SHINee Dolls

“Is that her?”

“She’s so beautiful!”

“Quiet she’s sleeping”


You fumbled a bit.


“Look what you did!”

“I did nothing”

“… you’re only making it worse”


You opened your eyes slowly. You saw 3 pairs of eyes on you. “Morning” One of them beamed at you. You winced for a second then tossed over covering your head with your sheets. “She hates me!” He wined putting his head on the other ones.

“Ok” You stood up almost immediately shocking the 3 boys. “Now I know I’m still not asleep” You rubbed your eyes. “Who are you?”

“Your boyfriends” They said in unison. You gawked for a second.

“Right and I’m a princess from Neverland” You shook your head. I need to stop reading UKISS fan fictions… “Let along who are you? What are you doing in my house?” You were totally calm. Though inside you were shaking.

“You woke us up princess” A boy with long brown hair beamed at you. “Kind of like Snow white… in reverse maybe”

You chuckled. “Except in Snow white, or in any Disney movie, the princess has one prince”

The third stared at you. “Then who do you pick?” All 3 stared at you.

You gulped. Are they freaking serious? “You-”

“Ok, ok, leave her alone” A boy came into the room holding a cup of coffee. “She’s probably still half asleep or something” He handed you the coffee. “Do you drink?” His smile melted your heart for a second.

“Yeah, is there-”

“There’s lots of milk” He chuckled. You smiled and accepted the coffee. How’d he know?

“No fair! How come I didn’t get to meet her yet” A childish boy came in with a half eating waffle in his mouth.

“Hey you didn’t tell us there were waffles!” Suddenly the three fled from the room leaving the other two.

“Sorry, are you still shocked” Said the boy who gave you coffee. Waffle boy came up to you. He pulled a bit of his waffle off and handed it to you and you nodded your head in thanks.

“I…” You voice trailed off as you stared at him. His outfit. You looked at his arm. That bandage. You looked over to your window ceil to see the wooden dolls were no longer there. You sighed. “Not anymore, wooden dolls” He smirked.

“Yup, that’s us” Said waffle boy. You sighed, and got out of bed.

“I need to shower, then you can introduce yourselves.” You said grabbing some clothes so you can change in the bathroom.

“Call if you need anything!” Waffle boy smiled.

“No thank you ” You stuck your tongue out. Coffee boy laughed and waffle boy pouted.

From in the hall you heard waffle boy yell. “IM NOT A ERT!”



“So you’re the wooden dolls I found?” You questioned as one of them dried your hair. He offered you accepted.  All of them nodded. “It’s like a fan fic is coming to life” You laughed. “So what are you names?”

“I’ll go first!” Said the energetic brunette. “Kim Jonghyun!”

“Me next!” Said waffle boy. “The youngest, Lee Taemin~” He sang.

“The ert” You said making the others laugh.

“I’m not a ert!” He wined.

“Fine, fine” You laughed.

“Choi Minho” He smiled at you eating a waffle. “Want some?” He held the plate at you.

“Later” You gestured a no thank you.

“The leader of these pabos, Lee Jinki, but I want to be called Onew” He smiled. You laughed at his first comment.

“That leaves me” Coffee boy said who was done drying your hair. “Kim Kibum, but im called Key”

“Almighty key!” Taemin praised.

“Almighty?” You asked

“Because he’s the all-in-one package” Onew said patting Key on the shoulder

You smiled a bit. “Now” Key said starring into your dark brown eyes. “What is our princess’s name?”

“You know I’m not really a princess” You teased pulling Key’s cheeks. He winced away not surprised. “And I’m Lee ______”  The other put that name to heart.

“Lee _____” Jonghyun smiled. “A name fit for my girlfriend” He leaned it and met your eyes. You pushed yourself backwards. And he chuckled.

“Hey flirt, she’s our girlfriend” Taemin said shaking your shoulders. You immediately stood up.

“What do you mean girlfriend?” You said shocked.

“Did you not read the letter?” Onew asked.

“There was a letter?” You said curiously. The others exchanged glances before turning to you and nodding.

Minho handed you the letter and you skimmed it.


To the owner of this package


Hopefully you’re a girl.


You raised an eye brow at the first sentence. And the shook it off.


These are you new boyfriends! They will love you; they will care for you, and will do anything for you.


I have feeling this person is a ert… You shook your head one more time.


I hope you enjoy them! Because they will be with you for a long time~


You starred at them. They were really focused on you. They’re really like humans… but their not… You placed the letter down and sighed. “Ah the waffles.” You turned your head and walked over to get one.

“Girlfriend” Taemin pouted.  You did a slight jump. “Do you not want us?”

“You question sounds so erted” You said. Taemin turned red.

“I told you I’m not a ert!!!!” He wined.

“Quiet down Taemin” Key chuckled. “But you know what he means right _____?”

“Yeah… I do” You smiled. “You guys… it all depends…” You suddenly realized something. “I need to enroll you guys in school…”






There you go~ How you met your dolls :3 



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PieLife #1
Sakura_24 #2
Chapter 40: Needs a sequel!! All of as Shinee and she is manager!! And they all get married!!
Sakura_24 #3
Chapter 44: This needs to be a published!!!!!!! So good!!!!!!!!! You need a PROMOTION!!
haitai #4
Chapter 40: super loved this, author-nim! :) thank you for the great story!!!!
Chapter 3: In Chapter 2, it kinda sounded like this one old movie.... But I like the story so far!!
Cherry214 #7
Chapter 23: OmO Author-nim new readah here :D Ricky and Hoya? Asdfghjkl MY TWO BIAS OMFG <3 /coughHoya'ssoeffingcuteandRickytoocough/ loving the story so far <3
Chapter 40: AHWHDHANHHFA The ending @Q@~!! *Random spazz moment*..lol XD.
This story was just..beautiful ;o;!Hehe,I'm trying to read all of the fanfics you have for "The Doll Series" and I've already finished two so far ^^~!(This one and the teen top one,keke~..)
gotler #9
This went well~
Miraclepaint #10
Chapter 9: ...Isn't Minho Key's dongsaeng? Because Key said have fun with 'hyung' when he was referring to Minho...