Lf: New friends because we’re tired of each other.


(please) click here for more information!


hi!! thanks for clicking i guess? sorry i don’t know how to start this off but! friend 1 made this ad with permission from friend 2 and we’re really just looking for new friends. we’re all of age and looking for similarly of age friends. here’s some more info about us!


friend 1:

  • gmt minus but lives like a gmt plus?
  • has never had a in her life aka she only rps girl fcs.
  • loves animes and webtoons. will give you recommendations and stream any anime with you. also loves crime stuff like htgawm and criminal minds.
  • knows the best streaming websites that are not metastream or twoseven because those are kinda crusty.
  • open to doing anything and is very go with the flow. will be literate if you are, will drop punctuation and act like a crackhead once/if you do. 
  • will doodle you on her icon, will doodle on your icon, will cdp with you and doodle that too if you want???
  • has dc and twt fl, both are fine!


friend 2:

  • lives smack dab between gmt plus and gmt minus and has a normal sleep schedule.
  • fcs both boys and girls but gravitates towards fcing girls. 
  • a weeb who also likes horror movies and random reality tv shows?
  • lowkey but not lowkey a dirty sense of humor? idk you have to unlock it.
  • very lazy with doodling so you’ll probably have to doodle yourself on their icon even aftee you’ve doodled them on yours.
  • has dc and twt fl as well, and both are fine!


pm your twt handle and/or your dc tag and we’ll get to you when we can! we’re looking forward to meeting you!!

or however i’m supposed to end an ad like idk how to do this why was i put in charge of this ad.


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