made, with love, for rinrin. though this isn't the poster LOL

practice makes perfect ✁ un graphics journal



le' notes...

I must say, the size is a little... odd...? This probably isn't what I'm going to use because there isn't any space on here for the title and all that good stuff ;c I was just exploring around with my creativity. I'm still searching around for a style of my own... As you can see, I also played around with the coloring... My blending and the picture sizes look really odd. Whatever. <3 



songs, anyone?~

if you haven't heard this yet, YOU MUST. it is an absolutely amazing song. i effing love it. (plus, my comment is the second top comment LOL)

this song. it just made me view love in a different way. it made me fall in love with shinee. their voices. <3 (plus, i requested for it LOLOL)

and last for now...~

EPIK HIGHHHH. here are some of my favorite songs from them - 


the lyrics from 'over' are so meaningful and true.

aaaaaand that's about it for now!

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I'm just trying this thing out?


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Chapter 17: The posters are so small o_o but all of them are really pretty though, just small.
Chapter 19: The space in between them makes it look a little empty. Putting the two characters side by side (or nearer) would make it better! :D

Yoona is still pretty XD
Chapter 19: some text would make it look better!
oh-raindrop #4
Chapter 19: i think it's plain,
but simple & pretty c:
like it ; u ;"
loving all these works! very nice!
16} pretty!
Love it ^^
wooooow, so pretty *.*
/goes into jealous mode