
Empty spaces between

The surface-touch of ivory evoked a certain feeling inside of Mina that she just couldn't explain. Tunes, fragments, and sweet melodys dancing on the tip of her fingers, playing away like the constant race of Minas mind, transmitting thought into sound before Mina could even render the note of its key.

She could feel eyes watching her, but in the moment she didn't care. Mina devoted herself into executing the piece she was given, and swung her body in beat with the ocean-like float of busy musical composition.

Solemn claps and applauds could be heard, but Mina wasn't done yet. She wasn't steady on her feet, she wasn't finished with her piece, living the melody through reincarnation. When Mina finally stopped, she stayed rigid with a hunch to her figure, slowly re-opening her eyes only to see her vision hazing in like a warm colour to a philosophical painting, blurry smudges turning clear as the ring pulsating at Minas head gradually subsided - bringing her back down from the high she got off on.

Silence became a prickling ambiency.

Mina closed the Piano lid and stepped out from the bench to bow infront of the crowd, each step weighting another contributing sound - flashing a brief smile to appease their judgement of her to some unconscious lengths. They were quiet, not a squeak, until everyone suddenly broke out into noise - ear to ear grins, hands creating an echoing static inside the saturated auditorium that seemed brighter than it actually was.

Mina smiled once again, having been relieved of the anxious flutter dwelling inside her chest. She bowed, muttering a small thank you, before shaking hands with the hostess mc, otherwise known as their schools vice principal.

"That was Myoui Mina everyone. Not only is she beautiful, but she is a role model. Talented in all aspects, the only thing we'd expect from students at your age. I want you all to take her as an example, and strive to achieve more."

The lady swerved her head to stare at Mina, in which the latter responded by chewing on her bottom lip and looking down - blushing a whimsical red.

The corner of the ladys mouth twitched up, and then she chose to focus her attention on the auditorium full of seated students - gently taking hold of Minas hand while the other held the mic close.

"I hope this encourages more people to join the talent show just like this promising young girl over here. I have no doubt that in a few years, you will all be doing something that shows in the world. I wouldn't be surprised if I even saw you on tv one day," The lady shot a little glimpse at Mina while saying that, chuckling to herself. "Thank you so much for participating in this years display of talents, Mina. I'm sure you have been an inspiration for us all today."

The lady dropped Minas hand, unaware how much the words actually mean't to the younger girl. But Mina just stood straight, perfecting her posture until she was told to leave the stage.

"May we have the next person up, please."


Mina walked the path to her neighborhood drinking in the afternoons pleasant vibrancy. Birds were chirping, sun was drastically hotter than the day before, and trees swayed at the wind manipulating its direction, almost hinting at familiatity with its one-way tune.

Mina tugged her bag straps closer to her sides, adjusting her bangs by shaking her head to correct them.

There were feet hitting pavement, and Mina didn't see it coming.

A voice startled her.

"Hey, Mina right?"

Mina flinched and jumped slightly at the intrusion interrupting her daily headspace, blinking repeatedly while looking the boy who stood right next to her up and down, surprised but more so puzzled on why he seemed to vaguely prance around in her mind.

Mina needs to really work on taking note of her surroundings.

Mina could obviously deduct that he was from her school, and wasn't a complete stranger going up to approach her, thankfully enough. The boy was dressed in the same uniform as her, looked to be the same age or younger - and yet he still towered above her like a long, oaken branch stalk, shadowing her silhouette as they trekked further to Minas destination.

"I don't know if you remember me... but, I'm in one of your classrooms. Akihiro, history?" He peered below at Minas face, hopeful. He managed to catch her eyes as she wore a contemplative expression.

It suddenly hit her like a truckload. Mina remembered him now, the boy always sitting in the same spot by the windowsill, pencil caught between his teeth while a pair of glasses rested on the bridge of his nose.

Mina took this time to snap her head and fully observe him. To shamelessly analyze his face, just like she automatically did with his tall figure, to click in and make sure he didn't pose as a threat. Mina was just cautious, although that doesn't go to say she wasn't naive.

His features striked her at first glance. Tossled brown hair curled at every strand, freckles adorning his face, small eyes that naturally glowered at the edges, an innocent appeal to the way he slouched his back in an almost fetal position. Mina was astounded for second, having never met someone like him before, with such unique attratcion - this light radiancy that seemed to fascinate her enough to stare.

He was the one to break Mina out of her trance - avoiding eye contact to stare at the ground.

Nodding her head, Mina didn't utter a single word. She wasn't one to go out of her way for social interaction. The only reason she was tolerating him is because she was polite, not the type to shun someone off.

He walked the same way as her, inforcing Mina to wonder if he lived on the same street or around the area.

He didn't.

They finally departed when they were just about to 'round the corner to Minas house - him waving her goodbye, while Mina just bowed and tilted her head to show a weak smile, turning on her feet to continue her trudge home.


Mina wasn't really sure of what to think of Akihiro yet.

For some reason, Mina felt like she should hurry.


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This is quite interesting ^^,
Chapter 3: I MEAN SPØÔKY (˘・_・˘)
Chapter 3: (⊙_◎) ooooh getting spicy~
boogeyman19 #4
Chapter 2: wowwww this is very intriguing!! those three gave me some weird vibes lmao