
Inequalities in all Classes

~Yuki POV~

I held the uniform in my hands. The bundle was suprisingly thick and I found out in the bathroom that even a pair of shoes were included in there. The uniform was a blazer, a white collar t shirt , a grey plaid skirt , ankle socks, black shoes, and tucked in the center of the bundle was a shiny badge with the Crowsnest insignia. I put on the clothes quickly and pinned on the badge. I admired myself for a split second in the mirror. I found myself quite decent looking. I left the bathroom and then went back to where Sakka was. He was waiting there as he said. 

"I have your ID .. " he glanced at the inside for a bit. "..Yuki? I didn't know you were Japanese. No wonder I thought you looked different. I'm Japanese too, and there's not many Japanese people in this school. This place is usually filled with British, French, Italian and a few Americans."

Sakka certainly did look like an Asian. His distinct hair color was white, but if you peered at him at certain lights, he had pink looking hair. His eyes were pale purple, he was certainly one to catch your eye. He caught mine. 

~Normal POV~

"Thank you," she said , tucking her ID booklet into a  pocket, "but I think I look like everyone else."

Sakka smiled a sincere smile. Then he lead me into the classroom. The students all looked at me. Sakka was right. They all had very cold stares and plastic expressions that turned icy cold in a minute. They were all very beautiful, even the boys. But they had all began staring at her before she could even speak. 

"You must be the student Koushun talked to me about," a female professor said. She was a scary looking woman who looked about forty eight. Her brown hair was pulled back into a bun and she had a tight expression on her face. "My name is Ms Peterson .What is your name? "

"My name is Yuki Kamiga," she replied, bowing her head slightly.

The class began whispering. Yuki could hear snide remarks about her already. A few came from the boys, but plenty from the girls. Ms Peterson had a large yardstick in her hand and slammed it on her desk, scaring a few students. Her expression was stern. Sakka had already returned to his seat.

"Silence! This is math class is it not?" then in a softer voice, she said ,"Please sit beside James Tanaka."

A hand raised to indicate where he was. Yuki went over to the seat beside him and sat down. James Tanaka had long straight hair tied to a ponytail that was very low and hung on his back. He had green eyes and looked very tall. Surprisingly, he had a welcoming look on his face. Yuki tried to ignore the fact that she was sitting beside a very stunning man as Ms Peterson began her speech.

"Math is simple, and unlike the other subjects, unless the problem includes explaining, there is only one right answer." 

"Yuki , huh?" James drawled. "You're Asian , aren't you?"

"I shall be giving you all an assessment test to test your abilities..."

"I'm Asian too you know, but only half," James went on whispering. "I'm half French and half Japanese."

"Remember, this does not count towards your final grade.."

~Yuki POV~

This kid was really annoying now. I can't keep him quiet. He seems to only talk and talk. I'm beginning to miss parts of Ms Peterson's speech! This stuff is really important compared to what he's saying. Why am I even next to him? I want to tell on him really badly now. I'm not kidding.

" why are you here?" he continued. I groaned.

"James, tell me why are you talking to miss Kamiga?" Ms Peterson said. Oh my rescuer! "There's a reason why she's next to you. You are the worst student in my class. I put Yuki next to you because she passed the entrance exams with a perfect score. Something that only very few can even do."

The whole class was silent. James no longer had a smug smile, but now a very frustrated look. I turned away to avoid embarrassment. I wasn't going to enjoy sitting next to him. But the new profound respect that the other students had in their eyes, they were truly awed. But not for long. They broke into whispers again, and I looked half heartedly at Sakka who was sitting at a window in the front, apparently lost in thoughts. 

~Normal POV~

When the period was over, everyone shuffled out. Yuki went towards the staircase to the next class and was suddenly pulled into an empty corridor. She looked up at the shadowed figures. One looked familiar. Then it peered over her face, it was James. He had an awed look on his face.

"Hey, this is her. She's the smart one," James said , leaning back to the other figure. "She looks normal doesn't she?" He pushed his glasses up his nose a bit. 

The other figure was silent. But spoke after a whole moment. 







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