Chapter 6

Secret Love

It was late when Zelo finally made it home. Zico had begged him to stay the night and that the two would go to school together the next morning, but Zelo sat up quickly in bed and glanced around for his phone. Zico wrapped his arm around his waist and pulled him close to his chest.

“Just stay the night; it’s too late for you to head back.” He murmured into Zelo’s hair. Zelo inhaled Zico’s scent and sighed before he pulled away.

“I can’t, I promised I wouldn’t be too late coming home.” He climbed out of the bed and got dressed quickly. He patted himself down and began to look around the room nervously.

“Have you seen my phone? I wonder if they’ve been trying to call me.” He dropped to his knees and glanced under the bed. He sighed when he found his phone and clambered to his feet to check his messages.

“, Yongguk has been calling.” He hit callback and pressed the phone to his ear as he shimmed into his backpack. He stole one last kiss from Zico before he darted toward the door. Zico grabbed his bag and held him in place as he pulled on some boxers.

“Yongguk! I’m sorry I missed your call… I was uh…busy working on my homework. I’m going home now. It’s okay you don’t have to wait up for me. I don’t need a ride, Yongguk! It’s okay! I promise. Stop talking. YONGGUK SHUT UP!” He hung up his phone.

“What happened? Is everything okay?” Zico asked touching Zelo’s cheek gingerly.

“He wouldn’t listen to me, just kept talking over. I hung up on him. He’s going to be pissed.” Zelo chewed on his bottom lip and saw the phone light up once more. He slid this thumb over the screen and answered it, “it’s okay. I’ll be there soon.”

He glanced up at Zico and sighed, “He said he would meet me at the school and walk me the rest of the way.”

“If he was worried so much, I could’ve just walked you home. I know the buses aren’t running anymore, but I’d make sure you’d get home.”

“It’s okay.” Zelo laughed softly, “I better go – he’s probably running to the school.”

“I’ll walk you to the school.” Zico said looking around for his pants.

“No! Really it’s okay. Besides I’d rather the two of you didn’t meet outside of school or the dorm.” Zelo grabbed his arm and let go of it softly. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Zico walked him to the door and sent him off in the direction of the school with one more tender kiss. He tried to stay outside and watch Zelo turn the corner, but it was too cold to stand in the doorway and he shut the door slowly. Zelo stuffed his hands in his pockets and broke into a run toward the school. A sharp pain stabbed his chest with every gasp of cold air.

He paused momentarily to see a hooded figure leaning against the standalone wall by the school entrance. He jogged up to Yongguk and bowed deeply, gasping for air. Yongguk removed his headphones and watched the maknae bow. Zelo yelped and winced when Yongguk grabbed him by his collar and heaved him up. Yongguk’s face held no expression as he pushed the straps of Zelo’s backpack off of his shoulders. He flinched when Yongguk raised his hand, but soon found himself wrapped in warmth. He blinked twice and realized Yongguk and wrapped his jacket around him.

“It’s really cold tonight.” He said sternly. “I can’t have you getting sick and missing school.”

“Hyung! I’m so sorry!” He realized Yongguk was only wearing a thin long sleeve shirt. “I’ll be okay! Take your jacket back.”

Yongguk shook his head and grabbed Zelo’s backpack, “come on – let’s get home.”

Zelo nodded and pressed himself into Yongguk’s side to share the warmth. When they got home, Yongguk tossed Zelo’s backpack onto the couch and tried to blow hot air into his hands.

“How much homework did you really have?” Yongguk asked watching Zelo remove his jacket slowly. He fumbled with the zipper and tried to fold it neatly, but Yongguk ripped it out of his hands. “If you had so much homework, you should’ve come straight home or at least answer your god da-…” He bit his tongue, “at least answer your phone.”

“I’m so sorry hyung.” Zelo tried to bow but Yongguk had already grabbed his arm to keep him from doing so. He shook his head and exhaled slowly.

“Just go to bed, I’m exhausted. We’ll discuss this tomorrow with Himchan.” He walked past Zelo toward their bedroom. Zelo followed him closely and wanted wrap his arms around Yongguk’s torso and press his ear to his back and listen to his heart. He wanted to hug him until Yongguk said he wasn’t upset, until Yongguk laughed, until Yongguk would at least look him in the eye.

When Zelo walked into the bedroom, he noticed their beds were pushed against the wall and Himchan was curled up on one of the mattresses on the ground. He glanced over at Yongguk who was pulling a hoodie over his head.

“The heat is out, so you should layer up.” Yongguk stepped over to the light switch. “I’ll wait till you’re done dressing to turn off the light.”

Zelo felt his stomach drop as Yongguk stood by the light. He reached for his tie and trembled slightly as he got undressed slowly. Yongguk yawned loudly and leaned against the wall.

“Come on, I’m ready for bed.”

Zelo nodded and got undressed quickly, Yongguk noticed the litter of love bites that adorned his neck and shoulders as he pulled his white shirt off. He scoffed and rolled his eyes.

“Of course! Of course, it all makes sense now. You had biology homework, right?” He asked loudly not paying attention to Himchan starting to rustle under the sheets. “Did Zico teach you well?”

Zelo pulled his hoodie over his head and pulled on his sweatpants quickly, not daring to look over at Yongguk who was struggling to maintain his bravado. He tried to laugh, but his throat was tightening and it pained him to swallow.

“Y-Y-You should ace that class now, huh?” He choked slightly.

“Shut the hell up, Yongguk! It’s none of your business. Turn off the damn light, I’m going to bed.” Zelo snapped and climbed into his bed. Yongguk reached for the light and shut it off, before he trudged to the living room and threw himself onto the couch. He pressed his face into his arm and let the tears roll down quietly. He bit his sleeve to subside the sobs.

The next morning, Himchan woke up to find Yongguk hadn’t made it back to their makeshift bed. He looked over his shoulder to see Zelo wrapped tightly in his blankets. He got up and covered Zelo with a few more blankets, before he went to find Yongguk.

He kneeled beside the couch and pushed Yongguk’s hood away from his face. He noticed the fabric caught between his lips and smiled softly. Himchan pinched his cheek, but noticed he felt warmer than usual. He pressed the back of his hand to his forehead and chewed his bottom lip. He squeezed Yongguk’s earlobe and sighed.

“Yongguk…Yongguk, wake up.” He shook his shoulder gently. “Come back to the bed.”

He stretched a little and blinked a few times, before he pressed his face back into his arm, “Go away. I feel like .”

“I bet, come back to the bed. I’ll call in for you.” Himchan kneaded the muscle between Yongguk’s shoulders. Yongguk shook his head and began to doze off again. Himchan sighed and walked back into the bedroom to grab a pillow and a few blankets. He managed to get Yongguk to turn on his side, before he tucked a pillow under his head and the covers around him.

“Will you at least rest today?” Himchan asked brushing Yongguk’s bangs out of his face. Yongguk nodded and settled back into his sleep. Himchan padded back into their bedroom and got Zelo up.

“Where’s Yongguk?” Zelo asked noticing there was no sign of the leader.

“Oh, he’s on the couch feeling sick.” Himchan said buttoning up his shirt.

“Why is he on the couch? He’ll be more comfortable in his bed.” Zelo asked tucking in his shirt and running his belt through the loops of his pants.

“I don’t really know. He slept the whole night on the couch.” Himchan straightened his tie and pulled on his blazer. “Come on we’re going to be late.”

“Himchan, why did he sleep out there?” Zelo asked grabbing Himchan’s arm.

“I don’t know, maybe he’s an idiot. Maybe he was feeling sick last night and didn’t want us to catch it?” Himchan shrugged.

“Has he done that before?” Zelo asked following Himchan out past the couch. He tried to imagine Yongguk looking small and weak, but the leader just looked like he always did. He grabbed his bag and followed Himchan out the door toward the school.

“Yeah Yongguk will isolate himself if he’s under the weather. I think it’s mostly so we won’t see him at less than a 100%. Oh yeah, Zelo?” Himchan paused when he locked the door behind him.


“You’re grounded. Come straight home after school.” Himchan said shoving the key into his pocket.

Zelo nodded and walked beside Himchan quietly. Back at home, Yongguk sat up quickly from a coughing fit. He pinched the bridge of his nose and tried to get comfortable again, but the silence in the dorm was overwhelming. He the TV for a few minutes, but decided he would spend the rest doing something productive.

He got out of his makeshift bed and walked into the bedroom to get dressed. Since he wasn’t going to be at school, he might as well be at the studio. He called Daehyun to see if he could meet him at the studio. Yongguk stepped out of the dorm and pulled his hood over his eyes. He shoved his hands into pockets and jogged toward the studio.

The cold air stung his lungs and it was already hard to breathe when every other breath brought on a fit of coughs. Once he made it into the studio, he darted past a few of the producers and into the recording room Daehyun was sitting in.

He wheezed a greeting and bowed briefly before he took his seat in front of the soundboard.

“Yongguk, I thought you normally had school during this time.” Daehyun paused before he stepped into the recording booth.

“I normally do, but I’ve decided to take a day off.” Yongguk coughed into his fist.

“Are you sick? Should you be home resting?” Daehyun asked. Yongguk shook his head and waved Daehyun into the recording booth.

“I’m fine, let’s get some work done.”

At lunch time, Himchan sat by himself since Yongguk was out sick. Zelo was sitting with Zico, who was less than thrilled about his boyfriend being grounded.

“They’re not your parents.” Zico said lowly.

“Zico, it’s okay. They were just worried last night and I think Yongguk was feeling sick.” Zelo sighed and stared at his sandwich.

“If he was feeling sick, he should’ve just stayed home.” Zico growled and kissed Zelo’s cheek roughly.

“Zico, he’s just trying to be a good leader and I did make a promise. It’s just for a little bit.” Zelo sighed. They cleared their table and walked to their next class. No was visiting with another teacher and when he spotted Himchan and Zelo, he bowed quickly to the teacher.

“Himchan, Zelo – can you please step outside? I need to have a word with you.” He gestured for them to follow him. Zelo glanced at Himchan who only returned a shrug and stepped outside. No ran his hand over his face.

“Is something wrong, seon saeng nim?” Himchan asked glancing between Zelo and No. He paused and took a deep breath.

“Now don’t panic, okay?” He began carefully.

“Don’t panic about what?” Zelo felt his heart drop into his stomach. Himchan felt his heart race when No placed a hand on each of their shoulders.

“I’ve just been informed that Bang Yongguk has been admitted to the hospital.”

“But how? He was asleep at the dorm when we left.” Himchan pulled away from No’s hand.

“He collapsed at the studio. Gather your things, Himchan. Someone is coming by to take you to the hospital.” No tightened his grip on Zelo’s shoulder. “Zelo, I’ll give you a few moments and then you can come back in.”

“Wait, so I just get to sit around?” Zelo asked pushing No’s hand away.

“I’m sorry Zelo, only Himchan has clearance. I’m sure he’ll keep you informed.”

Himchan ran into the class and grabbed his bag. When he ran back out he saw Zelo’s fallen face. He hugged him quickly, “Don’t worry – I’ll text you as soon as I get there; head straight home after school.”

Zelo nodded and watched as Himchan darted down the hallway and out of the school.

“Come on Zelo, let’s get back to class.” No ushered him back into the classroom. Zelo followed him and sat next to Zico.

“Hey, what’s wrong?” Zico asked noticing Zelo’s face.

“Y-Yongguk’s in the hospital.” Zelo said quietly. “Himchan went to go check on him.”

“Zelo, I’m sure he’s going to be okay. Why don’t you go after this class?” Zico asked and squeezed his hand.

“Only Himchan has permission to be there.”

Zico ran his thumb over Zelo’s cheek, “It’s going to be okay. I’ll go home with you, so you don’t have to be by yourself.”

Zelo nodded and waited after school for Zico. He was grateful for the hand Zico gave him to hold as they made their way to Zelo’s dorm.

“Have you heard from Himchan?” He asked finally kissing the back of Zelo’s hand.

“Ne, Yongguk still hasn’t woken up. He’s on an IV. Himchan thinks he’s going to stay the night there with him.” Zelo paused when his phone went off once more. He answered it quickly, “Himchan! Has he woken up yet? Ne ne, I’ll make sure to lock the door tonight. Did the doctor say what was wrong with him?”

Zelo nodded along and hung up the phone, “The doctor thinks Yongguk has pneumonia and he overexerted himself.”  

Zico pulled Zelo into his arms and hugged him tightly, “it’s going to be okay. Come on I’ll buy dinner and stay tonight with you.”

Zelo nodded and gripped Zico’s hand tighter. When they got to the dorm, Zico ordered take-out and sat with Zelo at the kitchen while they did their homework. Himchan called one more time to make sure he had locked the door and to let him know Yongguk had finally woken up.

“Good night Himchan, I’ll see you tomorrow.” Zelo hung up and turned off the lights in the kitchen and the living room. Zico followed him into the bedroom and hung his suit up next to Zelo’s. He pulled on the hoodie and sweat pants Zelo had given him.

“How is he?” Zico asked pulling Zelo into his arms.

“He woke up, but he’s still really tired. Himchan said he might come home tomorrow.” Zelo murmured into Zico’s neck and hugged him tightly. Zico pressed a kiss onto his forehead and his hair gently.

“Get some rest. Yongguk wouldn’t want you to worry so much.”

The next morning, Himchan helped Yongguk out of the van. He had an arm around his torso as he led him through the dorm. Yongguk’s limbs felt heavy and his joints throbbed with every step. He pressed the majority of his weight into Himchan.

“Come on, let’s get you back into bed. You have to rest this time, Yongguk.” Himchan pushed opened their bedroom.

“No! I don’t want to sleep in here, Himchan.” Yongguk whined and held onto the doorframe.

“Yongguk, don’t be like that. You need to rest.” Himchan tried to pull him into the bedroom. “Just lay down, you’ll pass out soon. You won’t even notice them.”

“I already told you, I don’t want to sleep here!” Yongguk broke into a fit of coughs which woke up Zelo. He pulled away from Zico and noticed Yongguk leaning against the doorframe.

“Yongguk, you’re back! I’m so gla-“

Yongguk rolled his eyes and used the wall to walk back into the living room, “I’m not sleeping in there.”

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I came back to re read the chapters just so when you come back i will be ready ;-).
I hope everything is going okay with you and that you know us readers will wait for such an amazing story :-)
I've finally had time to catch up! ^^
it how Zelo can't be with Yonggukkie who doesn't like Channie in the same way ):
Awaiting the moment when Zelo and Zico break up~ I don't like those two together for some reason
Zico is nice and all but I feel as though Yongguk would be a better boyfriend
Apelsin #3
I feel so sorry fr Himchan! But still somehow their onesided love,unrequited love, bromance-thing between himchan and yongguk is really..attractive, gah i dont know how to explain it, I LOVE IT!! their frendship is so beautiful, I love it! keep up the good work! <3
muchLove #4
Zico is such a nice boyfriend, but i feel sorry for Yongguk.

update soon
:'( Aww Bang im so sorry. Oh Zelo you are confusing me and oh himchan you are so amazing. Miss writer you are so fantastic im almost in tears. Your words are killing me and the fustration i feel what with happening to Bang and Zelo is leaving on the edge of my seat. I wish Zelo hadnt told zico that bang was in live with him. I dont think that was fair to bang. Its like bang telling zico that zelo said he loved bang back. Its all so mind blowing. Writer-nim never stop being so amazing and i look forward to your next up date.
If you allow me miss writer-nim, if you havent noticed i am bang/zelo all the way ;-), so i will await until i can read smexy things with them
I kinda like the situation
now yongguk knows how zelo feels
but they aren't together though because zelo doesn't want to leave zico
I think everything's right that way :3
zico's soooo cute and caring and funny and lovely
jesus I'm in love with him/his charcter
and oooooh look who just entered the story
is there a future for upie and channie?:D
nappeun #7
out of all of them i felt the worst for himchan, seeing that everyone one else has someone who likes them back except him T_____T but omg jongup makes an appearance! and from the looks of it he seems to like himchan~ yay foe possible himup! also as much as i hate to say it, yongguk should stop chasing after zelo since he's already happy in his current relationship ;; let him meet someone else instead... someone like daehyun!! /closeted bangdae shippper
maRian #8
x°D jongup on the setttt!!!! ahaha i loooove him-up! so just let's get himchan a bit of happiness! and zico is always soooo sweet that i'm actually parting for him right now.! (even if i'm a zikyung shipper XD)..!
loving this^^ continue the awesome work <3
No0o0o! Zico is too good to you Zelo! T^T
Yongguk u can have Daehyun or Himchan xP lol
muchLove #10
Yongguk finally confessed. And Zelo finally told Yongguk how he felt.
I feel sorry for Zico.
update soon