Here and There


A upstand lawyer and a sassy air hostess try to do adulting together. 

(Cover by the awesomely awesome talented SJS. Go follow her on Twitter @zeref_SJ !)

Follow me @Blackfeather_2 for all the latest updates and extra bits.


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okay54321 #1
i miss this story
pls update this story i really love the plot a lot 🥹🥹🥹
1093 streak #3
Chapter 11: come back pls authornim🤧
Chapter 11: i can't wait for the next chapter
ramborambo #5
Chapter 11: authooorr this is so goood i ready it in one sitting please update! i love ur story!
tuesidiot #6
Chapter 11: Author please update! I like Seulgi's team, they work together to conquer this case. They're a great team!
brdfillet #8
Chapter 11: just the first chapter and the atmosphere you created for this, im craving, it's fantastic all the way! hoping for an update soon, authornim!
runner300 #9
Chapter 11: Hi author, I love this story. I just found it recently. Will you be updating soon? Its really good
Zabrinax #10
Chapter 11: This is soo good, i hope it updates soon :'< Btw congrats on the feature authornim! <3