The Beginning.

Hyorin's Secret [Hiatus]

“It’s settled then, Dongwoo-ahh you’ll show Hyorin around.”

“Ne,” Dongwoo answered his teacher lazily with no other way out.

After agreeing to his professor’s request, Dongwoo tried to focus on today’s lesson without any distractions. He was already falling behind with class work and couldn’t afford any more setbacks. That, however, was extremely hard to do as he couldn’t help but noticed two beady eyes staring directly at him. Dongwoo continued to ignore Hyorin who had been staring intently at him for the last ten minutes.


-Hyorin’s POV-

Yah is this guy pabo, I’ve been staring at him since the beginning of class and he still hadn’t notice me. Dongwoo-ahh look this way dummy. Aishh this is so irritating, Hyorin thought to herself. All this sitting

“Ah class seems like I forgot today’s lecture notes in my office, I’ll be right back.” And with that their teacher left the classroom.

As soon as he cleared the hallway the classroom broke out into loud fits of gossip and laughter.

Dongwoo still felt Hyorin’s eyes piercing though him, “Yah –“

“Gomawo,” Hyorin said as she smiled at Dongwoo holding out his handkerchief from their initial meeting.  

“I never got a chance to actually thank you properly, gomawo.” Hyorin said again arms still extended.

Dongwoo just stared at her until she slightly shook her arm, finally taking back what was his. From the corner of Hyorin’s eyes she saw that her plan was working. A group of girls who were in the same class had been eyeing the interaction between the two. Their jealousy clearly evident. 

…..  And over there, that’s the cafeteria, Dongwoo said as their tour of the campus was coming to an end. “Anyways I’ll meet you inside the gym, you remember where the girl’s locker room is, right?”

“Ne, see you in p.e.” Hyorin said smiling brightly. After her trip with Dongwoo Hyorin found herself sitting alone changing in the girl’s locker room. For a moment Hyorin began questioning her intentions. Was this what she really wanted? Alone, with complete and eerie silence the memories came rushing back.



Multiple sirens echoed in the background as Hyorin lifelessly trudged towards the wreck. Flashing lights lit up the dark night, blinding her in the process. In the dead of night she received a phone call she’d never expect to get. Slowly she got closer and closer to her worst nightmare. The scene unfolding in front of her, little by little, eating away at her already weakened heart.

“Hyorin-ah, your father…” the man choked back his sob, “…he’s been in an accident.”

The phone call replayed over and over in her mind. Her thoughts in a mess of emotional fragments

Hyorin was in a standstill, trying to register everything that was happening. The desperate screams seemed strangely silent as Hyorin dazed in and out of her state of shock. Officers and paramedics running rampant on occasion bumping into a stunned Hyorin. A scene straight from the movies as she stood still unable to do anything lost and confused. This can’t be happening she whispered to herself. Finally something snapped inside of her as she began running frantically to her father.

“Appa! Appa!”

“Ma’am I’m sorry you can’t.”

“Andwae!” Hyorin screamed flailing wildly, breaking into uncontrollable sobs. “Please, I must go through, officer, please!” Hyorin forcefully pushed her way through running towards the taped off crime scene. Only to be stopped short of reaching her father.

“Hyorin-ah, no you can’t.” the man tried to pull her back before it was too late. But it was. Hyorin fell to her knees, clutching her chest in the process. The sight of her father’s body still seated in the driver’s seat, with him fading in and out of consciousness, was too much to bear. The initial shock from what she’s just witness had her gasping for air as she was still trying to suppress her sobs.

 “Appa.” she called out with her voice trembling. A slight smile formed on her father’s bloody face. “Hyorin-ah, miahne,” he managed to whisper, slowly holding out his arm. Hyorin only mirrored his actions, desperately trying to grab hold of her father’s hand. Just as she tried to grasp hold, his arm suddenly went limp, lightly slipping past her small shaky hand.


-end of pov-

“APPA!” Hyorin surprised herself with her sudden outburst. Eyes b with tears, body drenched in sweat.

“Yah.” A voiced called out, “what the hell’s wrong with you?”

Apparently while in her dazed state a couple of girls from her homeroom had entered the locker room.

“If it isn’t the new girl.” Another sneered, coming from behind the lockers. Soon they began to surround her.

“Dongwoo’s ours so stay the hell away.”

Not in the mood for their foolish ways she got up to leave. Suddenly a towel slapped her across her face. Annoyed Hyorin only stood there eyeing the ground and the towel; with an exasperated sigh she turned towards one of the girl, whom seemed to be the clique’s leader. Without a word Hyorin only glared at the girl, staring at her with hate filled eyes. “I don’t want any trouble, so leave me alone.” As she made her way towards the door Hyorin felt someone tug at her hair.  Her first day of school and it was already taking a turn for the worst.


- [Unedited Ch.] I know this Ch. seems short, rushed, all over the place, and overall pretty y, but I’m seriously at a loss as to what should happen next. I’ve been stuck for the past few months on what to write about, sometimes even thinking about deleting the story. But I’ won’t (: Just wanted to let you guys know that it may take forever for me to update and finish this story, I really want to focus on my HyunRin story first. & Finally thanks to all the subscribers who’ve patiently waited all this time.

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0821. HS will be in draft mode while I add some changes.


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Chapter 6: I love your story! Please update!! :)
update soon pls I miss ur story T T
Chapter 7: its okay I'm still reading it as long its won't miss me in any of her fic haha..I wonder how dod hyorin n kris pair exist any1 know?
whatsinyourmind #4
Chapter 6: it's OK, no rush! I'll be waiting patiently thanks for the update, I like it!
Chapter 6: Will be waiting .... don't worry
@DalHeera: Aww thank you lol.

@DongJayHyo: Another SisFinite shipper OMG ^__^

@annabelle7: Glad you like, but I must admit I with updating lol.
i love your story, the storyline is interesting.. do update frequently
DongJayHyo #8
Sisfinite fanfic. <3
OTL. It's awesome. Update Soon please
Psh, who care if you update late~? I don't care~ as long as you update, I'M HAPPY^^
And whenever you update it's a chapter which is worth reading~ so, no worries! hehe
I'm so interested in Hyorin's past!!! hehe, Dongwoo is still a dork all these while..hehe
FIGHTING, author-nim!!!