Breaking Free

I Ran Away

Breaking Free


"How many times do I have to tell you! Act like a lady at all instances! Keep your posture straight, chin up, and no pouting!" 

That was the thirtieth time Mina has gotten scolded today. She was just at their dining table that seemed to stretch on for miles, eating dinner with her mom and dad who seemed to also be miles away from her. In actual sense, they were just five chairs apart from each other, but to Mina it seemed to be oceans away. It's always been like that. She couldn't talk to either her mom or dad when she had something to talk about. Instead, they get mad because she's being too dependent and over-dramatic over such small things. It's not a surprise that she just isolates herself in her room, the only place where she actually feels safe.

A loud banging sound brought her out of her wandering mind. Her dad had smacked his hand on the table, his furious eyes now locking in on her. 

"Myoui Mina, listen to your proctor! You insolent brat-"

"I've had enough dad!" Now it was Mina's turn to be furious. She's had enough. She abruptly stood up from her seat, the sudden movement making the chair screech against the floor and fall down. Her mother sat there like nothing was happening whilst her father had his fists clenched and his face reddening in anger. 

"Do you know how lucky you are to be born into this family?! You should be grateful!" Her father said with such scorn and venom. Mina's hands clenched into fists against her side. She was trying her best to contain her anger, but the next few words drew the line. 

"If only you were in that car rather than your brother."

Her jaw tightened and tears raged down her cheeks. She snapped her head towards her father and glared at him. She was now blinded by hate and frustration. 

"If you don't want me in this family, then I'll leave!" Mina spat out in anger. She took off and ran upstairs. She locked herself in her room while she was hurriedly packing everything she needed to get the hell out of there. Her phone, car keys, money, clothes. She thinks that's about it. She was about to leave through the door when she heard aggressive banging from what she thought was the only exit she had. She stepped back and looked around. The window. She grabbed everything she packed and stepped through the window. She carefully made her way through the roof. It was too far down to jump. She'd hurt her ankle and probably get caught while limping her way to her car. She was starting to panic but kept a level head. She looked around and saw one of their newly-hired pool cleaners. That's it, the pool!

She saw the pool come into view as she scaled the roof again. She emptied everything from her pocket and placed them in her bag before dropping it on top of some bushes. She took a few steps back to give herself a running start. "Here goes nothing." She said to herself as she ran a short distance and jumped.  She ascended from the water and swam towards the edge, successfully getting herself up and out of the pool before the pool boy could do anything. She grabbed her bag and made a run for her car. She doesn't care if she's freezing wet. She doesn't care if her car gets wet. All she cares about is getting out of this place she once called 'home'. 



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Oncestarwars #1
Chapter 2: the rest of the story please
I really like that