I loved him, I really did.

I loved him, I really did.


After all that crying and whatever she said, left me lost for words. I pulled the break after I managed to get into the parking lot.

I walked into the house, fighting tears so my mum wouldn’t see them. I climbed up the huge flight of stairs that led me to the third storey of my house. Tears were already trickling down my cheeks.

I walked into the room and abandoned my book bag on the chair and jumped into bed and cried my lungs out. I had my best time in those two months.  Why must he do this to me?

Our first meeting was at the music program. It wasn’t the first time I met him though. I’ve seen him walking along this hallway twice? Or maybe more, I’ve lost count. I couldn’t remember, because the way he looked into my eyes every time he walked past me left me in dazed.

That day when he saw me at the hallway was different, he winked and said “Hi” I blushed, nodded my head and walked away.  When I got back to my seat, there was a cup of iced mocha on the chair with a note stuck to it. “5:15pm train to downtown. I’ll be the one in black cap” I grinned.

I got into the train and walk down the aisles trying to find that person in black cap. I looked to my right and then to my left, the train was packed with people.How am I supposed to find him? My mind wandered.   

I took a few steps to my left, and suddenly the train jerked. I managed to grab the pole beside me. “What if the person who left the note wasn’t me? You could have been cheated.” Someone whispered into my ear, sending me goose bumps..

I rubbed my arms with my both hands, and turned to the person. “Who else could it be besides you?” I answered. “You’re cute.” He said, pinching my cheeks. “So where we heading to?” I asked. “You’ll see,” He said grinning. I smiled and looked at his beautiful face for another minute, or two. 

Our first date, I recalled. We walk the streets without anyone knowing who he was. We took neoprints, we drank his favourite drink, and we held hands and walked down the street with everyone gushing in admiration.

There was once when we met, and he was late too. But he came with a bouquet of flowers, and my favourite Royce chocolates. Of coursed I had to forgive him. I shook my head telling him that it was okay. That day we shared a piece of cheesecake in the cozy cafeteria. He was a gentleman, a mirror of the kind of guy whom I wanted to fall in love with.

Every time we met, he had a different surprise. On my birthday, he carried a signboard, which stated, “Happy birthday girl, I love you!” and waited for me on the street. He gave me a handmade cake and bought me a huge soft toy.

I stared at the soft toy on my bed, and pulled it closer to hug it tight. I closed my eyes, and went back to recall.

Our other few dates were just like any normal couple, we went to the theme park, caught a few movies, and even participated couple competitions during Valentine’s Day. Of course we won all of them, couples just start bickering when they saw us in the competitions.

We won food vouchers and such, and we went to spend them together. When he got his new car, we went for a scenic drive for hours and hours, blasting his music on full volume, singing our hearts out.

Everyday, after our date, he dropped me off at my doorstep and watched my room light before leaving for practice.  He opens the doors for me, help me with my shopping bags, give me a massage on my shoulders whenever I had a tough day. He taught me to play his favourite sport, baseball.

“Dinner’s ready!” My mom shouted. “I’m not eating, I’m going to bed.” I shouted back. No one would want to see those swollen eyes; they will all probably run away. I thought to myself.

I fall asleep thinking about the other moments that I’ve not thought about, ensuring that I’ll never forget this important moment of my life. My diary was left opened on the desk and it wrote, “Day sixty, end of filming. I’ll miss Kim Ki Bum, Key. And I loved every moment that I’ve spent with him.”  

I closed my eyes, hugged the bear tighter and went to meet him in my dreams. 

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Chapter 1: Aigoo. It's so sad (-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩_-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩)

You did great author-nim ♥
fields #2
awwwwww... should continue the story
aw :(
keyz_locket #4
aw....this is so sad :'(
really nice story <3
DonaldDuckhyung #6
Nice Story... :)
a-kindoflove #7
Thanks! As in they were actually filming some dating show and stuff like that. I'm so sorry for this super late reply though. :)
NICE STORY! But what do you mean by end of filming?