The Moment We Became Strangers...

Woohyun had never felt such a heavy atmosphere when he was with Sowon. He remembered that every moment he has spent with his girlfriend in the past were the best moments in his life. Back then it didn’t matter what they did together: Time went by too fast for him, because he was so in love with her.



“It’s time for you to go home.” Sowon said to Woohyun who had laid down her bed, cuddling with the stuffed animal that he had given to her on their first date.

“Wae, I don’t want to.” He whined and didn’t move an inch; he knew that Sowon would move to him, that’s why he pretended to be asleep.

“Yah! Woohyun it’s already dark outside.” He heard her yelling at him from the other corner of her room. When the boy continued to ignore her, he could hear Sowon approaching him.

“Don’t pretend to be asleep.” Woohyun felt how his body was shaken by Sowon, but just to , his eyes remained shut.

When he could feel her face in front of his, he immediately opened his eyes and pulled her down to him.

“What are you doing?” Sowon screamed when she was on top of him, she slapped his chest when he hugged her tightly. The girl struggled to free herself, but Woohyun just held on her tighter. “I got bored of hugging the stupid stuff animal, you are much better.” he whispered.

“It’s you who gave me the stuff animal, so don’t dare to call it stupid.” She glared at him “So you’ll like everything I give to you?” Woohyun chuckled. “Yeah I like to hug it more than you.” Sowon boyfriend.

“The whole day you were doing nothing than your homework, ignoring me, and now you are telling me that you prefer a stuffed animal over me? Kim Sowon you have broken my heart.” Woohyun pretended to be hurt.

“So you broken-hearted guy, shouldn’t you go home now? As you have said before I have still lots of things to do” Sowon laughed at Woohyun’s reaction.

“Ani, shouldn’t you cheer me up now that I am so devastated?” Woohyun countered.

Sowon rolled her eyes at Woohyun’s childish behavior “Stop acting so childish. I am serious, it’s getting dark outside.” Sowon tried to glare at him, but instead of looking menacing, he found her rather cute.

“I don’t want to leave you know.” He tried his infamous aegyo. “Please~~” He could see how Sowon looked away from him, but he would always push his face in front of hers, so that she couldn’t escape his aegyo.

“Yah. Stop it, it’s not my fault that it’s already so late.”- “Please don’t throw me out.” Woohyun continued his act, but then Sowon just covered her eyes.

“Yah you are playing unfair tricks.” He stopped his aegyo. “So you have finally stopped?” She peered through her hands.

“Can I stay over this night?” Woohyun asked her with pleading eyes. “Ask Sunggyu, but I guess the guest room is still free.” Sowon smiled.

“Ani I don’t want to sleep at the guest room, but here.” He shocked his head like a kid. “You can’t!” Sowon blushed heavily from his demand. “Wh-what are my parents going to think?”

“What should they think? Are you having something specific in mind that we should do together?” He winked but then got hit by Sowon hard.

“Why are hitting me so often today?” Woohyun complained while rubbing his arm.

“Because you are acting too childish today.” Sowon stuck out her tongue.

“When I am going to pretend to go home and then later on sneak in through your window, will you allow me to stay over?” Woohyun asked her in a serious face.

“Why do you want to stay here?” Sowon asked him. “Because time goes by too fast, I wish time would stop  so I could spend it forever with you”



 “So you can’t give me a reason?” Sowon’s words snapped him out of his memories. Then he heard her laugh bitterly. “So does this mean, I am not important enough for you? Does that mean you can leave me without any reasons? I see now how you think about me.” She looked away from him, tears started to fall down her cheeks.

Woohyun wanted to wipe them away and he wanted to tell her that she was important to him, he wanted to tell her that he still liked her. But would that make a difference, Would she be more hurt if I ask her to stay friends with me?

Before he could say anything her phone rang and she quickly wipe away her tears and picked it up.

“Yeh, jeongmal mianhe, I’ll be right back. Don’t worry I’ll take care of myself.” He heard her saying trying to sound normal.

When Sowon hung up, she turned her face to Woohyun, her eyes still reflected hurt and he could also see that she couldn’t believe what has happened to them. Woohyun has promised her so much back then, he knew that he became a liar in her eyes.

“Hey cutie how about dumping your stupid boyfriend and come with me? I promise you’ll have more fun with me than with him.” A drunken man, who passed through them, laughed. Before he could touch Sowon, Woohyun has already grabbed his wrist turning it around.

“Yah. Are you crazy!” The drunken man struggled to free himself from Woohyun’s firm grip, but the latter was a lot stronger.

“Don’t dare to touch her.” He hissed and pushed the man away from him.

When he has finally run away, after cursing the boy, Woohyun has turned his attention back to Sowon. He could see how she was trembling in fear, so he placed his hand on hers, to comfort her.

“Don’t touch me.” Sowon hissed and brought her hand to herself away from his. Words couldn’t describe how hurt he felt hearing those words from her. He just said to the stranger that he shouldn’t touch her, now she was telling him the same thing. Did we become strangers now?

Sowon turned away from him and walked away. “Where are you going?” He ran after her, his mind told him that he should let go now, but somehow his feet were dragged to her.

“I am going home.” She responded sharply. “Should I walk you home?” He offered her, he knew that it wasn’t appropriate at that moment, but he was scared that something could happen to this girl when she was walking home alone.  

“Just go away.” She begged him and left Woohyun alone at that spot.



Sowon has reached home safely and when she entered the house, Sunggyu was already waiting for her. She didn’t really listen to her brother’s nagging, but just nodded and promised that she wouldn’t do it the next time.

After that she tried hard to look normal, when they were having dinner. Sowon excused herself and told them that she was too exhausted from school, that’s why she wanted to sleep earlier than usual.

When she had lied down on her bed, after a quick shower, she couldn’t feel anything at first. She had never believed all those books that said that a broken-hearted person would feel dead. She didn’t know that it was really true, that it really seemed like someone has torn out her heart.

But when someone has really torn out her heart, why was she still alive? Sowon didn’t believe that what’s going to happen in the future will be of any worth, when the reason she was living has just left her alone.

"Sowon-ah…Let’s…Let’s break up" she remembered his words, why couldn’t he give her at least a reason? At that moment she wished her entire body would become numb, because all those memories were cutting her like knives.

She sat up and looked through her room, why did every single thing here reminded her of him? Did she become too dependent on him? Was it because she was too clingy that he wanted to break up with her?



Sowon hugged Woohyun’s arm and leaned her head on his arm. The boy looked down on her with confused eyes.

“I have to hold on to you tightly, so that you can never escape from me.” She giggled. ”Are you afraid now?” She looked up to him with a huge grin.

Woohyun laughed at her threat and ruffled trough her hair. “Yah!” Sowon let go of him and tried to fix her hair, that he has just messed up.

The boy kept laughing at her and then intertwined his fingers with her with a wide smile on his face.

“Didn’t you just say that you would never let go of me?” He chuckled.

“It’s because you have used unfair methods.” She pouted.

“Still, you have to hold on to me tight, no matter what.” He told her. “And what if you grow tired of me?” She challenged her boyfriend.

“Well then you have to fight for me…but I don’t think that this will ever happen.” He squeezed her hand.



Should I really fight for you?Sowon wondered, when she turned her head, she had to face the stuff animal that Woohyun has given to her. She took it and put it into her wardrobe, so that it wouldn't remind her of him.

When she laid down again, the tears suddenly started to fall down again.




The next day when Sowon entered the class she looked terrible, even though she had put on make-up the dark eye circles could still be seen.

“Sowon-ah what’s up with you?” Misun gasped seeing her in such a state. “I couldn’t sleep well last night.” Sowon faked a smile.

“Yah class president you should take care of your health, you look like a panda now.” Some guys gathered around her.

“Here do you want to use my concealer?” One girl offered her. “Sowon doesn’t need make-up to look good.” One of the boys said making Sowon smile. Because of her kind and easy-going personality, Sowon was quite popular among her classmates. Still no matter how loved she was by her classmates, there was this one person who didn’t love her anymore, which make her wanting to die.




Classes never passed so quickly, but since Sowon couldn’t concentrate on the lessons, she would eventually look out of the window.

During lunch break she told the others that she wanted to stay in the classroom alone, that’s why she was resting her head on her table, the eyes closed. When she almost drifted off, she heard a chair moving in front of her, so she slowly opened her eyes to see who it was.

“Hey what are you doing here?” Seungyeon asked her with a huge smile. “Nothing.” Sowon sighed. “Isn’t that boring? Doing nothing?” The girl in front of her laughed.

Sowon just shrugged. “Aren’t you hungry?” Seungyeon offered her a bar of chocolate. Sowon froze when she saw the snack. Woohyun would always buy her this specific chocolate. It was from a small shop and they both thought that no one else knew about this shop except them. The owner was an old man, who would always wait for the couple to buy something from him after school.

“I’ll go then. See you around.” Seungyeon left the classroom. “Bye.” Sowon whispered and started to trail the letters of the chocolate bar.




Sowon was running to almost every shop seeling drawing utensils, because she just noticed that her oil colors have run out. She looked at her watch and tapped her foot impatiently when the traffic light wouldn’t turn green.

“Finally.” She started to run, because she didn’t have much time left, until art classes would start.

When she had turned at the corner, she suddenly stopped on her tracks.


Sowon thought that yesterday was the worst day of her life, but before she went to sleep, she had decided to fight for her boyfriend. She thought that she must have done something wrong, she thought that she had been maybe a bad girlfriend,  someone who was way too clingy.

 Yesterday Woohyun hadn’t given her an answer, that’s why she was determined to find her flaw, so that he could feel proud about her again.

She would have never believed that the reason for his change was another girl:

Sowon could see her “boyfriend” holding hands with Seungyeon- the girl she has considered as her friend, even though so many in her class warned her that she was a two-faced .

Seungyeon has turned her head to Woohyun and then she had placed her lips on his.

Seeing this Sowon’s heart and throat felt like they were torn out of her body, the pain was overwhelming the fragile girl and the tears that started to fall made her vision became blurry, however she couldn’t move an inch.

Sowon was frozen at that spot and the kiss seemed to last forever.

Her mind told her to look away, but she just couldn’t. She was scared of what she was seeing but it was like watching a horror movie: her eyes were fixed on the scene even though she didn’t want it.

Suddenly someone hands covered her eyes and she felt herself being pressed against a warm body.

“Don’t look at it, if it’s going to hurt you.”





Author's Note: Wow I am sincerely impressed of myself that I can update this story so quickly o__O ugh awkward self-praising, but well guess you have to bear with it xD Hmm..so this chapter became extra-long because I didn't want to do my essay, so I needed something to distract me lol. I don't know if I have conveyed Sowon's feelings well enough, since it's the first time I am trying to write a sad story, I think the flashbacks are easier to write I am glad that you guys like them :)

Thanks for the lovely comments, hope you will keep up with them, and for the new readers feel free to comment and subscribe ;)


@ Juju-H: So I hope this chapter didn't make you cry, if yes I'll pass you a tissue ;p , glad that you like the story :D

@ myfishyx: Lol at your language xD Well honestly speaking I don't like her either, I prefer other groups!! Oh well I just wanted to try another genre, so I hop I am doing well with this ff.

@ OnASnowyDay: Aww you are so sweet :') Yes let's be chingus keke

@ ToAnyone21: Thanks again for subscribing, yes I know that you have subscribed to 'Caught in Between Love and Lies' I remember most of my subscribers who leave me comments ^^



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coreanaagashi #1
Please please please, update soon! :( i really cant wait any longerrrrr. Lol
Fighting~, authornim! :)
Omggg I really haven't xDD At the beginning of the chapter when Wooyhyun was all sweet taking her to his place and saying loads of sweet stuff about how he should maybe fight for her, I was rooting for him :D But then as it got to the end of the chapter and Myungsoo insists that Sowon is the right girl for him, I found it really sweet. And now I still don't know who I'm rooting for xD I like them both too much > < But whoever doesn't get with her I can just keep for myself ;P Lol xDD update soon ^^
Team Woohyun here xD You can be mine Myungsoo *-*

Woohyun you stupid boy -.- leave that and go get your girl man!!

Myungsoo don't be sad baby T^T
Woohyun, you . MYUNGSOO! I support, fight for her!
Why do you make things so hard for me? I'm glad Woohyun is starting to realise his mistakes, does that mean he'll break up with that ?
_uniquelynghi #6
MYUNGSOO~<33 :DD iusuognsdnkfdfir ._.
Sorry. Random spazz attack..
Update soon~<33
Exams weren't too bad at least i don't think so T.T I'm not too sure about my scores yet ^^; but wow lots going on here poor Myungsoo kid has got it rough and as for Woohyun he's so sweet but I think to myself did it really take him cheating cheating on her to realize how much he actually cared? idk... confusing Namwoo ^^: great update!~
i tend to take the side of the weak... well it's cause he's my bias i can't pick anyone else D= y do i have to be so loyal!
i was reading this chapter while listening to INFINITE - With and... it made me cry!
thanks author! ;.;
unknown009 #9
I really want her to end up with myungsoo, he's more deserving than woohyun! Please let her choose myungsoo!