Endless Blabber (Oneshots)


A collection of my thoughts and ideas into oneshots. 


Basically a place where I can stick all the many fanfic plots flowing through my head. I can never stick to one fanfic, always writing the first chapter and never the rest. So here is where they'll all go, ideas that I gradually lost interest in. No promises that each chapter will be entertaining or that they may or may not be written well. For my own benefit I suppose. 


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lkw1995 #1
I'm so so sorry that I only realized you updated now...

OMG That was beautiful...? I really liked it...but why'd you end it so soon???
lkw1995 #2
OMG I missed our writing so much.

Really like this one so far...hmmm...is this one going to be a sad one???
Looking forward to the rest of this^^

But please update String Of Happiness next XP
You left it off at such a cliffhanger....

Btw...can you recommend some stories to me? I used to go through your sub list cause I like your taste but it's private now
lkw1995 #3
Subbed ^^