The Moment We Became Strangers...

Most of the time Sowon was sleeping at class because she didn’t rest well last night. Even though her condition became better, she still felt dizzy.

“Here you can have my notes for this class.” Misun passed her the notebook. “You can give it back at art classes. Rest well and fighting.” She patted Sowon’s shoulder.

“Thank you. I am really thankful that you are here.” Sowon was glad that she had such a considerate friend. “You’re more than welcome, I just wish that you will soonly become the bubbly Sowon that we all love.” She smiled.

I am telling myself to stop feeling frustrated and to forget but he still remains in my heart.
It will by alright only a few days left and I will forget him
. Sowon promised herself something that was impossible 



Sowon walked down the corridor with heavy steps and wondered where everyone was right now.
Ah right they are having lunch she shocked her head, she didn’t know why she forgot so many things nowadays. She was always confused and lost.

“Am I getting old?” She chuckled but didn’t feel like laughing.

“Please,please sing this song for me.” Sowon froze at the spot when she heard Seungyeon’s pleading voice. “Where would you get that?” Woohyun asked shocked.

From where Sowon was standing she could see them both in the music room. Why is she taking away every place where I used to spend my time with Woohyun?


Sowon sat down in front of the piano while Woohyun was barricading the door.

“Why are you so afraid that someone would come in?” Sowon laughed at his safety measures

“You are just going to sing a song to me right?” She asked having something else in mind.

“Of course.” He responded confused, but then a smirk appeared on his face, when he understood the sense of her answer.

“Oh are you expecting something else?”- “Ani.” She responded way to fast making Woohyun laugh at her.

“As much as I want to make your imaginations become true, but we need to wait princess.” He planted a kiss on her red cheek.
“Or we could do it right now, when you are willing to become Mrs. Nam.” He moved his face closer to her lips.
“Do you like the sound of the new name princess?” He continued with his teasing.


“No I want to stay a Kim.” Sowon stuck out her tongue. “What? But Kim Woohyun sounds crappy.” He pouted showing his aegyo to her.

“Who said that I want to marry you, huh?” Sowon challenged her boyfriend. “Well who wouldn’t want to marry me?” He pretended to ponder about his own question. “I can’t think of someone.” “You are cocky.” She shocked her head, but you are mine.

“You forgot the part but you are mine.” Woohyun spoke out her thought, wrapping his arm around her.

“Where would you get those cheesy sentences?” Sowon pushed him playfully away.
“From your k-dramas of course.” He chuckled but then turned serious again.


“What’s with this ugly face.” She poked his cheek teasingly. “Do you really don’t want to marry me?” He asked with the same expression.

“If I don’t want to, would you be sad?” She asked him in a playful tone.
“Of course because that would mean that I am dying all alone.”

“Why? You could marry someone else.” She countered.

“For me there’s no one else but you.” He responded with no hint of amusement in his eyes.

“Didn’t you want to sing a song to me?” Sowon changed subjects when her heart started to beat faster because of his sweet words.
“Do you really don’t want to marry me?” Woohyun insisted on this topic.


“If I don’t hear the song I’ll definitely not marry you.” She treated her stubborn boyfriend.

“Alright. Remember that I will never sing to someone else than my future wife.” He started to play the piano while looking at her with loving eyes.

 I want to be your wife Woohyun. I love you do you know that? She placed her head on his shoulder and closed her eyed focusing on his voice that made her feel at home.


“It doesn’t matter where I got those music sheets, but I want to hear the song. Please, please, please.” Seungyeon used aegyo to convince him.

Please don’t sing it to her. Sowon prayed mentally. You said you would only sing to your future wife. She hoped that there would be at least one memory of them left that wouldn’t be taken away from Seungyeon.

“My voice is sore. I can’t sing it.” Woohyun motioned to his neck and grabbed the sheet from her.

“Tzz…you know that today is our month anniversary right?” She furrowed her eyebrows.

“Yes I have prepared a present for you.” He tried to calm her. “It better be expensive.” She wrapped her arms around his neck.

“Don’t. We are still at school.” Woohyun slightly pushed her away from him.
“They are all eating lunch, no one will see us.” She shrugged and started to lean closer.

Don’t look if it will hurt you. Sowon remembered Myungsoo’s advice.

Just when she wanted to leave Seungyeon has turned around to close the door. When she saw who was observing then she smirked and kissed Woohyun in front of her, the door widely open.

“What?” Woohyun asked surprised about her sudden act, but then his lips were captured by Seungyeon again, leaving a huge scar on Sowon’s heart.
Why do you have to do that to me? Sowon walked away from  the scene that was killing her again.



Sowon has decided to stay in the classroom to draw instead of going to her usual spot on the rooftop.

She started to feel uneasy around Myungsoo all alone, because memories of the kis kept popping up into her mind.

She never kissed someone besides Woohyun and she always thought that a kiss with a stranger wouldn’t mean anything, but why did the kiss made her have this weird feeling as if her heart started to beat again after it was broken by Woohyun?
Why couldn’t she stop kissing him? Could she have fallen for him?

She just couldn’t believe that feeling could change so fast. How could she accuse Woohyun for loving Seungyeon then? I am not sure about my feelings anymore. She sighed.

Her heart was accelerating like crazy when she was around Myungsoo. Am I becoming a ? She wondered if she could afford to love Myungsoo when a part of her heart was still longing for Woohyun.

“Classes are dismissed, why aren’t you packing your stuffs?” Misun shocked Sowon making her wake up from her thoughts.

“Oh I was completely out of my mind.” Sowon hurriedly grabbed her pencils. “Were you thinking about a boy?” Misun nudged her arm.

“How…how did you know that?” Sowon asked blushing. “You were?” Her friend quickly sat down on the seat next to her.

“I…I” Sowon stuttered. “Who was it? Did you meet him during art classes when you weren’t here?” She added tones of questions.

“Sowon, why weren’t you on the rooftop today?” Myungsoo’s voice cut her off before she could tell her friends about her new feelings.
 Why did he come here? Her eyes grew big seeing him at the door.

“I see it’s him. You have a great taste.” Misun whispered to her.

“I have to go then. See you tomorrow at school.” Misun waved enthusiastically and ignored the pleading look of her friend.

“Did you want to ignore me?” He asked again when she didn’t respond to him.

“No I just felt cold outside.” She made up a good lie.

“I will bring you a jacket next time.” He decided for her.

“But.” -“Shouldn’t we leave this building? It’s starting to become scary.” He grabbed her hand and dragged her with him.




“The douchbag is late again.” He scoffed when they were standing outside.

“He said he would wait for me at another place.” Sowon lied.

“He’s running away from me?” Sowon could hear the amusement in Myungsoo’s voice.

However when he saw the unamused face of the girl he quickly stopped his mocking.
“Good night then, have sweet dreams.” He planted a kiss on her forehead again and walked away before she could react to his touch.

She placed her fingers on her forehead. What are you doing to me?


After walking home with Woohyun every day, she felt incredibly lonely now.

Sowon took her iPod from the bag and looked at the old heart chain. She was still not able to throw it away.
She was about to put it back in her bag, when she was suddenly pushed against the wall making her drop her belongings.

When she opened her eyes, she could see how a man was running away with her bag.

Even though she didn’t have any expensive things in her bag she still ran after the thief.

Sowon had her phone in her hand and a smart person would have called the police but she was just running after a man who could easily kill or her.




She had turned around a corner and was now standing in a dark unknown alley. She couldn’t see the thief anymore but she could hear noises that showed that he wasn’t far away.

“Pretty girl, you are courageous for following me, but you are pretty poor.” He threw her bag on the ground after noticing that there wasn’t anything worthy in it.

From the way he was talking she could tell that he was drunk. “So can I have my bag back?” She asked like an idiot.

Her brain was yelling at her to run for her life, but she didn’t want to abandon it. All the things in her bag could be replaced but she could never find the same heart chain again.

“No you can’t have it back, but don’t be sad we will have a lot of fun tonight.” He moved to her making her back hit the wall.

“You are even prettier in close up.” He her pale cheek and grinned. “Don’t touch me.” She hissed and kicked him between his legs.

“.” The man groaned and threw her head against the brick wall. Sowon could feel something warm rolling down  her head. It was hard for her to remain conscious because of her blood lost.

“I like feisty women.” He pushed her again, making her fall down on the cold ground. Her head was exploding again, when he sat on top of her with a disgusting smirk.

“No.” She tried to escape from his firm grip, but as expecting she was too weak.

Woohyun, Myungsoo please rescue me. She thought and closed her eyes because she didn’t want to see the face of the man.

Just when she had prepared herself mentally for the worst, the man was pushed away from her.

Sowon has opened her eyes in curiosity to see who her savior was. He has turned his back to her and was throwing punches at the man who had harassed her, but she could tell from the clothes that it was Myungsoo.

“Are you okay?” He asked and helped her getting up, when the man has run away. “You face.” She traced the bruises on his cheek.

“It’s nothing. But you need to go to the hospital. Why didn’t you call the police? Why are you here at such a place, I thought you wanted to go home with your ex-boyfriend.” He questioned her.

Before she could respond to any of his question, she remembered why she has ended up in this mess at the first place. Sowon quickly went to the bag and searched for her iPod.

“It’s not here.” She looked around frustrated. “Do you search for this?” Myungsoo showed her her iPod.

“Yes where have you found it?” Her happy face disappeared by a second when she noticed that the heart chain was gone.

“Around the corner, on the way to this alley.” – “Really?” She began to search for it in the dark.

“Where would it be?” She put all her concentration on the dark street. By every step her vision became more and more blurry.

Just when her legs couldn’t hold her any longer she spotted it in the middle of a pile of broken bottles.


“Are you crazy?” Myungsoo yanked her bleeding hand from the pile. “I didn’t notice it.” She only had eyes for the heart chain that was now in her hand.

“Why don’t you notice it if you hurt yourself?” He asked in an unbelieving tone.
“Does it hurt?” He took her bleeding hand gently. “And your head?”

“Ani.” She said not even lying because now her hand and her head felt numb.

“But do you know how much you hurt me right now? Why can’t you see that every time I am seeing you hurt it’s literally killing me?” He asked her his eyes showing so much pain that she felt guilty.

“I’ve never expect that being in love would hurt so much.”

“It was never my intention to hurt you.” Sowon could say before her body gave up. Her head was buried into Myungsoo’s chest and no matter how much he screamed, she couldn’t hear him.

Her body had no strength anymore , her conscience was slowly fading away.




Author's: ~~Happy Birthday Kim Sunggyu <3 I've put a lot of effort to update on his birthday :D Unfortunately I've just noticed that he didn't even appear on this chapter eww big fail -.- Well even though there was no Gyuleader I hope you guys have enjoyed it :) I have re-read it many times, because I have noticed that people keep unsubcribing me when I am updating :/ so that means my chapters are becoming worse..

Anyways thank you for those who have commented, hope you are going to comment for this chapter too ^^

@n11n33: Many people do lol

@OnASnowyDay: Oh so happy that you support her with Woohyun <3

@toinfinityandbeyond: Lol you are such a poet ^^ yes totally agree Woohyun should be sure about his feelings! >:(

@lolmeowlol: Yes but he was a nice person when you think back to all her flashbacks :D

@Juju-H: Sunggyu for life *___* Whuat someone is rooting for Woohyun *can't believe that :O*

@myfishyx: Lol yes that's the reality that I want :p

Lil_Mizz_Star: Myungsoo likes/loves Sowon :) Gyu is the best brother, Woohyun is confused and Myungsoo is sweet that pretty much sums up everthing ;)



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coreanaagashi #1
Please please please, update soon! :( i really cant wait any longerrrrr. Lol
Fighting~, authornim! :)
Omggg I really haven't xDD At the beginning of the chapter when Wooyhyun was all sweet taking her to his place and saying loads of sweet stuff about how he should maybe fight for her, I was rooting for him :D But then as it got to the end of the chapter and Myungsoo insists that Sowon is the right girl for him, I found it really sweet. And now I still don't know who I'm rooting for xD I like them both too much > < But whoever doesn't get with her I can just keep for myself ;P Lol xDD update soon ^^
Team Woohyun here xD You can be mine Myungsoo *-*

Woohyun you stupid boy -.- leave that and go get your girl man!!

Myungsoo don't be sad baby T^T
Woohyun, you . MYUNGSOO! I support, fight for her!
Why do you make things so hard for me? I'm glad Woohyun is starting to realise his mistakes, does that mean he'll break up with that ?
_uniquelynghi #6
MYUNGSOO~<33 :DD iusuognsdnkfdfir ._.
Sorry. Random spazz attack..
Update soon~<33
Exams weren't too bad at least i don't think so T.T I'm not too sure about my scores yet ^^; but wow lots going on here poor Myungsoo kid has got it rough and as for Woohyun he's so sweet but I think to myself did it really take him cheating cheating on her to realize how much he actually cared? idk... confusing Namwoo ^^: great update!~
i tend to take the side of the weak... well it's cause he's my bias i can't pick anyone else D= y do i have to be so loyal!
i was reading this chapter while listening to INFINITE - With and... it made me cry!
thanks author! ;.;
unknown009 #9
I really want her to end up with myungsoo, he's more deserving than woohyun! Please let her choose myungsoo!