shoulder.

“Yeah hyung?” Kyuhyun asked, knowing all too well that he was about to get scolded, lectured and more then likely punished for falling asleep during an interview.

“You fell asleep during the interview, what were you doing last night?” Hankyung asked sternly. Kyuhyun looked down at the tiled floor, trying to remember all of the previous night’s activities.

“Um, I talked to Sungmin hyung, and Henry, and Leeteuk hyung,” Kyuhyun said, almost in a questioning tone as if he wasn’t sure himself.

“Are you sure? If I were to ask Sungmin Henry and Leeteuk would they tell me the same story?” Hankyung raised his eyebrow.

“Well…I think so…yes,” Kyuhyun mumbled.

“Then I think I will do just that, and if I find out you were on your games, you’re in big trouble,” Hankyung warned. Kyuhyun simply shrugged as Hankyung walked off in search of the three supposed witnesses to what Kyuhyun did the night before. Kyuhyun quickly made his way to his room and threw himself down on the bed to catch up on his lost sleep.

It was late evening by the time Kyuhyun woke up. He would have slept longer if it weren’t for an annoying thumping coming from somewhere in the dorm.

“Ughhh shut up…” He mumbled as he rolled over, but he misjudged the distance from the side of his bed and ended up kissing the carpeted floor. He groaned and sat up, rubbing his messy hair. He stumbled to the door of his room and angrily threw open the door.

“Ugh, who’s making noise?” he complained as he walked down the hall and into the living room, where he saw the culprit of the annoying sound.

“Zhou Mi!” Kyuhyun yelled at his long-legged band mate, who was standing in the middle of the living room, jumping rope.

“Oh, hi Kyuhyun,” Zhou Mi said in between pants of breaths.

“What. Are. You. Doing?” Kyuhyun asked, trying not  to yell.

“Jumping rope,” Zhou Mi smiled and held up his jump rope in front of him.

“I see that…Why are you doing it, in the HOUSE?” Kyuhyun yelled, barely able to keep himself from attacking his hyung right there.

“Ummm…but…I cant stop, sorry,” Zhou Mi replied as he started to jump rope again.

“WHY?!?” Kyuhyun finally yelled, losing all patience he had been trying to hold in. Zhou Mi ignored him, and continued to jump.

“Ugh! I’m going to kill you!” Kyuhyun finally snapped and ran over to Zhou Mi, tackling him in a bear hug and throwing both himself and his hyung on the floor.

“Kyu! Get off!” Zhou Mi exclaimed, trying to move his arms which were pinned down by Kyuhyun’s arms.

“No,” the maknae said, and laid his head on Zhou Mi’s chest and closed his eyes, still holding his arms tight around the older male.

“Kyu, what are you doing? I need to jump rope! Get off! Ugh!” Zhou Mi started to yell, trying desperately to get Kyuhyun off but to no avail. Kyuhyun simply held him tighter, head still on his chest and his eyes closed.

    It was only twenty minutes before Hankyung came through the front door of his dorm from visiting Leeteuk, only to be met with the sight of Kyuhyun and Zhou Mi on the floor. Kyuhyun’s eyes were closed and his limbs were wrapped tight around Zhou Mi, who had his eyes closed as well, but he was frowning.

“Zhou Mi, what are you doing?” Hankyung exclaimed.

“No, it wasn’t me, this kid attacked me! and I think he’s asleep now…” Zhou Mi tried to explain. Hankyung quickly ran over and tried to pry Kyuhyun off of Zhou Mi, but Kyuhyun tightened his grip on the long legged man and started to complain sleepily.

“Zhou Mi, stop moving…” he mumbled.

“Kyuhyun, let go of Zhou Mi!” Hankyung said sternly.

“Ah, hyung, sorry,” Kyuhyun quickly released Zhou Mi and stood up.

“Finally…” Zhou Mi sighed as he stood up and reached for the jump rope that had been knocked out of his hands when Kyuhyun attacked him.

“No! Hyuuung, make him stop jump roping,” Kyuhyun whined to Hankyung.

“Why?” Hankyung asked.

“He’s too heavy, so every time he jumps it echoes through the dorm and I cant sleep,” Kyuhyun explained.

“Well, I’m sorry but I can’t make him stop, but you are welcome to rest at the other dorm,” Hankyung suggested, a small glint in his eyes as he put his plan into play.

“But hyung, I—wait, I can go to the other dorm? really?” Kyuhyun quickly perked up.

“Yes, but you have to promise to behave,” Hankyung smiled.

“I promise!”

“Alright,” Hankyung said, and Kyuhyun quickly took off out the door. finally, he was free! Free from Hankyung’s constant reprimanding, Henry’s snoring, and Zhou Mi’s weirdness.

“Teukie hyung! I’m here!” he yelled as he opened the door and ran inside.

“Stop yelling, what is your problem?” Heechul snapped from the couch.

“Sorry,” Kyuhyun turned and searched through the house, looking for his hyung.

“Heechul hyung,” Kyuhyun said.

“What?” Heechul asked.

“Where is Wookie hyung?”

“His room” Heechul kept his eyes glued to the TV screen as Kyuhyun jumped up and ran down the hall.

“Ryeowook!” Kyuhyun yelled as he flew into his hyung’s room. Ryeowook was asleep, laying on top of all his covers and he was still in his dance sweats.

“Ryeowook, get up” Kyuhyun said, as he jumped into the bed, next to his hyung.

“Hmm…oh, Kyuhyun…” Ryeowook rolled over onto his back and rubbed his eyes.

“Hey, come with me to buy an apartment!” Kyuhyun happily exclaimed.

“What? Why, you have to live here!” Ryeowook shouted, Kyuhyun quickly covered his mouth and glared at him.

“Don’t yell,” He quietly snapped. Ryeowook nodded and Kyuhyun uncovered his mouth.

“As I was saying, I want to go get an apartment. I saved up the money, its at my dorm, so all we have to do is go back and get it” Kyuhyun smiled.

“But Kyu—” Ryeowook was about to argue with the maknae until Kyuhyun glared at him, scaring him to much too even talk.

“O-ok...lets go…” Ryeowook said in a small voice as he got up from his bed and headed out from the room with Kyuhyun.

“Where are you two going?’ Heechul asked, still not taking his eyes off the TV, not even blinking.

“Back to my dorm, then we’re going shopping” Kyuhyun quickly exclaimed as they ran out from the dorm. 

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Deboome #1
Chapter 55: OMG you have surprised me
Deboome #2
Chapter 14: Ok this is so silly and stupid I mean this just doesn't make any sence you have to make it more reality story I mean come on not in every thing he will say I'll kill you and kangin and heenim beating him ..anyway I'll complete this story and see how it ends
myrah87 #3
Chapter 23: He's so evil but they still love him..
And Yunho had to deal with 2 evil maknaes..
Chapter 55: oh my god, this was brilliant, where was shindong in all this? O.o. Some serious Hanchul feels in the end :D Loved it unnie!
zuzuaikha #5
Chapter 55: I love the story !! I just realise that shindong is not in here .. Well .. Love it though ..
arclif #6
Chapter 7: love this, but the hyungs shouldnt hit our baby maknae like that, even if hes an evil kid, hes still a kid!
BabyKyu_Love #7
Chapter 55: real life, kyuhyun is not that evil , but u wrote as if he's the worst evil maknae ....n I can't help but laugh at every chapter ~ lol the best story of kyuhyun that i'v ever read....good job author ~^^ Kkkkkk
fishyangelic #8
the first chapter....i could only imagine....donghae cried and yelled..
we are super junior!please don't fight
Dazzine #9
Its a really good story! I found it weird in the beginning to read it because I can never imagine kyuhyun being like that. hahaha. but i am getting used to it and now I start to laugh in each chapter. :D
Lol sorry if it was disappointing, it was getting hard to find time to write, and it was also getting pretty crazy and too much, so we ended it. We are thinking of starting another story but we dont know yet xD Thank you for following this and for all the comments!!! <3