

“I don't want to go out tonight,” Sehun grumbled as he felt the tugging on his one arm, holding onto his phone a little tighter as to not drop it.
“Come on~ it's Friday! We can't stay home!” Jongin exclaimed with a little chuckle when he saw his boyfriend's exasperated expression. It wasn't hard to annoy the black haired man, and Jongin had a lot of fun most of the time while he was doing it; it wasn't that he wanted to see Sehun angry, it was just nice to keep him on his toes. And if Sehun himself was honest, he liked it somewhere very, very deep down...not that he'd admit it ever.
“Yes we can. Why is a problem if we do that? We're not kids,” He said with a frown and a heavy sigh when the blonde kept pulling on his one wrist.
“Or, I don't know about you,” He corrected himself and put his phone down, knowing he wouldn't be able to do anything until he made Jongin happy.

The tanned blonde was only eighty-eight days older than his boyfriend, which meant they were the same age; it fascinated Sehun to know he was the mature one in their relationship when he was technically younger. It wasn't that Jongin was immature, he was just more on the playful and childish side sometimes which could annoy Sehun more than anything else, like right now.

“We haven't gone out on a Friday night in ages. Please? I'm bored!” His boyfriend said once he had settled himself on Sehun's lap.
“Look at me - does it look like I'm ready to go out to a club right now?” He asked and motioned to his plain grey shirt and sweatpants, “I was about to go to bed! Why do you think I'm laying here?”
“For the fun of it,” Jongin chirped sarcastically, then spoke again quickly before Sehun could give him a piece of his mind, “please, I won't ask again for a good month or so!”
“You're really not going to let me relax, are you?” Sehun asked with a sigh as his hands placed themselves on the blonde's hips.
“Not at all,” Was the reply as Jongin leaned down to peck his boyfriend's lips playfully before he climbed off of Sehun's lap.
“Fine...” He grumbled as he stood up from their shared double bed, smiling to himself when he heard his boyfriend's delighted laugh; as much as Jongin could annoy him and bother him about small things, he still loved the blonde as much as the day he asked him out.

They both got dressed and Sehun had to sit through Jongin's chatter the whole time - one thing they never seemed to have a problem with was talking. Sehun was always quiet, and he hardly ever spoke more than Jongin did in a conversation, but the blonde never really seemed to mind that. He knew how his boyfriend was from the day they met, and he didn't expect Sehun to change his ways. Jongin knew he wouldn't, anyway.

“I can't believe you're really making me do this. You know I don't like crowds or clubs,” Sehun said as Jongin pulled on a denim jacket which his boyfriend knew he would probably be carrying around by himself later.
“You're doing it because you love me,” The blonde said with a grin; no matter how much his boyfriend complained about the things that he had to do for Jongin, the tanned man knew Sehun loved him.
“You're right, otherwise I wouldn't be doing half the stuff I do,” He replied with a playful roll of his eyes, then allowed Jongin to grab his hand to drag him out and towards the blonde's favorite club; it wasn't exactly a legal one, more like an underground one since they kept getting shut down due to all the drugs and heavy liquor going on there. Sehun didn't like the place, nor the area it was situated in; it was very shady, very dodgy, and the black haired male was always a little nervous when going around that way. He always had a feeling something bad would happen, but he just didn't know what. It was like a feeling he couldn't explain - he always felt a certain dread when coming here, but he couldn't say why. It wasn't the shady spots where people could hide and jump out at them when they were on their way down, or the drugs inside. Neither him or Jongin were into that, and they didn't get black out drunk often either. It was as if he could sense something was going to happen to either him or Jongin, but he just didn't know what.

He held the blonde close to him while they made their way down into the underground club, feeling especially protective tonight. The feeling of dread was back and stronger than ever, and he didn't even have much of a reason to feel that way.
“Are you okay?” Jongin asked him before they could enter, and Sehun contemplated telling his boyfriend that it would be better if they went home. But seeing the tanned one so excited to come back made his heart flutter, so he simply shook off his worries. He always held Jongin back from doing the fun and irresponsible things he wanted to, and he wanted the blonde to have fun even if it was just for one night. He would make sure nothing would happen; he would only have one or two drinks and keep a close eye on his boyfriend to make sure no one got too touchy or coerced him into taking any weird drinks or pills.

“Yeah, I'm fine. Let's go,” He said as he left a small kiss on Jongin's lips before walking with him into the pulsing lights and music that always gave him a headache.
Bodies were swaying in time with the beat, the lights flashed in all sorts of colors like endless lightning strikes, and Sehun already started to feel his head starting to pain. Whether it was the loud thumping bass or just the lights that beamed much too bright for his eyes, he always walked out of here with a headache.

“I'll stay here, okay? There's too many people for me out there,” He called into Jongin's ear when they had found a - somewhat? - clear table.
“Okay!” The blonde nodded with a wide smile, left a slightly sloppy kiss on Sehun's cheek, and then disappeared in between the crowd towards the bar to get some drinks for them both. While he was away, Sehun cleaned up the empty glasses and bottles from the table, leaving them on another instead. Not exactly the best solution since someone else had to deal with it now, but he was sure everyone here was too drunk to really care too much about it.
“They have a few new ones,” Jongin said as he flopped down on the aged leather seat beside his boyfriend, putting down a rather luminescent blue and green drink. He always wondered how the bartenders managed to make their alcohol turn neon.
“What's in it?” Sehun asked just as he always did, and Jongin grinned as he took a gulp while the salt off of his lips that stayed behind from the rim of the glass.
“No idea. But it tastes good. Probably some kind of fruit juice extract and rum,” The tanned one replied as his boyfriend took a hesitant sip; he didn't like not knowing what he was drinking or eating, and he almost wanted to scold Jongin for taking a drink which he didn't know the ingredients of. Who knew what freaks would try funny business with someone like him? Just the thought made Sehun put his drink down. He had to look out for Jongin, and make sure no one slipped anything weird into their alcohol.
“Don't drink it,” He shook his head and snatched the glass before Jongin could get too into it.
“What?! Why?” He demanded with a small frown, “I want to have fun tonight,”
“You don't know what they put in them! They could've drugged them,” Sehun answered with a stern frown, Jongin folding his arms like a petulant child.
“They didn't! Can't I just live for one night?” He asked in a frustrated tone as he flopped against the seat, annoyed.
“Yah, do you want to be taken advantage of? Is that it?” His boyfriend yelled out over the blaring music.
“Of course not! But not everyone is trying to do that here,” Was the angry response, and Sehun let out an exasperated sigh.
“How do you know that? You don't know them. The place got shut down three times for a reason, Jongin! And you know it isn't only and heroin that come in here,” He knew that Jongin would realize what he was talking about, and the blonde glanced at him. He never wanted to make Sehun angry, especially not when he was trying to look out for Jongin, and so he moved a little closer to the black haired man.
“I promise if I feel weird in any way I'll come here. You said you were going to stay here right? I'll even stay somewhere where you can see me,” Jongin said as he laid his chin on Sehun's one wide shoulder - he could see the other one bristle, and he avoided the blonde's eyes, but he also knew Sehun couldn't stay mad for long.
“Please~? I won't have too many either,” He offered, and the black haired male looked at him with a small frown for a few seconds then sighed.
“Fine,” He said, allowed Jongin to take a gulp of his drink, and then felt a little smile growing on his lips when the blonde climbed off the couch to go onto the dancefloor. He knew he could be overbearing at times, but someone had to be the serious one, right?

He kept his eyes on Jongin for most of the time, only stealing a few glances at the overflowing club now and then. He trusted his boyfriend, of course, but the blonde seemed to be tipsy already; he never really did have a high tolerance for alcohol, after all.

Jongin was starting to wonder if they 𝑑𝑖𝑑 put something in his drink while he wasn't looking - surely he couldn't get drunk after two drinks only, right? Or was it three? Maybe even four! He couldn't even count at this point. People in front of him were starting to blur into one image, like some kind of odd monstrosity he had never seen before. He wanted Sehun now, as he always did whenever he got drunk. He suddenly missed his boyfriend greatly, but it would have to wait until after he had gone to the bathroom. He definitely wouldn't have enjoyed wetting his pants in front of Sehun.
He started pushing through the throng of people clumsily, not really knowing whether he was just going in circles or not for a while, before he finally broke free. He got a gulp of that sweaty smelling air mixed with a tinge of vomit too - not too pleasant, but what else could he expect coming to a club like this packed with teenagers that don't know their drinking limit? Then again, teenagers weren't the only ones that didn't know their drinking limit. He was living proof of that.

He almost giggled at the thought as he pushed into the bathroom, almost stumbling in too, to get to the toilet.
Jongin was just leaving after he was done when his body knocked into someone's much smaller; a woman, maybe around twenty or twenty one, with bright pink lipstick and matted hair gripped his white t-shirt to pull him close for a rather rough lip lock.
He wanted to push her away, but he could feel her backing him against the wall - how odd! This was a usual thing in this club especially, but it had never happened to him. He didn't like it one bit, even in his drunken state.
He placed his hands on her hips to push her way, only to feel her move away before he could even move an inch and he barely had time to react when he saw a fist flying towards his face. He scrambled after clumsily ducking - and falling - to get to his feet as a sudden adrenaline rush hit him. His fight or flight response was triggered, but he couldn't decide which would be better; he wasn't a fighter by any means, but he also didn't think he'd be able to make it through the crowd without tripping and falling a few times.

“Why are you coming at me like 𝐼 was the one that went after your girl? She was the one that came onto me!” He exclaimed in panic as he clenched his fists by his sides to seem at least somewhat threatening. All he had to do was keep his voice stable, and he would maybe pull off the facade he was trying to show - fake it until you make it, after all.
“It didn't look that way to me,” The girl had long disappeared, and her muscle cookie of a boyfriend was now glaring at Jongin who felt as if his brain was starting to glitch; it was as if he was having a flashback, but not a proper one. He saw his father, then the flashing club lights, and back and forth over and over again until it felt as if his head were about to explode from the throbbing pain in his skull. The blonde had obviously had too much to drink, and the strong bass coming from the speakers wasn't helping one bit.
It came to the point where he couldn't distinguish what was real and what wasn't anymore; it really seemed as if his father was coming towards him, ready to pounce on him for one thing or another again. He didn't know which was worse - being talked down to, or the physical fights. Both of them hurt a lot, but there was just something about hearing such emotionally draining things from his parents that made Jongin feel worse than if he had a broken arm from one of them.

He began moving backwards just to somehow get away from...who was it? The muscular man, or his father? He didn't know at this point, and it was scaring him.
“Why are you running away? You can't even take one punch?” It sounded so eerily familiar to what Jongin's father had said all those years ago that it made a cold shiver run down his spine. He was starting to feel nauseous and claustrophobic from all the people that seemed to cage him in no matter where he tried to move to.

The blonde eventually got backed into a corner of the club and let out a few shuddering breaths from the extreme adrenaline running throughout his whole body, his brain swimming around in his head.
“Where are you gonna run to now? I've got you right where I want you,” It was those very sentences that he had heard time and time again when he was a teenager that finally triggered him now; a darker, much more sinister Jongin that no one knew existed. Not even himself.
His harsh breathing stopped, his adrenaline ceased pumping as hard, and he raised his head to look the man straight in the eye, “wrong,”

Sehun was already looking through the crowd for Jongin when he had been gone for much too long to be considered normal. It didn't take someone, even drunk, ten minutes to use the bathroom.
And it was when he didn't see his boyfriend in the bathroom messed with empty liquor bottles and cigarette butts when the club broke out in commotion; there was one loud shriek from one corner, followed by a gaggle of other females shrieking too. Sehun pushed through the sweaty bodies which had since stopped dancing to see what the problem was, his eyes almost bulging out of his head when he saw Jongin with a broken bottle in his hand, very obviously threatening a man much bigger than him.

“Yah!” The black haired male exclaimed when his usually soft-hearted boyfriend jabbed the glass in the direction of the other man who seemed more nervous than anything else - it was easy to act tough, but when it came to someone threatening a person with a weapon, things got real nasty real fast.
“What the hell are you doing?!” Sehun yelled as he grabbed Jongin by the shoulder to make the blonde face his boyfriend, only for Sehun to back up one or two steps. It was Jongin, but it wasn't at the same time. His eyes seemed so dark, like he would really kill the man in front of him if he wasn't stopped. In that one split second, Sehun felt genuine fear creep up inside of him seeing this side of Jongin. He had never seen the blonde threaten anything or anyone, and this was one hell of a transition to be making.

Jongin ripped his shoulder from his boyfriend's grip and stared him down with a cold glare for some time before he just collapsed - his mind was exhausted from the sudden change, and now it wanted to recover.
Sehun was quick to catch the other one before he could hurt himself, scooped him up, and carried him out before security could find them.

He carried Jongin home to their apartment, having some trouble unlocking the door since he had to make sure the blonde didn't fall over or anything.
Once safely inside, he laid the other one down on their bed and got some water for when his boyfriend would wake up - he didn't know when exactly that would be, and whether or not that was from the alcohol or something else. But there was no blood anywhere, which meant Jongin hadn't gotten hurt somehow. Sehun had to wonder what would've happened if he hadn't stepped in when he did - the blonde was capable of a lot of things, but murder? He couldn't even kill a fly, for heaven's sake!

He stripped Jongin down to his boxers so he wouldn't sleep in uncomfortable clothes, tucked him in under the covers, and then stayed up for a little longer to make sure Jongin was okay. He seemed to be resting peacefully now, so Sehun called it a night as well, not forgetting that devilish look he had seen on his boyfriend's face at the club.

The next morning, Sehun was awake before Jongin.
The blonde woke up to the smell of bacon and eggs and toast, a banging headache, and a dry throat. Luckily, he wasn't one to vomit too much after a wild night.
He sat up and took the glass beside the bed to take a long gulp, almost draining the whole glass when Sehun came in.
“You're awake,” He wasn't sure how he could approach the subject of what happened last night.
“Hey,” Jongin replied; he remembered everything much better than he would've thought, if he was honest.
“I must've drank a lot,” He said after a few seconds of silence and a slight chuckle to hopefully lighten the atmosphere, though Sehun seemed as if he had something on his mind.
“You did. What do you remember?” He asked seriously, and Jongin scratched his head.
“I remember a guy wanting to fight me because his girl kissed me,” He said - he wasn't ready to reveal his traumatic childhood just yet, even if he had been dating Sehun for a while now.
“And?” The black haired male pressed, making Jongin tilt his head.
“And what?” He replied, confused.
“Don't you remember what happened after that?” Sehun asked; Jongin was wide awake when he tried that stunt of stabbing that man!
“No. It goes black after he backed me into the corner of the club,” The blonde replied honestly, and his boyfriend frowned.
“ tried to stab him, Jongin,” He answered, and Jongin almost seemed offended.
“What?! I would never do that! You know me better than that!” He exclaimed - how could Sehun think something like that of him? He would never hurt anyone.
“I saw you! I was there!” Sehun exclaimed too, and Jongin fell silent. If his boyfriend was saying something like this, then it had to be true. Sehun always checked all the facts before believing something, so there was no way this was just an assumption.
“What? But...but...I would never...I...” Jongin said in a small voice, not exactly sure how to respond. He felt more shocked than anything else - surely he would've remembered doing something like that. If he could remember his difficulty of getting to the bathroom, then this shouldn't have been that hard to remember.

Seeing how upset Jongin seemed to be at the fact that he had almost hurt someone badly, Sehun knew it wasn't the Jongin he knew and loved which he had seen last night. It just couldn't be, even if he was physically Jongin. There had to be something wrong, but Sehun couldn't imagine what, especially since his boyfriend didn't remember the event.

“How about we eat breakfast? I'm sure we can figure this out eventually,” He offered, then took the blonde's hand to lead him to the kitchen; breakfast always cheered Jongin up, and he needed that the most right now.


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Chapter 9: Yeahh happy ending! It was a great story I liked it ^^
jonginot12 #2
Chapter 7: Please update if this story isn't discontinued!!