Chapter 2

Supposedly, just for fun
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Yesung parked his car and went out. He threw his bag over his shoulder and a cup of coffee on his hand.

"I know you're crazy but I think you should still cover that." Yesung felt a warm finger on his neck.

"Aish. I missed a spot. Is it that noticeable, Heechul?" Yesung asked the owner of that warm finger.

"A bit. Had too much fun?" Heechul smiled knowingly.

"Knowing him, he most likely did." A new voice popped in the conversation.

"Hey, Ryeowook." Heechul greeted.

"It would be the last time so, of course, it should be fun."

"Why? Are you dying?" Ryeowook asked, his eyes widen comically.

Yesung glared at him but Ryeowook laughed it off. 

"Arranged marriage." Yesung simply explained. "Maybe I should visit a club like Siwon suggested. I'm of legal age now, anyway."

"Or maybe you should actually meet someone properly." Heechul suggested with an exasperated sigh. Going to a club is definitely worrisome. Who knows what kind of person he picks up from there?

"I'm still young. You and Leeteuk can go with me if you're so worried."

"How come you're not inviting me?" Ryeowook asked.

"Will you?" Yesung addressed him.

"No. But it's good to be invited."

Heechul rolled his eyes at the both of them. "No. How many people have you been with, Yesung? You should atleast have a downtime."

"In bed? Or dates, in general? I think I was 17 when I first made out with someone but I was already 19 when I did it. Maybe 13 people? But I only did it with 4 or 5..."

"Just shut up..." Heechul interrupted

"I agree with Heechul. Let's go to our respective classes before you give us nightmares."

Yesung arrived in the classroom and there were already a few students present. He searched the room for a good spot (and maybe find a cute guy). He reached the back and sat next to the window. He didn't find anyone he fancies in the room. It might become a boring class. He had two choices for his business management electives but he was too lazy to decide which he will take so he just enrolled in the class based on the time. He's not much of a morning person so he took this afternoon class.

He was about to regret picking the class (just because he hasn't seen anyone he finds attractive) when a tall guy with dark brown hair in glasses entered the room and walk straight to the instructor's table. Wait.. That's their professor. Damn. Their professor looks really young and attractive. This might just become his favorite class this semester.

First meetings usually don't drag too long. Just a brief introduction from the professor and a little about the course and they're done.   Yesung made sure that he will be the last student to leave the class. When almost every student is out, he slowly made his way to his professor.

"Hi, Professor Cho." Yesung said, smiling at the man.

"Hello." His professor greeted back.

"Are you new in the department?"

"Yes. This is my first time teaching here." Kyuhyun replied to his student, raising his left hand a bit as if wanting the student to notice something. He watched as the student almost utter an 'ohh' but they quickly regain composure. And Kyuhyun was satisfied with that.

"Is that so? I'm looking forward to your classes, professor. Bye." The

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Idk what happened. I just saw the first chapter draft hidden in here and decided to write something...


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392 streak #1
Chapter 7: Aaaah... I miss this sweet story~

I will patiently wait for that next chapter button <3
Chapter 7: After like 2 years you come back with this... im so happy pls update again soon im sooo in love with this story ♡
392 streak #3
Chapter 7: oh my gawd~ it's so sweeeet >____< made me greedy for mooooooreeeeeeeeee~ T^T
Chapter 7: Welcome back author ☺️ thanks for this update
Chapter 7: Please don't stop typing this story? I like this story :3 Take care of your health author-nim
Elf_cloud24 #6
Chapter 7: Thank you so much for continuing this wonderful story 🥰
Elf_cloud24 #7
Chapter 6: My kyusung heart 😍
Elf_cloud24 #8
Chapter 5: Ohhh yesung don't be sad 😭
Elf_cloud24 #9
Chapter 4: Yesung you're so cute and naughty ☺
Elf_cloud24 #10
Chapter 3: I really like yesung character in this story