Response to lesbians comment.

" Idols Who Do Not Wish To Be Roleplayed " - hot take.

This is a repsonse to this comment. 

1. Your first point. You missed the entire point of this in my original post. My point went, explaining the differences between roleplaying versus imposters > explaining why roleplaying isn't being an imposter > there are roleplayers who use faceclaims in negative ways who are allowed, when because "imposters" aren't allowed, these faceclaims aren't even allowed. You're just sitting there and pointing without understanding the entirety of my point. 

2. " yes? unless any of us have been given a direct response in regards to roleplaying a specific idol, we are all imposters and are doing something wrong." 
I don't think you understand the severity of the word "imposter" in the idol / famous persons world. An imposter is someone who pretends to be someone for mostly financial gain. An example of this is someone who will sell a famous person's music on a cheap burned CD and claim that it is their own work, that they are the famous person themselves. This is someone who will steal the famous peron's identity (identity theft) which has happened to Lee Jongsuk, and have their personal banks and accounts defrauded. This is someone who will show up in Gangnam or Tokyo or wherever, and claim to be the real idol themselves, and receive money for this deception. If you are saying that YOU are an imposter, because you don't have permission to roleplay a certain idol, that means you're admitting to any one of these very real and severe charges. Clearly, your conscience will tell you that these two are different. Roleplayeres =/= Imposters. 

3.  "i can say we are not actually roleplaying because we are not playing a roleplaying game (such as world of warcraft, or a wizards of the coast tabletop roleplaying game like dungeons and dragons)
Unfortunately again, here is where you don't understand the term "roleplay game". This kind of roleplaying is not just prevalent in kpop communities. Find any popular culture community and you will find roleplayers. Vampire diaries roleplayers. Supernatural roleplayers. Anime roleplayers. Marvel roleplayers. These communities are all part of the roleplayer universe. By saying that we are not in a rpg because we're not actually playing a "game" like world of warcraft, etc, is just being ignorant. 

4. "why do i know this? because for several years i was that freelance rper, and i can tell you with confidence none of us knew what a "closed" rp was."
Unfortunately your lack of knowledge of a closed roleplay does not reach the bounds of every freelance roleplayer. Nor does it excuse the fact that the roleplay communities here on AFF very clearly distinguishes this rule of not adding outsiders. And just because you didn't know what a "closed" roleplay was, does not mean that the roleplayers you talked to actually believed you were the real faceclaim you claimed to be. It still in fact, falls under RPG. Everyone involved knows and understands that you are not the real idol, unless you yourself spoke to outsiders outside of this community, claiming to be the real idol, and received money for it. Then this is your problem. And a very real one that you could be sued for. Catfishing on platforms like Facebook/Twitter/Etc falls under imposter and it is a real problem, but many roleplayers, especially freelance roleplayers have a disclaimer that they are not the real idols. They are not going around claiming to be an imposter, as you seem to be. 

5. Like I said in your first paragraph point. I brought up the point of roleplayers using faceclaims in detrimental ways as a means of comparing and contrasting this with the fact that some faceclaims aren't even allowed. I'm not saying people aren't going to roleplay an idol in a detrimental way no matter what. I'm just saying if this kind of behavior is allowed, but this one isn't, which is actually worse? You seemed to completely miss this point. It seems you are pressed about this point because you brought it up twice. If you have an issue with people claiming you have roleplayed an idol detrimentally, then that is your problem, and it is a whole different issue than my entire post. 

6. "any normal person wouldn't be able to tell the difference between a roleplayer and an imposter"
You clearly don't understand the difference between a roleplayer and an imposter. You seem to be having a laugh out of this, and at this point I'm even laughing because of how ridiculous this all is. In fact, I did believe I was being profound, but unfortunately you missed the point completely. That's not my problem if you don't understand. Your entire reply gave me a bit of a chuckle, but I'm humoring you again anyway because maybe it's not a big deal to you. Maybe you can just choose another faceclaim, but you as well as me and every roleplayer knows that a muse is important. Unless you don't actually take roleplaying as seriously as I do and just do whatever the you want in the faceclaim that you claim huh? :) 

Again, you missed the entire point of this thread. I don't know why you even bothered to read and even less take the time to respond with as much ignorance as you did. You think I'm entitled to be asking for something that the rest of the community enjoys freely, because of the simple fact that people don't understand the difference of this rule and don't bother to try to understand, rather just disregard it and call those of us who bring it up entitled and disrespectful. I'm sure you probably didn't even understand what I just said, but for the sake of giving you another thing to "hehe" about. "accept that you're wrong to begin with". I love this kind of ignorance. 

And you're going to leave saying you won't reply because you won't be back to see it. You're being ignorant, dismissive, and think you're God. Why not just have a real open conversation with me about it? If you're going to "debunk" me here, why run away and hide? You think you're here debunking me and being in the right as the big intelligent and humorous person that you are, speaking to me in that condescending tone, but you won't even sit and chat about this? Why? If I was wrong before I even opened my mouth to begin with, then why did you bother to even say anything? You obviously didn't even bother to hear what I was trying to say. 

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Honestly, I am fine with you making this thread to speak out on what's your mind but at the same time I can't help but to leave a comment after reading the part where you suggest us to send this thread to your roleplay admins and spread this question part.

Hear me out on this, on why I said that. It is because isn’t it the right of the admins if they don’t want those certain faceclaims to be rped or not? It is their roleplay and we should just respect on that? If you don’t like it then leave or just not join? What’s so hard about that? I know some roleplays are fine with fcs like IU and Christian Yu. Its not like all the roleplays out there are banning them to be rped. Like just respect their decision and grow up. I get that you are frustrated, even sometimes I would be frustrated when I want to rp as someone but isn't allowed to be rped. But honestly what can I do than just accepting their decision? Its their place, their rules? Am I wrong with that? Let us respect those admins and let them be. Who are we to say something when we aren't the ones who are running the place? To why I feel like you could have not added that part on this thread because it is kinda disrespecting them in some ways.

Also another thing that got me irked is the way you responded back to "lesbians". Sure it was wrong of him/her to say his/her opinion in such way towards you. Even I would say that he/she could have said it in a better way to express his/her opinion. However, you could have been a better person and not try to attack him/her back with your response. Like that is one of the problems with threads like these. When one person leaves a comment in a rude way, the author ends up writing back in the same way. Let us be civil and respect one another in this community. Doesn't mean if one attacks you, you should attack them back. Be the better person and grow up. Don't stomp down to their level.

+ If anyone is going to attack me back and mentioning about how I am scared to why I made a new account in order to comment down on this then go ahead. I already had in mind, one of you people will say something like that. But let me tell you why I did. It is so that you people won't bug me while I roleplay. I know how once you see an aff account you don't like, you just bring your hatred with you and ruin my experience within the roleplay. I have seen this too many times already and I don't want to sink into that hot mess.
Chapter 5: also I love how they use the excuse "I'm just humoring myself" to be rude instead of having a civilised conversation about it.
Chapter 5: I thought this was a new thread lol. Just a new chapter.
I wanted to add since theyre going by 'flawed logic' what contradicts almost the entirety of their statement is that theyre PUBLIC FIGURES. which rules the roleplayer vs imposter factor in even more.
the fact you've conflated roleplayers being unruly and thus causing people to "dislike" the idol to people disregarding idols' (and even non-idols) wishes to not be used as the face for fake accounts... lol... anyways. responding because hehe.

"this means, going by this rule that every roleplayer in an imposter, we are all doing something wrong by roleplaying these idols[...]" yes? unless any of us have been given a direct response in regards to roleplaying a specific idol, we are all imposters and are doing something wrong. you begin this entire "hot take" by explaining something that is objectively correct, and anyone that genuinely thinks about this issue would agree with. we were not given permission to use these idols' faces as a basis for our accounts, or our characters, and in doing so we fit under the "imposter" label.

you seem to be upset that you have to find a faceclaim that hasn't, either directly or indirectly through their company, expressed that they do not want to be used for imposter accounts. you use the google definition of imposter when explaining this, which is silly, because with that line of logic i can say we are not actually roleplaying because we are not playing a roleplaying game (such as world of warcraft, or a wizards of the coast tabletop roleplaying game like dungeons and dragons) NOR are we acting out scenarios "as a technique in training or psychotherapy." it's flawed logic because you are using it only for your stance while disregarding the other, in which it directly opposes what you've said.

roleplaying is not a "closed" community, otherwise it would not be as prevalent as it is today on sites like twitter or facebook. using the term "closed" implies that only certain individuals are able to get in, when in reality roleplaying is completely open and realistically anyone is able to do so. the term "closed" when discussing roleplays you find on here (aff) does not mean anything beyond those that use this site. ask a freelance rper on facebook what the term closed rp means, they won't be able to tell you (why do i know this? because for several years i was that freelance rper, and i can tell you with confidence none of us knew what a "closed" rp was.)

if roleplaying an idol that does not want "imposters" isn't detrimental, your comment at the end of this entire hot take is debunked. you cannot bring up people roleplaying idols and causing others to dislike them only to say roleplaying idols is not detrimental to them. again, it seems you're conflating things to fit your narrative whilst ignoring that you're directly debunking your own thread...

this entire post is silly, and i'm replying to humor myself as you seem to think you're being profound by telling others to send this to roleplay admins whilst asking "aren't we all imposters?" any normal person wouldn't be able to tell the difference between a roleplayer and an imposter, and thus we have to abide by what idols and what their companies say. just because YOU, entitled-to-faceclaim-who-you-want justarandomrper, think that because you understand what roleplaying is that you should be allowed to faceclaim whoever you want without issue, doesn't mean that that's how it works. none of us should be using these idols' faces without permission, period, to try and argue that is to accept you're wrong to begin with.

anyways. i thought i'd get a little hehe moment out of responding to this, since the rest of the comments are patting you on the back... <3 just use a different faceclaim, man. if you don't like that idols are blacklisted because companies don't nitpick and specify "we don't want imposters OR ~roleplayers~ of our idol" then just don't rp real people. i don't check this account often so chances are if you reply i won't see it, but. <3
softbro #5
I feel like it's because on aff advertised rp's a lot of people don't know the difference or define the difference between ooc and ic. Or even if they do, they don't uphold it. Therefore every action is seen as a reflection on a mun. It makes it so roleplay is the same thing as an impostor because we're expected to write a muse exactly how the admin's want them to be. I really miss the days when people could just be creative and no one took writing personally.

But I've had to correct SO many people on Christian Yu's opinion on roleplayers, most of the time they just heard he didn't like it and never actually looked at what he said.
I'm sorry that roleplays have been so closed minded to you. I hope that this post inspires change.
i looked into this before with iu once and attempted to let someone who applied to be her in but the other admins wouldnt let me because of this rule. i remember doing research on her specifically wondering if she actually requested not to be roleplayed but only found articles about taking legal actions against imposters. completely different thing.
everyone just copy and pastes rules here so theres nothing else to expect.