My Sunflower

Who Needs Tomorrow
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Warning: This chapter contains 'some' cheesy, fluffy sh*t! And something else. Lol! As early as now, I'd like to say sorry. You'll know why. Hahahaha! Shout out to both my Wattpad and AFF readers. You guys are awesome!



Jennie woke up to the sound coming from the living room. She sleepily rubbed her eyes and looked at the clock on the bedside table. The time reads 7:00 AM and thought that it's still early for Lisa to be making such noise. She hesitantly pushed herself off the bed and went to the bathroom to wash her face and brush her teeth. As soon as she's done, she went downstairs with her jammies still on. She did not change because she is planning to get more sleep since it's a Saturday. As she got closer to where the blonde is, she can hear the very familiar intro to Post Malone's Sunflower which Lisa frequently plays whenever they drive together.

Ayy, ayy, ayy, ayy 
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh

What Jennie saw made her crack up but due to the loud music, Lisa was not able to hear her. There, in front of the large glass wall stood the tall blonde wearing a denim shorts and an oversized white shirt with her hair in a messy bun. She's holding a spray bottle of what seems to be a window cleaner and squeegee on the other hand which she is using as a pretend microphone as she raps along with Swae Lee. Luckily, Jennie took her phone with her and she started recording the blonde who is still oblivious to her presence.

Needless to say, I keep her in check 
She was a bad-bad, nevertheless 
Calling it quits now, baby, I'm a wreck 
Crash at my place, baby, you're a wreck.

As if the scene couldn't be any cuter, she saw Kuma went beside Lisa with his tail wagging excitedly as if he's also performing with her. The blonde looked at the dog and her smile has gotten bigger. She hooked the spray bottle on the belt loop of her denim shorts and picked up the dog and made up some dance moves which involves wiggling her .

'So much for being allergic to dogs.' Jennie thought as she continuously film the two.

Thinkin' in a bad way, losin’ your grip 
Screamin' at my face, baby, don't trip 
Someone took a big L, don't know how that felt 
Lookin' at you sideways, party on tilt

Lisa twirled with Kuma still in her arms and that's when their eyes met. Jennie laughed out loud at how she jumped in surprise. When Lisa recovered from her initial shock she set the dog down and started to walk toward Jennie with a mischievous grin on her face as she quickly close in on Jennie.

"Come dance with me." Lisa took the phone from Jennie and switched it to front cam as she pull Jennie to her.

"No! I don't know how to dance." Jennie declined as she tries to remove herself from the laughing blonde. Lisa, not having any of it place the phone on the shelf while making sure that the camera can still record them and pulled her wife to the middle of the room.

"Loosen up, Honey!" Lisa started to sing and dance to the music in front of Jennie who has her arms crossed.

Then you left in the dust 
Unless I stuck by ya 
You're a sunflower 
I think your love would be too much 
Or you'll be left in the dust 
Unless I stuck by ya 
You're the sunflower 
You're the sunflower

Before the song ended, Lisa was able to make her wife sing and dance along with her and if people would see them they will never think that these two are faking it. Or are they? One thing's for sure, Lisa has stopped pretending a long time ago. What she's doing now is temporarily suppressing what she feels toward the brunette.

"That was great! I didn't know that you can dance and sing so well, Honey." Lisa commented truthfully. "We should do that more often. Right, Kuku?"

"No. That's going to be the first and last time." The brunette answered that made the blonde pout. "And I thought you're allergic with dogs. Why are you suddenly friends with him? When did this happen?"

Lisa shrugged her shoulders and bent down to ruffle the dog's thick fur. Jennie went to the coffee table in the living room and pulled a few sheets of napkin and went to the blonde. "Come here. You're sweating so badly from your silliness."

Jennie dabbed the blonde's sweaty face. "Thank you."

"Why are you up so early, anyway?"

"Did I wake you? I'm sorry." The blonde unhooked the spray bottle from her shorts and showed it to Jennie. "I can't sleep so I decided to do some cleaning and test the new squeegee that I bought online."

"Did it meet your expectation?" She jokingly asked.

"Yeah. I'm going to post a review on my YouTube channel." The blonde joked back. "I bet I'll make a lot of money on that video."

"You would. Anyway, will you be home all day?" The brunette asked because she usually gets called to YG Entertainment's building even on weekends.

"I am not sure. You know how Mr. Yang likes to surprise me." Lisa said as she sprayed some cleaning agent on the glass wall before wiping it with the squeegee. A satisfied smile appeared on her face. "By the way, I made breakfast. It's in the kitchen. I think it's already cold so just pop it in the microwave."

Jennie gave her an appreciative smile before going to the kitchen.


"Yaaah! Noooo!" The blonde huffed and paused the game. They are in the game room and Lisa has been teaching Jennie how to play Uncharted 4 on her PlayStation but she keeps on getting killed. "I told you, you have to press this button to shoot and this one to run not the other way around."

"I'm obviously not good at this so let's just stop." Jennie rolled her eyes at the frustrated blonde. This is not a typical day for Jennie. For one, she is not a fan of video games so no matter how many times Lisa explained the concept of the game, she won’t get it because she is really not interested. "Why don't we just do something else?"

"Like what?"

"I don't know."

Lisa sighed but still wrack her brain thinking of something else to do that doesn't involve mobile and video games. "Hmm... what is something that you have never done before or a place here in Korea that you never had the chance to visit?"

"That's a good question. I have quite a few. First, I have never been to a Jamjilbang."

"What's a Jamjilbang?"

"It's a public bath house that has traditional Korean saunas, hot tubs, massage tables and the likes." Jennie explained but the blonde's eyebrows creased.

"With males and females in one room?"

"No. Of course not. They separate men and women." The blonde nodded her head and asked her wife to continue. "I have also never been to a theme park."

"You have not? Like Lotte World? Disneyland?"

"Well, technically I've been to one but I was still a baby when we went there." Lisa gave her a look that says you are missing out a lot but she just smiled at the blonde. After a few minutes of silence, Lisa grinned at Jennie and she suddenly became nervous.

"I know what to do!" The blonde exclaimed. "We can't go to Disneyland right now but let's go to Lotte World. It's just a few minutes away."

"I don't know Lisa. I mean, are you even allowed to go to places like that?" Jennie is grateful that the blonde wanted to do something like that with her but she doesn't want to risk it.

"Trust me. I know exactly what to do." She flashed her wife a confident smirk. "First, let me make some phone calls and you, go change into some comfortable clothing."

Jennie hesitantly left the game room leaving the blonde who has her phone pressed to her ear.

"Mr. Yang, I need your help." The blonde said when she hears her Boss' voice.

"You're not in trouble, are you?"

"No. I am not. But I might be if you don't help me."

"Okay, out with it."

Lisa bit her bottom lip. She is not sure if he will agree with her crazy idea but she'll do it anyway.

"I want to do something special for my wife." The blonde started. "I want to take her to Lotte World because she's never been to a theme park before and I want her to enjoy little things like that."

"Are you asking me to close the theme park for the both of you?" Mr. Yang asked. Lisa rarely asks for help. Most of the time, she'll do whatever she pleases and let them deal with the consequences but now is different. She actually asked for help. "You know that I can't do that. We'll have to spend millions to make it happen."

"No. That's not what I want. She won’t have the full experience of being there if it's only the two of us." She explained to him. "I want to ensure our safety so I need you to lend me some body guards who will dress up like civilians and stay incognito while we're in the area. You think it's feasible?"

For a few minutes there, Mr. Yang did not respond. He's weighing the pros and cons of giving into Lisa's request. He wanted to say no because it is not safe for the blonde to go out in public especially with her wife but he is a hundred percent sure that Lisa would do it anyway with or without his help.

"Alright. Go straight to the theme park. I'll ask my men to wait for you by the entrance."

"Yes! Thank you so much! I owe you a lot!" Lisa heard the man chuckle then once she ended the call she ran up the stairs to brief her wife.


"Are you sure about this?" She whispered on the blonde's ear as they exit the car and walked to the entrance of the theme park. Lisa did not tell the brunette that there's at least 5 guards around them. She chose to keep it a secret because she doesn't want Jennie to be too conscious about the whole thing.

The two of them opted to dress up in shorts and shirt with caps on and face masks. Simple clothing that will help them to easily blend in with the crowd. This is the most that they could do especially since the trip is a little short noticed.

"Yes, I am. Trust me, okay? I promise you things will be fine." Lisa took her wife's hand and interlaced their fingers together. Jennie, albeit unsure, nodded her head. "Now let's go and have fun."

When they reached the entrance, Lisa presented their Magic Pass Premium and was immediately let in by the staff. Jennie's eyes twinkle with excitement as soon as they got inside. Since it is past lunch when they arrived, there a lot of people but that didn't stop her from pulling Lisa and started to wander.

"Where do you want to go first?" The blonde asked while holding a map. "There are a lot of attractions here and I don't think we can visit all of them today so we have to choose wisely."

"Anywhere is fine Lisa. I am already enjoying myself anyway." The brunette said while looking at the map. "Maybe we can try the Flume Ride first."

"You realize that we're going to get wet there, right?"

"Okay, maybe we can put that last. How about this?" The brunette pointed at Gyro Drop. "This looks scary and fun."

"I don't think scary and fun should be put in one sentence." The blonde smirked behind the mask. "But okay. Whatever the Princess wants is my command."

Lisa bowed playfully in front of her wife that caused her to giggle and hit Lisa playfully on her arm.

"Let's go." She took Jennie's hand again and they start walking toward the attraction's location.

Gyro Drop is a 315-foot tall tower and to say that it's scary is an understatement. Lisa had never screamed so much in her life when the plunge happened. When they got off their seats, she immediately looked at Jennie who she is sure has a very satisfied smile on her face.

"That was fun." The brunette declared but Lisa ignored her then pulled her wife away before she can ask for a repeat.

Their next stop is the Comet Express which they both find boring. It was dark inside with some items to replicate the galaxy. When they got off, they started walking to the next one.

"That's a waste of time. I don't like that." The blonde said as she discreetly scan the area to check if anyone has already noticed them but luckily, for now, no one has noticed them yet.

The couple stopped in front of Gyro Swing and for the nth time that day, she saw Jennie's excitement. To be honest, Lisa will never attempt to ride those if not for Jennie. She hesitantly followed the smaller woman and braced herself for another stupid ride.

"Are you okay, Honey?" Jennie asked the blonde who's leaning on the rail with concern in her voice.

"Yeah. I'm fine. Just give me a few minutes to breathe." The blonde stood up and walked to an empty bench with Jennie guiding her.

"Alright. Stay here and I'll get some water." The brunette immediately left the blonde's side and as soon as she's gone, one of the guards casually walked to her.

"Are you okay, Ms. Lisa? Do you need anything?" He asked. Mr. Yang strictly told them that if something goes wrong, they need to take the couple away.

"I'm fine, Lucas. Please don't mind me. You and the rest should treat this as a time off too. Go and enjoy yourselves too. Jennie and I will be fine." She said but before the guy could respond, Jennie arrived.

"I'm sorry, can I help you?" She asked still not aware that there are guards with them.

"No, Ma'am. All good. I'm just asking for the direction to the comfort room." He lied then left.

"Here. Drink this." She handed the blonde a bottle of water.

"Thank you." Lisa pulled down her mask a little so that she can drink. "Where do you want to go next?"

"Let's take a break first. Then once you're okay, let's try The Conquistador." The brunette said placing her hand on the blonde's lap.

"Are you enjoying so far?"

"Yes. This is actually better than the time we had in Hawaii.”

Lisa nodded her head then leaned back on the bench. "Let's take a photo together then I'll post this once we're home to make the fans go crazy." The blonde wrapped her arm around Jennie's shoulder, pulling her closer in the process while the other is holding her phone. "Say cheese."


It was almost twilight and Jennie and Lisa just got off the Flume Ride. It was a fun experience and thank god they did not get themselves so wet. The only casualty are Jennie's shoes because of the water that got inside the vessel that they're riding on.

"Ugh, walking with wet shoes feels so weird." Jennie groaned when she felt the cold water. She stopped walking when they reached a bench and removed her shoes to drain the excess water. "This is disgusting."

"I told you to raise your feet when the plunge happened but you did not listen to me." Lisa removed the flannel that's tied around her waist then knelt in front of her wife. "Give me your feet. Let's wipe it dry."

"But your shirt is going to get ruined."

"It's just a shirt." Lisa said while drying Jennie's foot. It might only be a shirt but Jennie knows that it costs a lot. "Done."

"Thank you."

"It's already 6 PM. Do you want to stay for a bit more or are you ready to go home?" Lisa who's still kneeling turned her back to her wife. "Don’t wear those shoes. Hop on my back and I'll carry you."

"It's fine, Lisa. It's just a few minutes’ walk." Lisa turned her head and glared at the brunette. "Fine but don't complain okay?"

Once Jennie's safely latched on Lisa, the blonde started to walk but after a few minutes, she stopped when Jennie tapped her.

"Look at that. It's so cute." A few feet away from them is the Carousel which is illuminated by bright lights.

"Do you want to ride that?"

"With this appearance? No. Maybe next time. Let's go." Jennie said but instead of walking toward the exit, Lisa walked near the carousel. "I don't want to ride that."

"I know. But let me at least take a picture of you with that as your background." Before setting her wife on the ground the blonde laid her flannel on it so that her wife won’t feel the cold floor. "Smile."

Jennie removed her facemask first then looked at her wife who is holding a phone then gave her a genuine smile. After a few more shots she called the blonde. "Come on, let's have a picture together."

Lisa did what she was told. She also removed her mask so their smiles will show. Once done, they immediately placed it back and Lisa carried Jennie again on her back.


Lisa had just pulled up at her driveway. After their day at the theme park, they decided to just order food at a drive thru and eat in the car because 1, Jennie doesn't want to go inside a resta

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hitomihagiwara #1
Chapter 15: i am already reread this story 3 times.huhuhu.
hitomihagiwara #2
i miss you author. come back please.
QueQazira #3
Chapter 8: Please update soon author! I love this so much!
danyels_Lulu #4
Chapter 15: Please update soon author! I'm anticipating for it ♥️
Chapter 15: I miss your updates Athornim.. 😔🖤
Lochlynnh #6
Chapter 15: I love this so much! I’m so invested I can’t
kathsone #7
Update soon author-nim!😊 I really love your story❤️
kathsone #8
Update soon author-nim!😊 I really love your story❤️
AnDEUSAgrega #9
Chapter 15: They are a big big mess
Napink143 #10
Chapter 15: They're both making things complicated ugh