the stars in our eyes.

practice makes perfect ✁ un graphics journal



to be honest, i only made this so i could try out a different image sharing site.

anyways, lately i've been pretty hooked on this band called nell (you've probably heard of him if you're a fan of siwon). you should give them a try, especially if you're feeling a little down and melancholy (the songs are sad). 


so, update on my life? :3 
the day before yesterday, i went hiking to mission peak (which is basically this 2,500-so ft mountain in the city where i live) with my school's christian club to see the sunrise. i had to climb up out of my sleep at 2 am (not fun at all), and we hiked up there in the dead of the night. pretty fun, actually. we reached the summit, but it was just so freaking cold and windy that everyone was just huddled together and trying to conserve body heat. LOL. so we waited up on the summit for about two more hours waiting for the sunrise. except it was just foggy that we couldn't even see anything 10 feet away from each other, so of course we didn't get to see the sunrise... ah well. even though there wasn't the beautiful view of the bay i was promised, it was still pretty fun. heh. 

school is starting in a few days for me (in like three days). i have pretty easy teachers. hopefully i'll have at least one friend in each of my classes, though i've never actually been that lucky... as you can see, i'm a little bit of a loner. 



a quote? :)

"in the book of life, the answers aren't in the back."


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I'm just trying this thing out?


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Chapter 17: The posters are so small o_o but all of them are really pretty though, just small.
Chapter 19: The space in between them makes it look a little empty. Putting the two characters side by side (or nearer) would make it better! :D

Yoona is still pretty XD
Chapter 19: some text would make it look better!
oh-raindrop #4
Chapter 19: i think it's plain,
but simple & pretty c:
like it ; u ;"
loving all these works! very nice!
16} pretty!
Love it ^^
wooooow, so pretty *.*
/goes into jealous mode